My Live Life at the Zoo

Chapter 362 The Baby Elephant That Can 'Make Rain'!

Chapter 362 The Baby Elephant That Can 'Make Rain'!

Li Xiao's voice came out so suddenly that it directly frightened Xiong's mother.

It seemed that he felt that he was not Li Xiao's opponent, so he simply turned to look at his husband.

That look seemed to say: Someone is yelling at your wife in front of you, why are you just watching?Still not a man?

Xiongzi's father immediately rolled up his sleeves and shouted at Li Xiao: "Why are you yelling? Is it justified to be loud?
Just now your staff yelled at my child, and now you, the director, are yelling at my wife. Are you crazy? Believe it or not, I can't keep your zoo open! "

"I want to see what you can do to keep my zoo from running."

The man's words immediately amused Li Xiao, and he pursed his lips and smiled lightly.

No, it's a mockery!

"Then just wait and see how I can stop your zoo from opening!"

The bear's father was very disdainful, curled his lips and said, "It's just a tiger, and it didn't hit anyone.

You are all grown-ups, what is the comparison with a child. "

This is the sentence again.

And after many bear children make mistakes, their parents basically say this sentence.

Recall, during the Chinese New Year, did some relatives come to your house with their bear children, enter your room without being greeted, and then play with your handicrafts or other toys and break them. When you go to the theory, the bear child’s parents still confidently say that he is just a child, you still treat him as an older brother, let him play with your hand toy, what’s wrong, isn’t it just a hand toy , what a big deal.

At least the news has been reported more than once.

A brat once used stones to scratch someone else's car in the community. Afterwards, the owner of the car used monitoring to claim compensation theoretically. What he waited for was this sentence: he is just a child, why are you competing with him?

The car owner had no choice but to directly expose the surveillance video to the Internet.

In the end, the bear's parents were naturally exposed by netizens on the Internet. Under the pressure of public opinion, they had no choice but to pay compensation.

But even if the compensation was made in the end, the parents of the bear child were very arrogant, and did not realize the mistakes of themselves and their children.

At this moment, upon hearing this sentence, Li Xiao became angry again, and immediately asked, "What's wrong with the tiger? Should the tiger let you throw stones?"

Without waiting for Xiongzi's father to speak, Li Xiao continued: "Now there are parents like you who dote on your children since childhood. No matter what happens, even if your child does something wrong, you feel it is right and refuse to accept it. Apologize, you think this is loving him, I tell you this is harming him!"

"How did I hurt him? Don't tell me what's going on!"

Hearing Li Xiao's words, Xiong Zi's mother seemed to feel that she couldn't hold back, and shouted.

"How did you harm him? Hmph! You let him develop the habit of doing bad things right from an early age. Not only will he not be disciplined, but his parents will defend themselves everywhere. This is harming him.

You don't need to teach him, then don't blame the beatings that the society will bring to him in the future! "

Seeing the bear child's mother open her mouth, as if she wanted to refute herself, Li Xiao continued to reprimand loudly, "Also, what's wrong with the tiger? Tigers are the masters of this earth just like us. They can live in zoos. For you to watch, it has given you a lot of face.

If this is in the wild, believe me, you can eat your family of three without even bones left, and turn them into a poop in the end! "


As soon as Li Xiao finished speaking, a tiger in the park behind him roared loudly.

It is the old five idiots of the Bad Boys League.

It was also the one who was stoned by the brat.

"You, you, are so unreasonable!"

"You dare to curse our family! Let me tell you, you are finished, your zoo is finished, you are famous for live broadcasting on the Internet, you are just a garbage anchor, I can make you mess up on the Internet in minutes!"

The bear's parents ran away and threatened Li Xiao frequently.

Li Xiao was about to speak, to educate the family of three.

But right now.




Tiger roars sounded one after another.

The roar of the tiger was deafening, like a sharp arrow, directly piercing through the air, hitting everyone present.

Many people were so frightened that they quickly covered their ears with their hands.

But it's not too late.

