My Live Life at the Zoo

Chapter 351 Shameless Originator——Li Xiao!

Chapter 351 Shameless Originator——Li Xiao!
However, with the continuation of the competition, more and more contestants appeared on the stage, and some of them temporarily changed their minds because of conflicting ideas, and did more and more excessive things...

Some two-meter-strong men with a slender body and a hideous face even took off their shirts and began to dance pole dances in the venue.

Some took off their pants, ready to poop in public.

Because these operations are really disgusting, whether it is the audience, the referee, or the host, they can't stand it, so they decisively called the security, ignored the struggle and resistance of these people, and decisively dragged them all out of the competition field.

The game continues.

The applause continued to thunder all around.

But after observing for a while, Li Xiao expressed his disappointment.

Because although these operations are wonderful, they are only for ordinary people.

For Li Xiao, the shameless originator, it was simply child's play.

Just like the high-achieving students of Peking University, they saw addition, subtraction, multiplication and division within ten in kindergarten.

This wasn't because Li Xiao was deliberately pretending to be aggressive, but that all the contestants in the competition ignored a fundamental problem, that is: shameless competition, the most important thing is to highlight shamelessness.

If you go up there and take off your pants, poop, take off your clothes and dance pole dancing, even if you are really shameless, it is more vulgar, and it is difficult to be elegant.

If you misunderstand the meaning of the game, no matter how hard you perform, it will not help.

Sure enough, when the game was coming to an end, the overall scores of the players were not high.

The highest one is only 32 points.

A referee can give up to [-] out of [-] points.

As time went by, the game gradually came to an end, and there were very few players left.

Just when Li Xiao had nothing to watch in this game, he was already yawning in boredom, lying on the grass with his eyes closed, the bald old man on the stage suddenly shifted his gaze to his side, and then shouted in a very excited voice : "The finale contestant of this competition, contestant No. 250, is invited to perform on stage!!!"

Shouting so hard, Li Xiao even saw that one of the few remaining teeth in the old man's mouth was a little loose and was about to pop out at any time.

Whoa, whoa, whoa! ! !
After the bald old man called out, thunderous applause suddenly sounded.


But no one played!

The bald old man stared at Li Xiao with a puzzled expression.

In addition to the bald old man, some contestants and spectators also cast their gazes.


Being stared at by everyone, Li Xiao suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart, as if he had guessed something, he turned his head to look at Nilu Baier, and asked seriously: "Could you be calling me? Is it two hundred and five?"

Before Nilu Baier could answer, the bald old man laughed and said loudly: "Next, contestant No. 250 Li Xiao...that is, the well-known director of the garden will come on stage to perform!"

Li Xiao: "Pfft...!!!"

Hearing that the bald old man called out his own name, Li Xiao almost vomited blood.


I am actually two hundred and five!
Yay bah, do you look like two hundred and five?

Nilu Baier seemed to see the ugly look on Li Xiao's face, and quickly explained: "The number of the director is arranged according to the order of registration. When I registered you, it happened to be this number."

"Hahahaha, I laughed so hard!"

"This is life!"

"Principal, just admit it, you are two hundred and five!"

"This number fits well with the theme of this competition. This is a good sign for the director!"

The tourists in the live broadcast room laughed together.

And the bald old man gave Li Xiao enough face. Seeing that Li Xiao still didn't come to the stage for a long time, he stretched out his hand and drew all the eyes of the audience to Li Xiao. Then he continued: "It's the first time for the director to participate in our competition here. , seems to be a little nervous, let us give warm applause to welcome the director to the stage again!!!”

At this moment, Li Xiao greeted all eighteen generations of the bald old man's ancestors in his heart.

At first, not many people knew that Two Hundred Five was him, but now everyone in the audience knew.

Even those pigs, horses, cattle and sheep know it!

The reason why Li Xiao didn't get up for a long time was not only that he disliked this number, but also that he didn't think about what to perform on stage.

Because Nilu Baier has been reluctant to reveal what the game is, and Li Xiao only knew what the game was when he came here, so the time is very short, so Li Xiao has no time to think about too many shameless things.

