My Live Life at the Zoo

Chapter 299 Watching "Kung Fu Panda" with Giant Pandas

Chapter 299 Watching "Kung Fu Panda" with Giant Pandas

"I didn't expect crows to be so cute, I have to treat crows differently in the future!"

"Isn't this the so-called discrimination!"

"That's right, in the United States, if you look black, you will be discriminated against, and you will even be shot!"

"The head of the garden is well-intentioned. It turned out that he was using the crow to explain the truth to us."

"Nowadays is a face-based society. No matter whether you are black or ugly, as long as you are slightly different from ordinary people, they will discriminate against you!"

"Who says no, so I especially like a classic line in the domestic peak anime "Under One Man": You are too bad and they will destroy you, too cowardly they will step on you, and if you are too good or too strong, they will not Don't worry, they will suppress you and alienate you, only if you are similar to them, they will accept you with peace of mind, if a tree is beautiful in the forest, the wind will destroy it, and if you are better than others, you must be wrong."

While the tourists in the live broadcast room were discussing, Li Xiao had already returned to the kitchen and continued to cook his own dinner.

Because Li Xiao took over the kitchen that night, the dinner was very rich, including pumpkin glutinous rice, crispy rice flower fish, sweet and sour pork ribs, and dry pot potato chips.

With the last dish out of the pan, the outside has been completely shrouded in darkness.

Li Xiao found Tao Yaoyao and brought these delicacies to the Panda Park.

Because he promised Pippi to let him watch the movie "Kung Fu Panda" tonight.

It just so happened that Li Xiao and the others could watch while eating.

And Li Xiao also prepared supper for Pippi, which was half of the pumpkin he had cut before.

I don't know how the news of watching the movie spread like wildfire, but the animals all looked extremely excited tonight.

The group of monkeys headed by King Jiji was the first to be excited. They gathered together and screamed loudly.

Immediately afterwards, the smarter silverback gorillas also became very excited. They became acquainted with Li Xiao, and they were no longer unfamiliar and afraid because they were newcomers. The iron railing around the park.

In desperation, Li Xiao had no choice but to summon all the animals that could be summoned.

The animals that did not come were because they hid in their burrows and would not come out once night fell.

In this way, what was originally just a simple movie watching turned into a carnival for animals.

At first, Li Xiao only planned to use a laptop to watch it, but in the end, he had no choice but to call in a projector.

As the projector was turned on, the familiar music at the beginning of the movie sounded.

The animals are basically watching movies for the first time, and they are more serious than the other, all staring wide-eyed.

No one screamed or jumped around.

Li Xiao and Tao Yaoyao sat in front of the animals, having a delicious dinner and watching a movie with the animals.

"Kung Fu Panda" is produced by the well-known DreamWorks Animation in the United States. It cleverly combines China's unique Kung Fu and pandas. The story of praying mantis, spirit monkey, and golden monkey growing up and defeating the big villain.

The movie is too famous and has a wide audience all over the world, so Li Xiao and Tao Yaoyao have seen it a long time ago.

But watching it with a group of animals is the first time, full of freshness.

Under a starry night sky, a group of various animals and two humans are sitting together watching "Kung Fu Movie". This scene is somewhat weird.

After all, many of them are carnivores.

But the weirdness is only a little bit.

The thick warmth can completely cover up the weirdness!

"This picture is so incredible, I don't even know what words to use to describe it!"

"Cozy! Harmonious!"

"That's right, isn't this a scene where humans, nature, and animals live in harmony!"

"If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would have thought it was a movie!"

"When we were young, if we got good grades in the exam, the teacher in charge would reward us to watch a movie. It's so similar to the picture in front of me. It's full of memories!"

"Fuck! My homeroom teacher is the same!"

"The world is so big, but our homeroom teachers are all the same, even the physical education teacher is the same, the fuck is always sick!"

"Life is too hard now, the pressure is too great, I really want to wake up and find that I am sleeping in the classroom of junior high school, and I am just a carefree child!"


During the movie watching, there was a small episode.

Li Xiao's cell phone vibrated suddenly.

In order not to destroy this harmonious, beautiful and warm environment, Li Xiao deliberately adjusted the vibration in advance.

Look down.

It turned out to be an unknown number.

