My Live Life at the Zoo

Chapter 346 The World's Largest Cow: Devil Muscle Cow!

Chapter 346 The World's Largest Cow: Devil Muscle Cow!
"Has something happened to the geological team again?"

"This is too bad luck!"

"What happened later, the principal please tell me quickly!"

"Welcome everyone to listen to the special program in this live broadcast room, the principal tells stories!"

People are full of curiosity about all kinds of incredible events, and the tourists in the live broadcast room are no exception.

Li Xiao didn't hide it, and continued: "That day was similar to what happened to me a few days ago.

It was originally a scorching summer and the sun was shining brightly, but suddenly suffered a sudden snowstorm.

After the blizzard, there was a sudden roar of thunder, and the cook of the geological team fainted on the spot.

When the colleagues heard the movement, they rushed over immediately and rushed to rescue him. Fortunately, the cook woke up slowly.

He recalled that at that time, he only heard the sound of thunder behind him, and suddenly he felt numb all over his body, his eyes went black, and he didn't know anything.

When the geological team started working the next day, they found that the entire hillside not far away was completely changed. The loess had turned into charred black, like ashes, and all the animals and plants on the hillside were gone. The skeletons of animals are really desolate.

The geological team suddenly felt that something was wrong, and quickly launched an investigation nearby.

It was found that there are obvious magnetic anomalies in this area, and the distribution is very wide. The deeper you go into the gate of hell, the higher the magnetic anomaly value.

Geologists believe that under the action of electromagnetic effects, the air discharge generated by the magnetic field of the gate of hell and the charges in the clouds makes it a minefield, and most of the objects struck by lightning are running animals.

As for whether this is the case, no one knows, but this seems to be the most scientific and official explanation.

Afterwards, geologists also discovered that there is a swamp inside the Gate of Hell, and there is a dark river under the swamp. If someone steps on the swamp, they will immediately fall into the river and be pulled by the great attraction of the dark river. abyss.

There are lightning above, dark river below, plus many factors such as geomagnetic variation, weather variation, terrain variation, etc., this place is naturally a veritable gate of hell.

In fact, in China's "Shan Hai Jing", there are descriptions and records of Kunlun Mountain. It is the first time that the Queen Mother of the West appeared here. , The beautiful story of guiding rivers and accumulating stones.

Being able to appear on the Shan Hai Jing, there must be many secrets that our current technology cannot explore and unravel.

There are many unsolved incidents like the gate of hell in China, such as the Lop Nur incident.

I can't say much about Lop Nur, otherwise my live broadcast room may be blocked.

But the Gate of Hell and Lop Nur belong to the same place, maybe there is some connection between the two. "

"I know about the Lop Nur incident. It is rumored that Liu Xiu, the son of the Chosen One, passed through the past, the physicist Peng who disappeared from Lop Nur."

"There is also the Pisces Jade Pendant! It is said that this Pisces Jade Pendant can duplicate creatures, one fish can be duplicated into two fishes, and one person can be duplicated into two people!"

"I heard that there is a naturally formed underground cave under Lop Nur."

"There is also the man-eating lizard incident! These giant lizards are six to seven meters long. They are said to be the guardians of the tomb of King Loulan. If someone disturbs them, they will end up buried under their mouths."

"There are planes disappearing, cars disappearing, explorers disappearing, all kinds of things happened there."

Although Li Xiao didn't say anything, there were still some knowledgeable people in the live broadcast room, and they said a lot directly.

Li Xiao hurriedly stopped them and said: "Although we have talked about many mysterious events, the cattle and sheep in front of us have absolutely nothing to do with the mysterious events.

The reason why those sheep and cattle do not go to graze in the distance is very simple.

For the sake of environmental protection, casual grazing is no longer allowed on the grasslands, let alone the nomadic herding of water and grass like hundreds of years ago.

Nowadays, most of them adopt the method of family contracted pasture grazing. Generally, only one family or a few families contracted jointly graze on a piece of pasture.

When grazing, in order to prevent all the grass near the home from being eaten up, most of them will divide several areas around them, wait until this area is eaten, and then drive the cattle and sheep to the next area.

Repeating this way can not only protect the grassland environment, but also prevent soil erosion due to excessive gnawing. "

As Li Xiao explained, he put his hands on his forehead and looked at the cattle and sheep not far away.

