My Live Life at the Zoo

Chapter 345 Kunlun Gate of Hell

Chapter 345 Kunlun Gate of Hell
[RV*1]: This RV is the world's most expensive all-terrain off-road RV Unicat Terra Cross 59, with a price of up to 8000 million. It is called the Ark of Doom and the Mobile Fortress.

UNICAT TC59车身尺寸为9538mm×2492mm×3465mm,而其车厢尺寸为5780mm×2360mm×1950mm,空间非常宽敞,可以轻松容纳5-6人。

Secondly, UNICAT TC59 chassis adopts MAN TGM 18.330 all-drive chassis, and is equipped with 4 Michelin military truck tires, the size is 395/85R20, which can handle any terrain with ease.

The 60mm-thick polyurethane foam insulated walls, double-glazed windows, heating and other facilities ensure a "warm as spring" experience even in the extreme cold environment.

The fresh water tank with a capacity of up to 600L and professional off-road tires can provide a strong backing for the host in the wild, even if you drive to the desert by yourself, it is not a problem.

In addition to these powerful performances, the interior living cabin is more ingeniously arranged and fully equipped. All furniture and facilities meet the highest standards for home furnishing, and multimedia audio-visual equipment such as TVs, audio computers, etc. can be seen everywhere.

All kinds of equipment are famous brands, such as Apple computer, Bosch induction cooker, Miele microwave oven, etc. There are toilets, sprinkler systems, sinks and radiators in the bathroom.

The most important point is that this car is purely artificial, and the construction period will take at least half a year.

Note: The system will automatically fill all kinds of food in the RV refrigerator and other equipment, which can definitely meet the needs and appetites of the host and animals.

Whenever the food is finished, the system will automatically fill the food for the first time.

Only one fan value needs to be deducted for each filling, and it will be deducted automatically without greeting the host.

In addition, the system is also equipped with various advanced medical supplies and facilities in the car, so that the host can provide effective rescue in the first place after encountering a dying animal in the wild.

[Yacht*1]: Although this yacht is not the most expensive yacht in the world, it is produced by Wally, a typical single-label brand among luxury yachts.

Wally specializes in sailing yachts and motor luxury yachts, which can be customized to size and slide.As early as 1999, the famous "Panorama" weekly magazine summarized the hobbies of the wealthy Italians at that time: Wally yachts, 1-carat yellow diamonds, Harley motorcycles, Rollo Piana brand alpaca capes, Gucci inlaid with crystals brand swimwear.

The design of each Wally product is derived from the application of practical development methods, aiming to integrate design and innovative technology to produce products that are superior in performance, safe and reliable, easy to operate and attractive in appearance.

The ship rewarded by the system is no exception, it is completely tailored for the host.

The entire yacht is approximately 100 feet in length, from the bottom of the boat to the dining area, decks, railings, stairs and anchors, are carefully crafted in a nautical style.

In addition, the yacht also has a helicopter landing platform.

Note: The precautions for yachts are the same as those for RVs, please check on the host.

In addition, all the configurations on the yacht are brand-name goods like the RV.

【Special diving suit*1】: This is a diving suit made of special material, which can reduce the water pressure on the seabed.

Although the host is already proficient in swimming and can hold his breath for a long time, which is far superior to ordinary people, but it is still a bit bad if he goes to the deep sea area.

The oxygen cylinder of this wetsuit can guarantee the host to supply oxygen for seven hours underwater, and after use, the system will automatically fill with the purest oxygen.

The filling method is also to deduct a fan value.

Note: In order to prevent the host from encountering bloodthirsty and crazy large carnivores when going to the deep sea, this diving suit is also equipped with some weapons, please check the host when using it.

[Trait booster*1]: This booster is an auxiliary device that is equipped on the host. It can speed up the host, and can also boost the host to fly a certain distance, and even speed up the host's diving speed on the seabed.

After all, the water pressure at the bottom of the water is very strong and heavy. The further you go down, the more difficult it will be. If you continue to go down forcibly, it is very likely that your body will be squeezed to pieces, and this booster can speed up the speed of the host. When feeling unwell or in danger, you can also speed up your escape.

Note: In addition to being equipped on the host body, this booster can also be equipped on various tools. It has many uses and is absolutely wonderful.

In addition to these golden lottery draws, the system also rewards a whole bunch.

There are various vegetable and fruit seeds.

