My Live Life at the Zoo

Chapter 361 The Three Powers in the Tiger Park!

Chapter 361 The Three Great Forces in the Tiger Park!
After arranging the salamander's residence, Li Xiao went straight back to the office.

Next, he's going to do something big.

That is: adding bricks and tiles to the zoo!

Li Xiao said just now that he wanted to buy a few female monkeys, this was not just talk, to fool King Jiji.

After Li Xiao's careful observation today, he found that although the Gushan Zoo is very popular nowadays, and because of his existence, it has attracted many precious and protected animals, but overall, the number and types are still a bit small.

For example: there are too few animals swimming in the water.

In this way, under Li Xiao's selection, several animals were finalized: common female monkey, baby otter, star-nosed mole rat, long live big-eyed crab, peacock-tailed mantis shrimp, seal, Pacific barrel-eye fish, anglerfish fish, black bony fish.

There are nine animals in total.

Among them, the female monkey was reserved for King Jiji.

Li Xiao kept his word and kept his word.

Little otters and star-nosed moles are cute and can attract some girls.

The rest are all animals in the water.

Li Xiao didn't buy randomly, but specially selected some interesting and rare animals that rarely appear in other zoos.

In this way, it can attract more tourists.

Of course, the number of animals bought this time is relatively small, especially the hit animals in the water, which are not particularly large in size.

The main reason is that Li Xiao feels that the current animals do not have a particularly perfect and healthy living environment for aquatic animals, so he plans to take it step by step first, starting with some small aquatic animals.

It's not too late to buy some huge aquatic animals after you get to know and get familiar with them.

Like dolphins, octopuses, whales, etc.

After selecting all the animals, Li Xiao turned off the computer contentedly.

"Aha! Shu Tan!"

It may be that he often runs around, and his body is used to this busy state. Sitting in front of the computer for so long suddenly makes his body feel a little uncomfortable. Li Xiao got up straight away and stretched his waist.

at this time.

Bang bang bang!
There was a knock on the office door.

Hearing the sound was a little rushed.

"Come in!"

Li Xiao shouted.

As soon as the words fell, an employee hurriedly pushed the door and walked over, panting heavily: "Director, go to the Tiger Park to have a look."

"What happened?"

Li Xiao frowned slightly, and asked, "Xiemou and Dandan are doing some indescribable things in public, or are the tigers from the Bad Boys Alliance trying to provoke Xiemou and Dandan?"

"It's not that something happened to the tiger, it's a tourist..."

It may be because they were too tired from running all the way, which caused the employees to wear rough clothes all the time, and finally they were a little bit speechless.

Li Xiao didn't bother to listen, so he got up and ran quickly to the tiger park.

Li Xiao had been to the Forest Zoo in the Natural Land before, where he encountered the incident of a child falling into the tiger pit, and he already had a small impression in his heart.

At this moment, when he heard that there was an accident in the tiger park, and it was still related to tourists, he suddenly became nervous.

To be honest, Li Xiao trusts most of the tigers in the Tiger Park.

I know in my heart that even if tourists accidentally fall in, they will not easily go forward to kill them.

What's more, the building I built is very safe, and no one will fall into it at all, unless some brat deliberately sneaks in from a certain place.

The tigers in the current tiger park are divided into three major forces.

First of all, Xiemou and Eggy, they are a very loving tiger couple, and they were the first to follow Li Xiao, so naturally they listen to Li Xiao the most.

Followed by the five South China tigers of the Bad Boys Alliance: Gold Chi, Wood Chi, Shui Chi, Huo Chi, and Tu Chi.

Although they only followed Li Xiao for a short time, the five brothers lived together in the depths of Daxing'an Mountains since they were young, and kept fighting. They knew that it was not easy to live in the zoo safe and sound every day, and they would not mess around in the zoo.

The third force is the tigers transported from the forest zoo in the natural place.

Because the Natural Place Forest Zoo went bankrupt, they were homeless, so they could only be arranged to come here.

But because they don't have enough to eat every day in the forest zoo, a natural place, and they are beaten severely by the breeders from time to time, so each of them has a slightly cruel temperament.