After some hard thinking, it was used up by the previous players.

You can't copy it exactly the same after going on stage, right?

Although that is quite shameless, it is even more shameless!
As more and more eyes came to pay attention, it was unnatural for Li Xiao to be stared at while thinking, his mind was a little blank, and he was at a loss for a while.

Under the crisis, Li Xiao had a bright idea in his mind!

Why am I acting?
Since it's a shameless competition, I can do whatever I want!

Here, the bald old man saw that Li Xiao was still sitting where he was, not even moving his butt to get up, so he prepared to urge him one last time.

If Li Xiao still refuses to take the stage, then he can only helplessly announce that the other party has voluntarily given up the qualification for the competition.

The reason why Li Xiao tolerated Li Xiao again and again was mainly because of Li Xiao's fame and traffic. If a big anchor like Li Xiao came to participate in their competition, then the competition would definitely be a big hit after the competition. It will attract more investors and more tourists to participate in the competition.

The bald old man really hoped that Li Xiao would come on stage quickly, because in order to give Li Xiao more time, he deliberately dawdled for two or three minutes before picking up the microphone again.

But as soon as he picked it up, he saw that Li Xiao had stood up abruptly, opened his legs, and walked towards the table with five strides that turned into three strides.

The steps are elegant and the confidence is soaring.

In an instant, applause resounded from all around.

Seeing this, the bald old man quickly began to adjust the atmosphere, and he heard all kinds of praises.

Facing Li Xiao, the big anchor who bet, he must give enough cards.

The whole venue was full of jubilation. Those who didn't know the situation thought that Li Xiao had already won the championship and was going to go on stage to receive the award, instead of coming to participate in the competition!

As Li Xiao came to the stage, the applause around him also stopped, and the host stopped talking, and all looked at Li Xiao in unison.

Next, what they wanted to see was Li Xiao's performance.


Li Xiao didn't introduce himself, and didn't immediately perform any wonderful operations. Instead, he bowed deeply to everyone, followed by a simple, direct, and purposeful...

To the podium!
Seeing this, the bald old man was stunned on the spot.

what's the situation?
What does this guy want?

If you don't know how to bow, it's just a performance, right?
Sure enough, these good-looking big anchors, little fresh meat, big Internet celebrities, etc. can't save face and do some shameless things.

Although this competition is for everyone to do some shameless things, I still hope that everyone will let go of themselves by doing some shameless things, at least not feel shy.

Just like an actor, because he has to play various roles and face the onlookers of the entire crew, naturally he can't be shy, and he has to let go of himself completely, no matter what role or makeup, he must control it perfectly.

The bald old man was dumbfounded.

The surrounding audience was dumbfounded.

The tourists in the live broadcast room were even more confused.


"It's over"

"The director performed a bow?"

"This doesn't look like the headmaster's style!"

"The principal is back, please continue your performance!"

Just when the tourists couldn't help shouting, they suddenly found that Li Xiao hadn't returned to his position.

The bald old man also noticed something was wrong after carefully examining Li Xiao's position.

This direction seems to be heading towards me!

Wouldn't this guy want to do something to himself too?

Because of his nervousness, the old man couldn't help but clenched the microphone in his hand, took a deep breath, and was ready to be 'tortured' by Li Xiao at any time.

Although he didn't know exactly what Li Xiao was going to do, he had hosted for so many years anyway, and his rich hosting experience told him that he must be steady and not panic!

Because of his strong psychological quality, the bald old man is as stable as Mount Tai at the moment.

He wasn't even afraid of Li Xiao at all, and wanted to tease the atmosphere. He used his excellent quality as a host, held the microphone, and said, "It seems that our contestant No. 250 has a lot of ideas, and he probably wants to give us an idea. Show something a little different, let's take a look at the director, what kind of surprise will it bring me... Damn it!!!"

Before he could say the joy of surprise, the bald old man burst into foul language and lost his voice.

Hearing his words, everyone on and off the stage, as well as in the live broadcast room, were shocked!

First, I was amazed by the ingenious words used by the bald old man.