There are fresh meat and grass that can be supplied to the animals.

There are also some more practical tools, such as wearable clothes, pants, hats, etc.

In addition to these, Li Xiao was surprised to find that the system also rewarded a lot of animal capsules.

After these animal capsules are eaten by animals, they can increase their physical fitness, and can also stimulate some potentials, and even increase some particularly outstanding aspects.

Li Xiao had some before, but they were all obtained by the gold lottery. I didn't expect that this time it was automatically given by the system.

I have to say that the system this time is really generous.


After reading the introduction of the items obtained in the golden lottery, Li Xiao felt happy from the bottom of his heart.

His favorite things here are RVs and yachts.

With these two tools, I can spend more time in the wild and encounter more animals.

Especially this yacht, isn't it just right to let yourself go to sea.

The most expensive private yacht in history, known as the Supreme in History, was designed by the world-renowned British luxury designer Stuart Hughes. It took more than three years to complete, during which the total amount of pure gold and platinum used for decoration was not less than 10. million kilograms and was purchased by an anonymous Malaysian businessman for a whopping $45 billion upon completion.

Rumor has it that the yacht has been plated with gold from top to bottom, inside and out, and the master bedroom has a meteorite wall and a statue made from a real T-Rex keel.

In addition, there is an aquarium background wall in the master suite of the yacht. The 24K pure gold used to decorate the aquarium is 68 kilograms. This is not a big deal, because there is an extremely rare 18.5 carat diamond on display. , valued at $4500 million.

In addition to these, an iPhone equipped on the yacht is decorated with 500 cut diamonds, and its function keys are inlaid with a 7.4-carat pink diamond and an 8-carat diamond.

Although the system didn't reward him with this yacht, he was already very satisfied.

After all, if there is such a luxurious yacht, I can't sleep well at night, always thinking that there will be thieves scratching a layer of gold on the yacht.

After counting all the items, Li Xiao finally fell asleep contentedly.

In the morning, Li Xiao woke up from his sleep.

After opening his eyes and washing his face briefly, Li Xiao turned on the live broadcast and began to feed Xiao Hei, Guo Er, Da Wa, Ye Fu and Guang Fu, and cleaned the wounds of Tibetan Fox and Brother Pingtou.

Li Xiao also gave Tibetan Fox a nice name: Xiao Liang.

As for why it is called Xiaoliang, I understand everything.

After dealing with all this, Li Xiao walked out of the yurt.

Maybe it was because of the heavy rain yesterday, the air this morning was a bit cold, Li Xiao just took a step out, and exhaled lightly.

Fortunately, after a whole night, the rain finally stopped.

But the distance is still dark, and the rough lenticular cloud still hasn't dissipated.

Looking at the blue sky above his head, Li Xiao thought for a while, returned to the yurt, made a pot of fragrant tea with hot water, and then sat outside with a chair.

Looking at the snow on the high mountains in the distance, sipping a sip of sweet tea, and exhaling lightly, it seems that the hustle and bustle of the world has disappeared, and Li Xiao is the only one left in the world, enjoying the freshness of the grassland in the morning. joyous.

The picture is beautiful, comparable to wallpaper.

The tourists who woke up and entered the live broadcast room couldn't bear to interrupt Li Xiao, or immersed themselves in this beauty with Li Xiao, or started taking screenshots to make their mobile phone wallpapers.

Until Li Xiao was about to finish his tea, someone finally couldn't bear the doubts in his heart, and started to click on the words and launch a barrage.

"Director, why does the grass grow so well and green in the distance, but the cows, horses, and sheep in front of me don't come to graze, but stay here?"

As soon as this barrage came out, countless tourists also noticed it.

Just as the tourist said, the sheep, cows and horses in Nilubair's house did not go to the far away place where the fresh grass is more fertile to graze.

As if something is blocking them.

"I'm going, it's really like this! Why is this?"

"Don't these cattle and sheep know that the grass in the distance is more delicious?"

"Or because you can't see it?"

"They don't come over, can't they feel something is wrong?"

"Is there something that we humans can't see?"

"When you said that, I suddenly remembered that there is a gate to hell here!"

"What the hell? The gates of hell!"

"Don't say this early in the morning, it's scary!"

"Ghosts, goblins, go away, goblins, goblins, go away."

"Upstairs, are you the father in "The Adventures of Jackie Chan"?"