Li Xiao ignored it.


This number keeps calling.

Four or five times in a row.

Maybe it was because Li Xiao felt that he was busy, so he didn't move any more.

After finishing one "Kung Fu Panda", Li Xiao was about to urge the animals to return to their own parks, but found that these animals hadn't enjoyed watching to the fullest, so he simply continued to play the second part.

After the second part was finished, Li Xiao finally couldn't bear to force them to go back.

Because it's too late!
After finishing the two movies, it was already 11:30 in the middle of the night!

If you continue to watch, these animals will definitely be listless the next day, and even go to sleep directly, ignoring the tourists who paid for the tickets.

The tourists came here happily and saw that every animal in the zoo was sleeping, but they had no sense of experience, so they must be very angry!

These animals completely took Li Xiao's words as a deaf ear, the left ear went in more than the right ear, and they didn't even go in the ear. No one was willing to leave, and they all sat there, silently resisting.

In the end, Li Xiao had no choice but to promise that he would organize them to watch movies together every once in a while, and they reluctantly left.

In fact, Li Xiao is quite willing to organize it. It's a bit like a company's team building. Invisibly, it can also bring the relationship between the animals closer.

When Li Xiao was lying on the bed, it was already 12:30, he didn't even bother to look at his phone, and he completely forgot about the strange number, so he just fell asleep.

Early the next morning, what woke Li Xiao up was not the alarm clock, but the strange number.

At first Li Xiao didn't hear it at all.

Because of too much sleep.

When Li Xiao woke up slowly, opened his eyes, and picked up his phone to check, he found that this number had been dialed five times.

Looks like there's really something important going on.

Li Xiao rubbed his eyes, suppressed his sleepiness, and finally answered the phone.

"Principal Li, you finally answered the phone. It's really not easy to call you, a busy person. I need your help on something very important..."

As soon as he answered, a middle-aged man's voice came from the other end of the phone, chattering a lot, like fried beans.

Li Xiao is too sleepy, and he regards what he said as hypnosis, the effect is similar to when he was a child, as long as he heard the teacher lecture in class, he would be hypnotized and fell asleep. May I ask who are you? Did we know each other before?"

"Sloppy! Blame me, blame me, I'm really in a hurry!"

The middle-aged man said awkwardly: "My name is Yin Zhong, and I'm from the Rare Animal Rescue Research Center. We don't know each other. I got your contact information from Professor Yang."

"Professor Yang?"

Li Xiao suddenly realized, and asked, "What's the matter with you?"

"Our research center currently has a team in the Tianshan Mountains. We found the Chinese Snow Leopard here, but its situation is not optimistic, but the Chinese Snow Leopard is too vigilant. As long as we approach, it will run away immediately. We did not In the end, I can only think of you!"

Yin Zhong said a lot more.

But Li Xiao only heard four words: Chinese Snow Leopard!
A word to wake up the dreamer!

Li Xiaoshui sat up from the bed, no longer feeling sleepy.

Because although the Chinese snow leopard is a national first-class protected animal, because the living environment is too complex and dangerous, too much human intervention, climate warming, and accelerated melting of snow mountains have caused their numbers to decline rapidly every year. There are only about [-] of them, and the number of snow leopards in the whole world does not exceed [-].

But even if they are so rare, there are still many criminals who secretly capture them, and even make their bones into medicine, and even wear leopard skins on their bodies.

If this situation continues, the snow leopard will go extinct in just a few years.

It is rare to find one now and must be protected as much as possible.

"I don't know when you can come over, Director?"

Yin Zhong added: "If you are willing to come and help, we will pay for the air ticket!"

"I still have the airfare money!"

Li Xiao politely refused.

It's not that I look down on Yin Zhong, but the funds for this kind of rescue research center are not particularly abundant.

The real earning profession in China is stardom. You can get tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions, if you act in a play casually, and you don’t even need acting skills.

And these people who do really meaningful work are paid very little.

Li Xiao was very straightforward and said, "I'll book the ticket now, and leave now! Wait for me!"

"Really, that's great, I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the staff of the research center!"

"You're welcome! It's just a matter of raising your hands!"

After hanging up the phone, Li Xiao decisively washed his face and brushed his teeth, packed his luggage briefly, and set off with Xiao Hei.