Secondly, I was shocked by the sharpness of Li Xiao's operation!
After Li Xiao approached the awarding platform, he didn't even think about it for [-] seconds. He picked up all the prizes (jade bracelets, certificates and cash), turned his head and ran away decisively.


"Fuck shit!!!???"

In the next second, these two words resounded throughout the venue.

The tourists in the live broadcast room also deducted their words one after another, and the word "fuck" swiped the screen directly.

Look at this beautiful Chinese dialect.

After the bald old man's astonishing words, countless people at the scene also began to exhale.

Good words will always be recognized by the world and spread widely.

For example: Fuck!Niu B!

Although it was just a simple action to run away with all the prizes in hand, this operation greatly exceeded everyone's expectations.

The bald old man stared round.

The four referees were dumbfounded.

The audience and the tourists in the live broadcast room are collectively lying!
This operation...

No one thought of it!
What a show!
Everyone felt that something was wrong, and by the time they came back to their senses and tried to stop it, it was too late.

Li Xiao's movements are swift and swift, flowing like clouds and flowing water, in one go, calm as a virgin, moving like a mad rabbit, almost all words with quick reactions can be used here.

Picking up the prize in the last second, the next second has disappeared into the vast crowd...

That speed, that movement, that pace, that combo... I have no friends! ! !

Even if they were beaten to death, they couldn't understand why Li Xiao could make a series of movements so smooth and smooth!

Those who didn’t know thought they used Rejoice!

Seemingly casually passing the podium, in fact, all the prizes have already been locked! ! !
The Shameless Competition is held every year, and it has been six or seven years, but no one would have thought that someone would cheat, no, sneak attack and take away all the prizes.

It's been so many years and has never been better!
Don't talk about martial arts?

Do not!
This is no longer a question of whether to talk about martial arts or not.

This is so unreasonable, there is no law of the king!

Among the contestants, some were full of confidence and thought they could win the championship, especially the one who scored 32. After seeing all the prizes being cut off by this handsome guy who turned out to be out of nowhere, they all exploded.

Some people were stunned, they hadn't come back to their senses, they were staring at Li Xiao's leaving back in a daze.

Some people are not popular, so they go directly to the referee to protest.

Some people no longer cared about their affection and dignity, and directly yelled and cursed...

"Security, security, where is the security?"

"Someone is robbing prizes. Don't your security guards care about this kind of thing?"

"Hey, that's my 8 yuan in cash, hurry up and exchange it for me!"

"He's not called Hey, his name is Chu Yuxun, bah, it's a string of words, his name is Li Xiao!"

"I protest, I protest, there is a shady scene in this game!"

"I protested too! Li Xiao didn't compete, so he just bowed and took all the prizes away!!!"

"I've seen people who operate in the dark, but what the hell are you doing in the dark!"

"Damn! I can't bear it! Just take my 8 yuan away, I can't bear it!!"


As more and more contestants were yelling and swearing, the audience watching around were a little overwhelmed.

The four referees shut up collectively and remained silent.

Because they didn't expect this kind of thing, their brains were completely blank for a while.

The previous competition process was quite normal, but who knew that this year's contestants' operations would be so... sao!

The four referees looked at me and I looked at you, all at a loss.

All the security guards looked at the bald old man one after another, asking with their eyes if they wanted to chase him.

But the bald old man was already old, and his brain was slow to respond. Now he was even more confused and completely at a loss.

For a while, the scene became more and more chaotic.

Protests, wailing, shouting, cursing, all kinds of voices mixed together and resounded throughout the grassland.

"Everyone be quiet! Listen to me!"

I don't know how long it took, maybe a few minutes, maybe more than ten minutes, accompanied by a deafening shout, the contestants and onlookers fell silent one after another.

No matter what they were doing, everyone stopped and followed the prestige tacitly.

This voice turned out to be from the referee's seat!
I saw an elderly old referee suddenly jumped up from the table, rushed from his seat to the bald old man.

The old referee seemed to be in his fifties at the very least, but not to mention the lung capacity that was strong enough to cover the whole process just now, just the movement of jumping up from the table made everyone gasp gas.

(End of this chapter)

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