When they were transported here, Li Xiao happened to be in Tianshan Mountain, so he was not familiar with Li Xiao at all, he just met a few times, that's all.

Therefore, it is inevitable that they will not obey Li Xiao's orders [-]%.

As these three forces lived in the Tiger Park, the Tiger Park naturally became lively.

Xie Mou and Dandan are responsible for showing cuteness and affection every day, which has attracted a large number of fans.

Because they were the first to follow Li Xiao, they were also the most favored by Li Xiao, so naturally no other tiger would have the guts and courage to provoke them.

The gold idiots, wood idiots, water idiots, fire idiots, and soil idiots of the Bad Boys Alliance quickly occupied a hilltop as their own territory after they came to the tiger park, playing and patrolling in their own territory every day.

It may be because of what happened when I was a child. I witnessed my mother being ruthlessly killed by humans, which made them seem to not like humans. Very proud.

Only when facing Li Xiao, will he show a trace of tenderness and cuteness.

Originally, the seven tigers stayed in the tiger park, which was extremely harmonious.

One is with his wife every day, and the other is with his brother all day long.

One is very much like Jia Baoyu in "A Dream of Red Mansions", crying and clamoring to find sister Lin every day.

A Liangshan hero who looks very much like the only brothers in the center of "Water Margin", eating meat with his brothers, drinking heavily, and doing justice for the sky.

The tiger park is very large, and they will not disturb anyone, and they will not disturb anyone, and they are very harmonious.

But with the arrival of a third-party force, this harmony was broken.

There are a total of eleven tigers from the Natural Land Forest Zoo. I don’t know if they are newcomers and are a little nervous in the face of an unfamiliar environment, or because they have really been depressed in the Natural Land Forest Zoo for too long, and their temperament has really changed. It was so cruel, after they came here, they found that there were still seven tigers, and they felt the pressure and automatically united together.

During the day when she came back, Tao Yaoyao told Li Xiao more than once that these eleven tigers were very manic, and they would frighten tourists and breeders from time to time, and even stepped into the evil eyes more than once. Eggs and bad boys allied their territories, trying to harass and violate them.

The Bad Boys League is even more ruthless than them. After all, they were all born in the wild when they were young. Facing their provocation, they almost got into a fight once.

In the morning, Li Xiao also went to observe the eleven tigers, and found that something was wrong with them.

It stands to reason that tigers that have been kept in captivity for a long time will be more docile. Over time, tourists will feel cute when they see them and want to touch them.

But these eleven tigers are completely different. Not only are they not docile, they are even more ruthless, crazy and bloody than tigers in the wild.

Li Xiao also tried to communicate with them once, but none of them paid any attention to Li Xiao.

It wasn't until Li Xiao brought out some fresh meat that they were willing to come over.

However, there was one that secretly hid one or two meters behind Li Xiao, with its waist bent, staring at Li Xiao covetously.

Those are the eyes and movements that can only be seen when hunting prey.

They dared to attack Li Xiao.

This problem is very serious.

If it wasn't for the timely reminder from the tourists in the live broadcast room, Li Xiao turned around quickly and looked at the tiger confidently, frightening it away with the posture and momentum of its master, otherwise it might have jumped on Li Xiao.

Combining all the above, what Li Xiao is most worried about is not the alliance between Xie Mo Dan Dan and the bad boy, but these eleven tigers.

If there are tourists who dare to stimulate them, they will really kill them.

Just imagine, if you are held in a cage all year round, and you are only allowed to eat a meal and drink a little water every day or even for several days, and you are beaten severely from time to time, will your spirit be troubled?

These eleven tigers are just like that!

Li Xiao must find a way to get them.

Otherwise, there will definitely be an unprecedented shocking battle between the three major forces in the Tiger Park!
On the way, Li Xiao told the tourists in the live broadcast room the current situation of the Tiger Park in detail.

Because of worry, although the office is not far from the Tiger Park, Li Xiao is already sweating profusely.

I kept praying in my heart: I just met the legendary phoenix and dragon today, both of which are symbols of auspiciousness, so nothing can happen to me!
"Three major forces! This is clearly the Three Kingdoms with three legs!"