Before leaving, he still needed to say hello to Tao Yaoyao and ask her to take care of the zoo.

Most of the animals in the forest zoo in the natural place have been delivered one after another, and there may be only a small number left in the future. With Tao Yaoyao's ability, she can easily face and deal with them.

Li Xiao also took the opportunity to start the broadcast and informed the tourists in the live broadcast room of his trip.

When Li Xiao walked out of the Tongfu Inn, he bumped into Second Master Xue.

Seeing Li Xiao carrying his backpack, Second Master Xue took the initiative to ask, "You've only been back for two days, and you're going out for something important?"

Although in the past two days, Second Master Xue may have shown that he cared more about Tao Yaoyao, but he still valued Li Xiao more in his heart, after all, he had seen him growing up since he was a child.

"Go to Tianshan."

Li Xiao answered truthfully.

"Tianshan is a good place. I have also read the novel Seven Swords Under Tianshan."

"Haha, what are you going to do so early in the morning, old man?"

Second Master Xue shook the plastic bottle and chopsticks in his hand, and said, "Grab the bull!!!"

"The ground bull?"

"What is a ground bull?"

"A kind of cow?"

"Why am I a little confused, don't say I've seen it before, I haven't even heard of this name."

"Excuse me, is Second Master Xue speaking Mandarin? Why can't I understand it?"

"I can read these three characters separately and understand the meaning, but why can't I understand them together?"

In the live broadcast room, the tourists were still cheering Li Xiao to go to Tianshan to find the snow leopard one second, but suddenly they were confused by the simple three words that Xue Erye said the next second.

Li Xiao quickly explained, "Digun Niu is a kind of insect, and it is also a kind of traditional Chinese medicine.

Digun cattle are 32mm long and have a wingspan of 73mm. Their bodies are slender, a bit like a miniature version of a dragonfly, and their larvae are a bit like spiders, with a body length of 6-18mm, khaki or dirty white, and they can walk backwards. .

The larvae of Digunniu can be used as medicine after being dried. It has the effects of treating stranguria, cutting off malaria, softening and eliminating symptoms, and pulling out toxins and removing rot.

There are also some places that specialize in catching the larvae of the ground gun cattle for cooking! "

"Xiao Lizi is worthy of being the director of the zoo, he knows a lot."

Second Master Xue pretended to be mysterious, and said, "Little Li, do you know how much the ground bull can sell now?"

"I really don't know this!"

"Ten thousand!"

Xue Erye said excitedly: "After drying, one kilogram can be sold for [-] yuan, and as long as one kilogram is made a month, you can easily earn tens of thousands a month with a plastic bottle and a pair of chopsticks.

Some people are very smart, they don’t lie down on the ground to search one by one, and they don’t know how to blow with their mouths, because it’s too troublesome, and the sand is easy to get into their eyes. When they find the bull’s nest, they will drip water in it. The ground bull larvae will move and crawl out by themselves, and they can be caught one by one, but there is a little waste water.

However, this method also catches a lot, and you can earn tens of thousands a month! "

"Then I wish you, the elderly, a monthly income of tens of thousands!"

Li Xiao clasped his fists and wished.

Just when he was about to leave, he suddenly thought of something, walked quickly to Erye Xue, and said in a low voice: "There are some abandoned old cave dwellings behind our village, and there are many dens for bulls, you can catch them there. "

"real or fake?"

Second Master Xue was full of doubts, thinking that he was going to fool his old bone before leaving.

Li Xiao nodded seriously and left the village.

The living environment of ground bull larvae is very special. They like to stay in old abandoned houses, old cave dwellings, old caves, and they often appear in some old stoves and places where firewood is piled up.

As long as you look inside, you can catch one.

The reason why Li Xiao knew it was because he often went to play in the old cave dwellings when he was a child, and he could see it from time to time, and even picked it up to play with.

In the past, children didn't have any extravagant toys, they just caught some bugs to play with, and they had a great time playing with them.

Soon, Li Xiao came to the airport to board the plane.

Li Xiao didn't waste time, and while he was catching up on sleep on the plane, he started the lottery draw by the way.

This lottery is to prepare for the trip to Tianshan.

(End of this chapter)

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