I want to find herdsmen who keep an eye on their cattle and sheep and prevent them from running around.

Soon, Li Xiao did not find the herdsman, but found several sheepdogs.

"Have you seen those shepherd dogs? They are watching the cattle and sheep to prevent them from running around and crossing the border."

"So that's it, I learned it!"

"Useless knowledge +1 again!"

"How can it be useless knowledge? Now that there is no knowledge, even sheep and cattle can't be herded."

"In the future, I will never insult others again. I told you to go to school but you went home to herd sheep."

"Wait! I found out, what the hell is going on with that cow? Why is it so strong?"

With the reminder of a tourist with better eyesight, the tourists in the live broadcast room have discovered something.

"I'll be darling, isn't this muscle too big?"

"Where is this a cow? This is clearly the Bull Demon King!"

"At this moment, I thought of Schwarzenegger, Dwayne Johnson, Vin Diesel!"

"I admit that I have never seen the world, but are there still such strong cattle on the grassland?"

"Such a strong cow, I feel like I can only eat one bite at a time!"

Tourists are yelling.

Li Xiao also found something.

Looking intently, he saw that among the herd there was a strong bull that was twice as tall as the others.

It is also wider than other cattle, fully half as wide.

The reason why it is called a strong cow is because it is full of muscles.

Just like Bruce Lee, it seems that every part of his body is full of muscles, and there is nothing superfluous.

Because it is so strong, it is out of place in the herd.

“Belgian Devil Muscle Cow!”

Li Xiao recognized it at a glance, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "I always thought that this kind of cow was only found in foreign countries, but I didn't expect it to be raised in China."

"Devil Muscle Cow? Sorry, I've only heard of Devil Muscle Man!"

"What is Devil Muscle Cow?"

"Is there such a species?"

"Having lived for more than 20 years, I have learned a lot today!"

"The Belgian Devil Muscle Bull is known as the strongest cow in the world!"

Li Xiao approached slowly, looked at it closely, and said: "Of course this is not a natural cow, but the result of human intervention to satisfy the appetite.

This kind of cattle is the descendant of short-horned orchid cattle and Friesian cattle in the north-central part of Belgium. After long-term selection of meat performance, it is a branch of the black-and-white cattle blood in the European continent, making this bloodline cattle The only breed bred for pure meat.

The cattle are highly adaptable, and are characterized by precocity, gentleness, muscular development and heavy folds, tender meat and low fat content.

The difference from ordinary cattle is mainly manifested in the extreme growth of muscles. Their waist, hips, shoulders, and back muscles are much more developed than ordinary cattle. They do not need to be exercised. They all have tendons and can grow three times a day. Jin meat, lean meat rate is extremely high. "

As soon as the words fell, Li Xiao had already walked in front of the muscular cow.

Fortunately, although it was strong, it was not rough at all, and it didn't go crazy and hit Li Xiao just because Li Xiao was a stranger.

It was nothing to look at from a distance just now, but now when I look at it up close, Li Xiao felt the shock.

How should I put it, this devil muscle cow is nearly five meters long, and its height is also close to 1.5 meters. Its weight can be roughly estimated to be three tons.

"I have a question, why are such big cows rarely seen in our country?"

"Yes, yes, why haven't we eaten its meat?"

"It's so big, there must be a lot of meat, why not introduce it?"

"Although this kind of cow is born to eat, it's better not to import it!"

Li Xiao gently touched the devil muscle cow, and said softly: "After all, this kind of cow is the result of artificial intervention and changes, like the "45-day fast-growing chicken" that has a very high growth rate caused by high-density feeding of hormone drugs, and the growth rate of puppies. A "teacup dog" whose embryos were taken out by cesarean section before they were fully developed and injected with shrinking needles.

So, what pitfalls and hidden dangers might there be?

What's more, we Chinese people and foreigners have different tastes. The meat of this kind of beef is suitable for foreigners, but it may not be suitable for us Chinese people. "

Li Xiao guessed that this devil muscle cow must have been specially brought in to feed because of Nilubair's curiosity.

For one thing, the Devil Muscle Cow is so big that if the herd encounters any danger, it can still protect it.

Secondly, if tourists come here to play, they may be attracted by the Devil Muscle Cow, so that they will spread the word to ten or ten, attracting more tourists.

As soon as the words fell, Li Xiao, who hadn't had time to look carefully at the devil's muscular cow, suddenly said in a hurry: "Let's go, let's take a look around."