Li Xiao turned his head and saw the four brothers of the local idiot rushing out of the forest in the park one after another, running towards here side by side.

Roaring and running.

As they approached, they could clearly see their ferocious faces, sharp claws, and mouths and teeth stained with sticky blood.

Just now, the four brothers of Tu Chi were hunting goats in the park, so their mouths were naturally full of blood.

At this moment, knowing that my brother is suffering, I must rush to help as soon as possible.

Whoa! ! !
Five South China tigers charged side by side, full of momentum, just like the scene in the last scene of the movie "Young and Dangerous", Chen Haonan took a group of brothers to the street.

When they rushed to the iron cage, Jin Chi, Wood Chi, and Shui Chi suddenly lay on the iron net, standing on their hind legs, just like humans.

Huo Chi and Tu Chi followed closely behind, suddenly increased their speed, and jumped over the iron net by stepping on the bodies of their three brothers.

This trick is called stacking arhats.

I believe that no matter whether it is the tourists in the live broadcast room or everyone present, they have only seen it in movies or on TV, and they are still human-stacked arhats, but this is the first time they have seen tiger-stacked arhats.

Even Li Xiao didn't expect that the five South China tigers of the Bad Boys Alliance would do this trick.

Before everyone had time to be shocked and stunned, they saw Huo Chi and Tu Chi jumping over the iron net and walking straight towards the family of three in front of Li Xiao.


Huo Chi stepped forward, opened his mouth, and snarled at the brat's parents.

Because the mouth and face were full of blood, with the roar, the sticky blood splashed directly on the faces of the bear child's parents.

You can quibble for your brat, then I can also avenge my brother!

This is what Jin Chi said at the moment.

Looking at the soil idiot again, he picked up a stone from nowhere in his mouth and shook his head violently.

It just hit the bear boy.

You can hit me, then you have to bear my hit!
Don't talk to me, you are still a child, I am still a first-class national protected animal, I am worth more than you!

This is definitely the inner thought of the local idiot at this time.

It is still very naughty, and continues to pick up stones and hit the bear.

This scene is a bit shocking, but also a bit funny.

Who would have thought that tigers were so smart?
Who would have thought that tigers would be so vengeful?

Who would have thought that tigers could stack Arhats?


When everyone was still immersed in it and couldn't recover for a long time, the bear child was finally frightened and burst into tears.

Tears were falling down, as miserable as it could be.

The cries of the bear child not only brought the surrounding tourists back to their senses quickly, but also woke up his parents.

Seeing the ferocious tiger close at hand, the bear child's parents hugged each other tightly, their bodies trembling constantly.

The bear's mother was so frightened that she cried with the bear.

As for the bear's father's feet, a pool of unknown yellow liquid flowed out at some point, and he tremblingly said: "Director, take care of your tiger!"

"Sorry! Can't do anything!"

Li Xiao spread his hands, stepped aside, and added: "Just now I said that your children will definitely be beaten when they enter the society. It seems that my tigers are not satisfied with my words. They seem to prefer hatred. Report it that day."

"Woooooo! Director, we were wrong!"

"We know we're wrong, let the tiger go quickly!"

The bear child's mother cried and shouted.

The bear's father followed closely: "We really know we were wrong, we apologize to you, we compensate you, we shouldn't let the children bully the tiger!"

It wasn't until this moment that they realized that the tiger was not a good stubble. Even though he was in the zoo, he was still the king of all beasts.

If they are really angry and want to eat you, it will be absolutely easy.

"The apology will be waived, and the compensation will be fine, as long as you don't come to my zoo in the future."

Li Xiao walked up to Huo Chi, waved his hands at this nothing-nothing family of three, and signaled them to get out of here.

This kind of person coming to his own zoo is simply a defilement of his own zoo!

Seeing Li Xiao blocking the tiger, Xiongzi's father got up quickly and ran away.

He didn't even care about his wife and children.

It's true that the husband and wife are originally birds in the same forest, and they fly separately when disaster strikes.

Look at the bear's mother, who staggered up from the ground, picked up her child, scolded the bear's father, and rushed to catch up.

