My Live Life at the Zoo

Chapter 300 Gold Draw!Dancing grass!

Chapter 300 Gold Draw!Dancing grass!

"Ding! The golden lottery draw is ready!"

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining [Dancing Grass]!"

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining [Eagle Owl]!"

"Congratulations to the host for getting [full fur clothes]!"

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the [Ten Thousand Years Couple Banyan Tree]!"

Although the two days since I came back were short, my followers skyrocketed by 400 million, exactly four golden lottery draws.

This is all because Li Xiao has live broadcasted too many rare animals in the past two days, such as the national treasure giant panda, a silky starling worth 50 yuan for a photo, the prototype marine iguana of Godzilla, etc...

As of now, Li Xiao has a total of 450 million fans!

[Dancing Grass * One Mu]: Dancing Grass looks like a young girl, and each slender branch is embedded with one big, two small and three leaves, like the eyebrows of a beautiful woman. The shape is a bit like bamboo leaves, but the texture should be It is much weaker, and there seems to be a kind of aura hidden between the sparse branches and leaves, which makes people have to sigh the ingenious workmanship of the Creator.

As long as it is stimulated by songs or other sound waves, the dancing grass will continue to swing, just like dancing beauties, which is very popular.

Dancing grass is very spiritual. When dancing, the young leaves are like a pair of dancing partners. They sometimes hug each other, sometimes cross each other, sometimes rotate backwards 180 degrees, embrace each other affectionately, and then dance separately, while the whole plant dances The grass is like starting a friendship ball, with neon clothes and shadows on the temples, every branch and leaf is full of love.

Dancing Grass is a self-cleaning dancer, and she has a quirk: if she plays a cliché, even a popular DISCO song, she will frown and stop dancing.

In addition, Dancing Grass has no nightlife. At night, it will cut its feathers and return. All the leaves are attached to the branches vertically, like a well-behaved lady, sleeping quietly.

A normal dancing grass can grow up to about half a meter, but the one rewarded by the system can reach nearly two meters.

Not only that, the dancing grass rewarded by the system will also dance with the host, and when the host is tired, it will dance to relieve the host's stress, and it will stretch and sway the branches and leaves to massage the host.

If the host has the leaves of Dancing Grass to make wine, take a cup in the morning and evening, which can treat arthritis and rheumatism. If the leaves are used to wash the face, it can also beautify the skin.

Because of the unique spirituality of Dancing Grass, it has been recorded in Li Shizhen's "Compendium of Materia Medica", and it is also described in the classic tomb-robbing novel "Ghost Blowing Lantern: Yunnan Worm Valley".

Note: When the host plants the dancing grass, they will regard you as the master, absolutely obey you, and obey your orders [-]%!

[Eagle Owl*1]: The national second-class protected animal, the enlarged version of the owl in the legend, because it is very spiritual and haunts at night, it has become the main character that often appears in many tomb robbery novels.

The eagle is the largest bird in the world, and the eagle owl rewarded by the system is even more extraordinary. It is half the height of a normal person. When it spreads its wings to fly, it reaches two meters and weighs about eight kilograms. Fly at an altitude of 300 meters.

Its biggest feature is its pair of strong claws, almost as big as the palm of an adult, which is unique among all birds. Its sharp nails are twelve centimeters long, and its legs are very muscular, with a gripping force of [-] kilograms. Left and right, it can easily crush the skull of the prey, and can also pierce a very hard iron plate.

In addition, the eagle owl will make a rattling sound, which is a bit like sending a telegram, but the eagle owl rewarded by the system really has all the contents of the telegram, and will deliberately send a telegram at night to attract people. Pedestrians coming and going deliberately scare pedestrians.

Note: The horned owl rewarded by the system is smarter than ordinary birds. Please don't teach it to do bad things, otherwise it will learn quickly.

The moment the host gave it a name, it would immediately recognize the master and obey it completely.

[Full set of fur clothes*1]: This clothes includes fur hat, fur gloves, fur clothes, fur pants and fur boots, which play an absolute role in keeping warm. No matter how cold the winter and the place, the host wearing this clothes will be as warm as spring .

Note: There is no brand or style of this clothes. The host can conceive a style and brand in his mind, and the system will automatically generate it immediately, and it will guarantee absolute fit and comfort.

