My Live Life at the Zoo

Chapter 363 The raccoon cat who stole parrot eggs!

Chapter 363 The raccoon cat who stole parrot eggs!
The moment the rainbow appeared, the little elephant and the children all looked up and laughed.

Children like baby elephants, and baby elephants make children happy.

This scene is extremely beautiful!

"Everything has a soul, so cute!"

"Look how happy the little elephant is smiling, as happy as a five-ton child."

"It's very similar. Friends from the north show friends from the south to see the snow."

"Children: Little elephant, you have a lot of snot!"

"Upstairs you are a devil, such a beautiful picture, you actually said that."

"I have a question, will there be a clumsy baby elephant who sucks water suddenly and chokes himself?"

The tourists in the live broadcast room were all attracted by this scene and started talking about it.

And soon, the child's parents rushed over.

Li Xiao originally thought that the children's parents would be angry because the little elephant messed with their children, just like they did in the Tiger Park just now, they hurried over and said, "I'm sorry! The little elephant is just playing with your children." Make trouble, there is no malice!"

"We know."

"We thought it was very interesting, and we have been standing by the side to take pictures and record videos."

The child's parents spoke one after the other, politely.

Every word and deed, every gesture is full of grace.

At least one hundred and eight thousand miles stronger than the family of three in Tiger Park just now.

Both are parents, but why is there such a big gap in life?
Even so, Li Xiao said seriously: "If you are worried about your child catching a cold, we still have dry towels here. I wish you a good time."

Next, Li Xiao continued wandering around the various zoo areas, dealing with trivial matters from time to time.

As the principal, he is very competent.

At least it is much better than some directors who sit in the office all day, deduct the food expenses of the zoo, and then spend it on themselves.

At the same time, Li Xiao also realized one thing. In fact, there are many things to do in the zoo every day, and it is not at all easier than running around in the wild.

During this time, Tao Yaoyao helped her take care of the zoo, it was really not easy!

Before I knew it, it was already dark.

After Li Xiao made another tour of the zoo, he went down the mountain and went home.

At home, Tao Yaoyao has already prepared dinner.

After Li Xiao washed up briefly, he began to have dinner with Tao Yaoyao.

Because today's work is too tiring, and tomorrow we have to welcome the little sheep Zhang Yixing, so after dinner, Li Xiao and Tao Yaoyao went upstairs to rest after chatting for a while.

Tao Yaoyao was very considerate of Li Xiao, and even took the initiative to contract the dishwashing work.

With a wife like this, how can you not be happy?
After pushing the door and entering the room, Li Xiao turned on the light and began to drag his clothes, preparing to take a shower before lying down and resting.

But just as he took off his coat and was about to throw it on the bed, he saw a big gray cat lying on his bed with his legs crossed.

"Fuck! What's the situation?"

Li Xiao looked at the big gray cat in shock, and asked in doubt.

At this time, the big gray cat on the bed also found Li Xiao.


Seeing Li Xiao, the big gray cat immediately turned over and let out a cry.

Li Xiao heard clearly that the big gray cat was asking: Who are you?
"I should be asking you, who are you?"

Li Xiao rolled his eyes and asked loudly at the big gray cat.

At this time, it was the big gray cat's turn to be shocked.

It never thought that it could understand what the human being in front of it said?

And it seemed that he could understand what he was saying.

Although the big gray cat was shocked, it still tentatively walked towards Li Xiao, fixed its big eyes on Li Xiao, and meowed: Can you understand me?

Li Xiao yelled, and then asked: "Who are you? Where did you come from? Why did you come to my bed, tell me the truth!"

The big gray cat stretched: So this is your home, I am very satisfied with this bed, I slept here for most of the day today and it was very comfortable.

and many more!

Something is wrong!
At this time, Li Xiao suddenly realized that something was wrong with the big gray cat in front of him.

But what was wrong, Li Xiao couldn't tell.

I just feel that this cat is much smarter than ordinary cats.

And many behaviors are somewhat similar to human beings.

Especially the cocked legs that I saw when I came in just now.

Is this action something a cat can do?

The cat in front of me is a raccoon cat that is very common and common in the countryside, commonly known as the Chinese pastoral cat.

Although the IQ of the Chinese pastoral cat is very high, it will not reach that point.