"Good guy, it's exciting to hear!"

"Xiemou and Eggy only have two tigers, if they really fight at that time, don't let anything happen!"

"I am optimistic about those eleven tigers, because they are mentally abnormal, just like our normal human beings are afraid of mental illness, because mental illness may mess up in a second."

"I'm still optimistic about the Alliance of Good and Bad Boys. Although there are only five of them, each of them survived by fighting every animal in the forest, just like well-trained special forces who have been on the battlefield. The scars on each of them are so handsome, that is their glory!"

When the tourists in the live broadcast room were discussing enthusiastically, Li Xiao had already arrived at the Tiger Park.

As soon as I stepped into the tiger park, I heard a quarrel.

Without hesitation, Li Xiao resolutely walked towards the sound of the quarrel.

I saw a man and a woman with a five or six-year-old boy who quarreled with a female staff member of the zoo.

This female staff member is named Susan Shan. After graduating from university, because she couldn't find a job, but because she likes animals, she came here to apply for a job, but was retained by Tao Yaoyao.

Although Li Xiao has been back for less than a day, he has thoroughly understood every animal and staff in the zoo.

"He's just a child, and he didn't do it on purpose. What are you talking about? What do you want?"

When Li Xiao approached, he saw the little boy's mother yelling at Susan.

"Although he is a child, you are not! As a parent, you should be obliged to take care of him!"

Everything Su Shanshan said was reasonable, and she still had the proper attitude.

"What does it mean to take good care of it? You treat my child as an animal? You people look at animals every day, do you think us tourists are also animals?"

"This is a zoo for people to visit. Can't our children visit it?"

The child's father also joined in.

It's a complete misinterpretation of the meaning of Susan.

The voices of the two became louder and louder.

Even the boy's mother stretched out her hand and kept pushing Susan.

Very rude and unreasonable.

Looking at Su Shanshan again, maybe it's because she didn't have a strong mentality when she first came out of work. She couldn't stand being flanked by the boy's parents, and her eyes were a little red.

Because there was too much noise, a group of people quickly gathered around and pointed at the boy's parents.

"Stop arguing for now!"

At this moment, Li Xiao pushed away the crowd and walked over.

Li Xiao is really famous, not only the director of the zoo, but also has a large number of fans on the Internet, the boy's parents naturally knew each other, and when they saw Li Xiao coming, they immediately moved over from left to right, and started Nagging up.

"You are the director of the garden, right? Take good care of your employees, they are really unqualified."

"You'd better deal with this matter well, or I'll never end with you!"

Not only was he arrogant and unreasonable, he even wanted to threaten Li Xiao.

Facing this kind of parents, Li Xiao didn't like them very much, and said directly with a straight face: "I trust my employees, what happened, let my employees tell."

After speaking, Li Xiao looked at Susan Shan.

Seeing the head of the garden helping her, Susan suddenly became confident, walked up to Li Xiao, and said seriously: "Head of the garden, it's like this! Their children just hit the tiger inside with a stone, and they hit it more than once. , I just walked over to persuade them to discipline their children, and they started arguing!"

It's very simple!
Because there are often some irresponsible parents who take their bear children to some tourist attractions and connive them to destroy things.

Just as Susan finished speaking, in less than a second, the boy's parents became anxious. They walked over with big strides, pointed at Susan's nose, and shouted angrily, "It's a tiger, why throw it away? We It's not like your child fell on you, so what's the big deal!"

"That's it!"

The boy's father also helped and said: "You are a tiger! The tiger didn't say anything, what right do you have to come and say these things, the emperor is really not in a hurry and the eunuchs are in a hurry!"

Not a family, do not enter the door.

A family of three is not a good bird.

Although it has only been less than 5 minutes since he came here, Li Xiao has already made the most correct conclusion for the family of three.

"You guys! Give it to me!! Shut up!!!"

Li Xiao turned around abruptly, stretched out his hand to protect Susan directly behind him, and stared coldly at the parents of the bear child in front of him.

 ps: Thank you qq for reading [Yaoyao] [Huihui] monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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