The reason why he was suddenly anxious was because Li Xiao saw Xiao Hei jumping towards him happily.

On Xiao Hei's back, Ye Fu and Guang Fu were still entwined.

It must be because he hasn't seen him return to the yurt for a long time, and the arrogant Guang Sha is a little anxious and jealous, so he urges Xiao Hei to come find him.

They came to find him, which made Li Xiao feel relieved and touched, but now is not the time.

After all, Li Xiao is still in the herd, especially beside the devil's muscular cow. If he is disturbed, he can kick himself suddenly, and he can directly kick himself to death.

After leaving the herd at an extremely fast speed, Li Xiao slowly stretched out his hand, and Ye Sha and Guang Sha had a tacit understanding, swam down from Xiao Hei's back, and climbed onto Li Xiao's shoulder.

Xiao Hei led the way, leading Li Xiao to continue exploring in this grassland.

In order to prevent accidents, Li Xiao specially changed into a pair of thick shoes before setting off.

Not only that, but he also took a wooden stick and patted the pastures on the left and right sides from time to time while walking, and said while patting: "Everyone must be wondering why I did this. It's actually very simple, just to beat snakes .

Many people think that there are no snakes on the grasslands.

Actually, not so.

There are snakes on the grasslands, but there are fewer snakes than in the south, and they are generally non-venomous.

Since they are non-venomous, they are more stealthy and have a painful bite.

If you are not careful, it will come out of the grass and bite you.

If you travel to the grasslands, you must be careful when you go to places with few people and lush pastures. It is best to wear long trousers and boots to avoid being bitten by snakes. "

"Thank you for the popularization, the principal!"

"It just so happens that I'm going to take my wife to the grassland to play recently, and now I have a bottom line."

"The head of the garden knows a lot. He obviously grew up in the countryside, but he still knows so much about the grassland."

"Haha, Baidu Encyclopedia is not called for nothing!"

"Anyway, this road is quite boring, why don't I test you, do you know the five animals in the grassland, do you refer to those five animals? No one is allowed to be a mother!"

The lottery draw last night was very satisfying, Li Xiao was in a good mood, and took the initiative to interact enthusiastically with the tourists in the live broadcast room early this morning.


"Five grassland animals?"

"Aren't they cows, horses, and sheep?"

"But there are only three of them!"

"What are the other two?"

"Who knows what it is, tell it quickly, there are so many of us, we can't be looked down upon by the director alone!"

The tourists in the live broadcast room racked their brains, thinking about the answer.

And Li Xiao also unknowingly walked to a puddle of stagnant water and grass glowing brightly under the sun.

When he came near Caowa, Li Xiao slowed down his pace.

Next, every time before he was about to take a step forward, Li Xiao would stab the grass hard with a wooden stick, making sure it was solid before leaving.

At the same time, let Xiao Hei walk behind him.

Li Xiao patiently said: "If you encounter such a grassy depression on the grassland, you must be careful, and it is best not to approach it.

These grassy depressions, sometimes accumulated for a long time, will become swamps full of lush pastures.

If you walk over carelessly, you will definitely sink. "

Li Xiao briefly explained why he was so cautious.

At the same time, it can be regarded as a reminder to tourists who are going to visit the grassland.

"Director, wait a minute, don't worry about the danger of the popular science grass valley!"

"Don't change the subject, tell us the answer!"

"What are the five grassland animals?"

"Could it be that there are still mice?"

"Aren't rats harmful? They are designed to harm common people's crops and food!"

"Cao Cao: Impossible! Absolutely impossible!!!"

"Even if you count the mice, there are only four kinds!"

"Is there another one that is a camel?"

"Aren't camels in the desert, why do they appear in the grasslands? Oh my god, my head hurts!"

"That fan is really right, there are really camels!"

Seeing that the tourists hadn't come up with the correct answer after thinking about it all the way, Li Xiao announced directly, "The five grassland animals refer to grassland cattle, grassland horses, grassland Bactrian camels, grassland sheep, and grassland goats!"

 ps: Thank you for reading [Fish] on qq and the monthly ticket of [I only want to stand on duty for you for the rest of my life]!

  Thank you for reading the monthly tickets of [I Hate Legend], [Bad Man A], and [Xiao Wu Wu]!

  thank you! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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