When the tourists were discussing endlessly, Li Xiao finally opened his mouth and said, "There is indeed a gate of hell in Kunlun, Tianshan Mountain, which is known as one of the top ten forbidden places in the world. One of the ten forbidden places is still because of what happened to the geologist and his expedition team in Kunlun Mountain in 83. This matter was kept as a state secret, but it was only revealed in recent years.

Kunlun Mountain is not only one of the top ten forbidden places in the world, but also one of the five most famous death valleys in the world.

At the beginning, Kunlun Mountain was a paradise for the shepherds in terms of terrain and environment, because the grass there grew more lush, and cattle and sheep liked it, but I don’t know when it will start, and some weird things will happen inexplicably in Kunlun Mountain. In the incident, many people and animals were in the mysterious death valley of Kunlun Mountain. Slowly, the bones of Kunlun Mountain were everywhere, and no one dared to go there again.

Since then, Kunlun Mountain has been known as the residence of the god of death, and all those who went there never returned. Until the 20s, a geologist and himself, in order to uncover the secrets of Kunlun Mountain, and themselves The expedition team entered the gate of hell in Kunlun Mountains.

At that time, they encountered villagers who broke in unintentionally. The villagers told them that it was very dangerous to leave here quickly, but the experts did not leave, but continued to investigate.

A week later, geologists inadvertently found the herdsman who advised them to leave, but he was dead.

The strange thing is that there are no signs of injury on his body, only his face is black and his body is in tatters, but no one knows what he suffered.

The next day, the expedition team was admiring the scenery of Kunlun Mountain, but found that the environment had changed drastically, and the deafening thunder came.

The geologist seemed to feel something, and told the expedition team to take off all the radios and iron things on their bodies. At the next moment, the horse on which the items were placed was struck by a bolt of lightning. Many people in the expedition team were killed. Screaming in fright, the geologist was also shocked.

When the thunderstorm passed, the expedition team left Kunlun Mountain. Experts speculated that the people who died in Kunlun Mountain might have been struck by lightning.

The geologist and the expedition team have been researching the secrets of Kunlun Mountain for half a year, but just when the geologist's partners were expecting him to return in triumph, the geologist and his expedition team mysteriously disappeared, and no one knew about them Where and what happened.

Until 20 years later, Kunlun Mountain's Gate of Hell has become a tourist destination for people. Some explorers accidentally discovered the bones of geologists and expedition members. Their deaths are still a mystery. "

"Fuck! Really fake?"

"This is the first time I've heard of such a thing!"

"It's kind of scary!"

"I did my mother-in-law just now, there really is such a thing."

Although some people knew about these things, the tourists in the live broadcast room still enjoyed hearing it.

After all, it is a very enjoyable thing to be able to look at the beautiful scenery and listen to the handsome guy telling stories when you just wake up.

Li Xiao took a sip of tea and continued unhurriedly: "It is said that the shepherds living in Kunlun Mountain would rather starve their cattle and sheep to death on the Gobi Desert because there is no fat grass to eat, than dare to enter the luxuriant grassland of Kunlun Mountain. An ancient and silent deep valley. This valley is Death Valley, known as the "Gate of Hell" of Kunlun Mountains. The valley is full of wolf fur, bear bones, hunter's steel guns and barren hills and solitary graves. With a gloomy and frightening breath of death.

In addition to the above events, there is one more truth.

In 83, a group of horses in a ranch ran into Death Valley by mistake because they were greedy for fresh grass. At that time, a herdsman had just worked in the ranch and felt a great responsibility, so he ventured into the gate of hell to find horses. .

What happened? After a few days, the horses appeared safe and sound, but the people did not come back.

Later, I saw him in a hill, but it was just a corpse.

The corpse was horrific, its clothes were torn, its feet were bare, its eyes were wide open, its mouth was wide open, and the shotgun was still tightly held in its hand, with a look of reluctance to die.

But the strange thing is that there are no scars or signs of being attacked on his body. Who is the culprit? Everyone is puzzled.

But just before this catastrophe happened, and before it could be resolved, the geological team working nearby was also attacked by the gate of hell. "

 ps: Thank you Qidian for reading the monthly tickets of [Code Name dsg] and [I Hate Legend]!

  Thanks to qq for reading the monthly ticket of [I am uncivilized]!

(End of this chapter)

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