[Wannian couple banyan tree]: This is a towering tree, the top of which can even carry an airplane.

This tree has a spirit and can parasitize many plants, such as vines, etc., and can also call a hundred birds.

Note: The wild birds mentioned here refer to all the birds in the zoo, not including the birds in other places.

In addition, the host can try to pay homage to this ten-thousand-year couple banyan tree, maybe there will be unexpected surprises!

Seeing the four golden lottery items, Li Xiao's scalp tingles.

Let me talk about the dancing grass first, which is simply too happy.

Li Xiao has already thought of what interesting things will happen if the dancing grass is planted in the zoo.

And the system is even more generous, even rewarding an acre directly.

The extra self can also be planted in the yard, and after a hard day, you can also let the dancing grass give yourself a massage.

There is also the Eagle Owl, who likes to come and go at night. This trip to the Tianshan Mountains will definitely help him at night.

The full set of fur clothes was also very timely. The temperature on the Tianshan Mountains was already low, so they were just in time.

As for the brand and style, it must be Hongxing Erke.

Don't ask why, because you know everything!

The last thousand-year-old couple banyan tree can also be planted in the zoo, maybe it will trigger the spectacle of "hundreds of birds towards the tree".

After counting all the items, Li Xiao soon fell asleep on the plane.

Li Xiao has made it a habit to sleep on the plane.

Although there was a stewardess on the plane, Li Xiao was not interested.

When it comes to flight attendants, almost every man will have a scene in his mind, that is: a group of beautiful, delicate and attractive beauties wearing decent uniforms, sexy black silk, and carrying bags to and from major airports in the world...

The word stewardess makes countless girls yearn and envy, and makes countless men dream about.

They are well-mannered, gentle and beautiful, beautiful and generous, well-informed and well-paid, which seems to have become synonymous with flight attendants.

Due to their superior conditions and extensive contacts, flight attendants are an enviable group and the embodiment of ideal women in many people's minds.

Be with the cool breeze and beautiful sun, and be with the blue sky and white clouds!
Marrying a flight attendant as a wife is what every man yearns for!
Of course, flight attendants also have a distinction.

Most Air China stewardesses give people the image of capable, professional, standardized service, and orderly work, showing high professional quality in every move.

However, individual local airlines may not be able to achieve a certain level of training and management of service personnel in a short period of time, so they find another shortcut and launch their own special services.

A very small number of stewardesses are even more well-informed, and they will deliberately hook up with people who appear to be rich on the plane, and shuttle between all kinds of rich people, constantly changing back and forth.

Therefore, you should be a little more cautious when choosing a stewardess as your wife.

When Li Xiao got off the plane, it was already evening.

Li Xiao didn't find a nearby hotel to sleep in, but took a taxi and continued on his way.

Because Li Xiao was wearing a mask, the taxi driver couldn't recognize him either.

What's more, the night was too dark, and the driver didn't need to keep staring at a big man.

The taxi was driving on the long and narrow road, and I thought everything would be normal.

But until...

"Brother, you are asleep, I have to tell you something."

The driver stopped suddenly without warning, turned his head and said.

Li Xiao, who was closing his eyes and recuperating, opened his eyes and said, "I didn't sleep, what's the matter with you? Why did you stop suddenly?"

Suddenly, Li Xiao remembered some bad news.

When going to snowy areas, border areas, or some remote mountainous areas, some local residents will stop the road and ask for tolls, just like ancient bandits.

Some even hold some ordinary stones and try to sell them to you by force, all at high prices.

Of course, this is only a small part of the phenomenon.

But still be extra vigilant.

Li Xiao hurriedly raised his head, looked around, and found that there was no one blocking the way.

The driver looked apologetic and explained: "It's too late now, the road ahead has turned into a mountain road, it's a bit difficult to walk, and there will be some animals on the mountain road at night, once you hit it, the light animal will be injured, we will compensate you In severe cases, we and the animals will be killed, and our lives are gone.

So I suggest that we stop here, it is not far from Tianshan Mountain.

You can continue to set off at dawn tomorrow, and you can arrive in three or four hours at the slowest. What do you think? "

The driver is right.

Li Xiao could not refute.

Because a similar thing happened some time ago. Didn't one of Uncle Benshan's apprentices bump into a camel, which caused the tragedy?