The earth idiot seemed unwilling to give up, and kept throwing stones in his mouth to hit the brat who was carried away.It wasn't until the family of three completely disappeared from sight that the soil idiot walked up to Li Xiao unwillingly, and whimpered: "He hit me, but I didn't cry, why is he crying!"I just gave him back what he did to me and he couldn't stand it!
clap clap clap! ! !
After the bear family of three left, there was thunderous applause all around, mixed with praise from time to time.

"Good job!"

"Garden Master did a great job!"

"This child will suffer sooner or later regardless of education. This is the responsibility of the parents."

"Finally gone, this family of three is really an eyesore!"

"Okay, I have caused inconvenience to everyone just now. As the director, I apologize on behalf of the entire zoo. Next, please forget about this matter, continue to enjoy watching in the zoo happily, and take good care of your children.

Because these animals are also the same existence as us! "

Li Xiao stepped forward, and after a serious apology, he brought Huo Chi and Tu Chi back to the Tiger Park.

When they came out, they could easily jump out of the iron cage because of the help of their three older brothers.

But now, no one is under them to step them up, so they can't climb over. Li Xiao can only take them into the park through the main entrance.

Until Huo Chi and Tu Chi returned to the park and happily gathered with their three brothers, the tourists in the live broadcast room were still discussing enthusiastically.

"Fierce! It's really too fierce! As expected of a tiger who has wandered in the wild since he was a child, he knows so many things!"

"I solemnly announce now that among the three major forces in Tiger Park, the Bad Boys Alliance is the most powerful!"

"It's so handsome! I can't even close my mouth now!"

"The animals in the director's zoo are all spirits, and the family of three is really stupid, dare to offend these spirit animals."

"It's a good thing they didn't offend the yellow-skinned boy in the zoo today, otherwise eighteen generations of ancestors would have to suffer!"

"Bad Boys League yyds, those eleven tigers I'm afraid, I'm afraid they are not their opponents!"

What the tourists in the live broadcast room said was actually what Li Xiao was worried about.

Because today's Bad Boys League absolutely stole the show, and would surely be envied by its kind.

Sure enough, after entering the tiger park, Li Xiao noticed that the eleven tigers gathered together.

Especially the leading tiger named Jinglei, who squinted his eyes and followed the Bad Boys Alliance the whole time.

The eyes are very unfriendly.

It seems that a big battle is bound to happen in the Tiger Park!
After leaving the tiger park, Li Xiao continued wandering around the zoo.

Soon, we came to the elephant park.

The elephant herd that people all over the country were paying attention to was kept here.

Since they came all the way north to Li Xiao's zoo, each one has been very obedient and well-behaved. So far, nothing has happened.

"Director, look at the little elephant!"

"That little elephant is so naughty!"

"It's incredible!"

Amidst the urging voices of the tourists in the live broadcast room, Li Xiao turned his head to look.

I saw a baby elephant in the herd sucking some water from the pool with its long trunk, and then walked quickly to the iron net and sprayed the water out of its nose.

And the water just sprayed on a child standing outside watching.

After spraying, the little elephant showed a humane smile, and happily called out: How about it, I will rain, hehe!

The kid was sprayed with water, and he didn't express his unhappiness, nor did he cry and make noise, but he was also very happy, jumping up and down and clapping his hands, saying: "Wow! That's amazing, it's really great, hurry up, hurry up!" ,Again!"

I don't know if I understood the children's words, or if I didn't have the same fun playing.

The little elephant turned around and came to the pool, washed his nose with some water, returned again, swung his nose, and sprayed towards the children.

The baby elephant is very smart. It can control the force of the water spray, so that when the water is sprayed on the child, it will not be thrown to the ground unexpectedly because of too much impact.

At the same time, during the spraying process, the elephant will deliberately raise its nose high to spray the water in the sun as much as possible.

Thus, it is not only like artificial rain, but also a rainbow.

 ps: Thanks to qq for reading the monthly pass and reward of [Only]!
  Thank u! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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