Since then, "Country Love" has no more Aunt Bigfoot.

"Okay! Then I'll stop here!"

Li Xiao agreed very happily, and said: "There is a hotel right in front, I will stay there tonight."

"Brother, I'm really sorry that I couldn't send you to your destination. How about I refund you fifty fares?"

The driver seemed to be a well-meaning person at first glance, and seeing Li Xiao being so talkative, he even wanted to return the money.

Li Xiao resolutely refused, saying: "You are too polite, you sent me here so late, you deserve the money!"

After waving goodbye to the driver, Li Xiao walked towards the restaurant.

The name of this restaurant is Baiqing Hotel.

It is said to be a restaurant, but it is actually a small restaurant.

There are basically only two people in a restaurant, one cook and one waiter.

On the roads in remote mountainous areas, such similar restaurants appear at intervals. Although the meals inside are not particularly rich and complete, at least they can satisfy the hunger problem of drivers on the road.

"Brother, what do you want to eat?"

As soon as he entered the door, a young man in his early twenties greeted him with a smile.

"A bowl of fried noodles, a hot and sour potato shreds!"

Li Xiao looked around the environment of the restaurant and said casually.

Although it is in a remote place, it is still clean here.

Unlike some restaurants, people can't help but feel nauseous and vomit after taking a look at the environment inside the store, and they don't even have the desire to eat.

"Okay, find a seat and sit down first, come right away!"

The young guy greeted and ran towards the back kitchen.

After a while, the young guy brought the noodles and shredded potatoes to the table. He also opened a bottle of beer and said with a smile, "It's a gift!"

"Thank you!"

Li Xiao smiled slightly.

The handsome boy said: "You're welcome. Our small restaurant is located in a remote place. We don't meet a few customers in a day. It's rare to meet one. The service must be in place."

In a word, Li Xiao's affection for this small restaurant doubled.

The young guy looked at Li Xiao, and tentatively asked in a low voice: "Brother, we have a very rare dish today, do you want to try it?"

With the word "curious" written on Li Xiao's face, he asked: "What kind of food is it, so mysterious?
And why is it available today? Is the ingredients still limited? "

"Earth Dragon Shiquan Great Tonic Soup!"

The young guy said word by word: "You are really right. The ingredients of this dish are really limited. Our small shop only cooks it four or five times a month. You are really lucky today." , because the last time we did it was ten days ago!"

Shi Quan Da Tonic Soup?
Li Xiao knew this dish.

Although the name is majestic, it is actually just putting ten traditional Chinese medicines in a pot and simmering them slowly over low heat.

It is not only a salty and delicious soup, but also a medicinal meal.

It is rich in nutrition and nourishes the body. Long-term food has certain curative effect on coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, anemia, asthma, sallow complexion and infirm.

However, what is this earth dragon?

"Boss, what you said is so good, but how much is this dish?"

Li Xiao was even more curious and asked.

"Handsome guy, Dilong Shiquan Dabu Soup is only 99, no bargaining is accepted, you may think it's a bit expensive, but I can give you a guarantee, let alone me, even you guys In all the restaurants in the city, you may not be able to eat this delicious food!"

The young guy continued to brag.

In order to get closer, he also changed the name of Li Xiao.

The ingredients of his "Earth Dragon Shiquan Dabu Soup" are really rare. If you are lucky, you can make it three or four times a month. If you are unlucky, you can't make it for several months, so it's really not intentional bragging.

Because he also knows that this dish is not a regular dish, so it is not easy to write the name and price of the dish in the menu.

Only when he sees more pleasing and wealthy customers, will he ask secretly.

It happened that he liked Li Xiao's eyes, and he also saw that Li Xiao's clothes were quite valuable, knowing that Li Xiao was not short of money at all, so he dared to ask.

The most important thing is that he noticed that Li Xiao was alone, and he was a young man. If Li Xiao found something, they could immediately subdue him.

When Li Xiao first heard about the earth dragon, he thought it was a snake or a lizard.

Because in some places in China, some people actually call larger snakes or lizards earth dragons,

However, what snake soup would be so expensive when you think of it?
Wouldn't it be a protected species of snake?
I couldn't help keeping an eye on it, and asked suspiciously: "Boss, what kind of ingredients is this Dilong Shiquan Dabu soup? You said it's so rare?"

(End of this chapter)

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