Moreover, Li Xiao also noticed that the Chinese pastoral cat was dirty. It should be a homeless stray cat, which looked only about one year old.

Since there was nothing to be asked from the mouth of this Chinese pastoral cat, Li Xiao simply looked around for clues.

Seeing this, Li Xiao immediately said: "That's terrible!"

I saw that the window in the room was opened, revealing a small slit, and this window was the window in front of the dressing table in the room where Tong Xiangyu lived in "Wulin Biography".

Li Xiao remembered closing the windows tightly before going out.

There are only two possibilities, either it was blown away by the wind, or it was pushed away by this Chinese pastoral cat.

It also happened to slip in through the little crack in the window.

Don't underestimate the strength of a cat. When a stray cat is hungry and wants to get food, its strength will increase exponentially.

Maybe it will eat humans.

At home and abroad, because the widowed elderly died at home and could not feed the cats, the news that the starved cats ate the corpses of the elderly is not uncommon.

The reason why Li Xiao yelled badly was not because the window was opened, but because of the fully automatic incubator.

Inside the fully automatic incubator, Li Xiao placed two eggs.

One is a budgerigar egg.

One is an egg hatched randomly by the system.

During Li Xiao's trip to Tianshan Mountain, the fully automatic incubator has been carefully incubating.

Originally, in these two days, Li Xiao could witness the budgerigar hatching out of its shell.

But now...

The budgie's eggs disappeared.

Only one other egg was left, which did not know what animal would hatch.

Combined with the performance of the Chinese pastoral cat in front of him, Li Xiao instantly realized that the budgie's eggs must have been eaten by this cat.

No wonder Li Xiao always feels that this Chinese pastoral cat is different. Isn't that different? The budgie's eggs are eaten by it, so it is naturally smarter at this time.

You must know that this is the egg of the budgie that is rewarded by the system. The hatched baby will definitely be smarter, and will naturally learn to speak and other skills faster.

Now that the Chinese pastoral cat has eaten the eggs of the budgerigar, it will more or less inherit the intelligence of the budgie.


Chinese Pastoral Cat: Oh?You are looking for that egg, sorry, I ate it, I am really hungry...

Seeing Li Xiao staring at the fully automatic incubator, the Chinese Pastoral Cat looked at Li Xiao, and admitted it apologetically.

"Why don't you eat the other one?"

Li Xiao was slightly angry, and questioned the Chinese pastoral cat.

Chinese Pastoral Cat: The eggshell of the other one is too thick for my teeth to bite, and I am a very fastidious cat, even if I steal something when I am hungry, I will not eat it all Eat half and keep half.


At this moment, there was a fire in Li Xiao's chest.

He clenched his fist tightly, wishing he could smash it right away.

After waiting so hard for so many days, I could finally see the baby budgerigar, but who would have imagined that it would be picked up by a Chinese pastoral cat.

This feeling is like studying hard for many years in a cold window, and finally relying on my own disdain to work hard to get into the university, but when I was in university, I found that my place was replaced by someone else, and the person who replaced me turned out to be a student. Nothing, but the rich second generation of the family has money.

This kind of thing really happened in reality!

Seeing Li Xiao's fury, the Chinese Pastoral Cat immediately felt aggrieved: I really didn't do it on purpose, why don't I catch a few fish later and make it up to you?
"Damn it, my egg is an unusual budgie, you want to get rid of me with just a few salted fish?"

Li Xiao became even more angry when he saw that the Chinese pastoral cat wanted to compensate him for a few salted fish.

Where the hell did you get the salted fish from?

Maybe it was stolen from someone else!
Isn't this a typical demolition of the east wall to make up for the west wall!
So what to do, there is no place to catch live fish. "

Chinese Pastoral Cat: If you don’t want fish, then I’ll make it up to you and make you a pet, right?

Li Xiao was dumbfounded.

He didn't expect the cat in front of him to be so smart after eating the budgerigar.

A stray cat of yours ate my budgerigar eggs, not only did not make up for it, but also wanted to take the opportunity to find a home for yourself, how beautiful you are!
This is like the prostitutes in the brothel in the past. After serving the guests, not only did they get a reward from the guests, but they were still thinking about how to marry into the guest's home.

"Forget it, just treat me as unlucky!"

Li Xiao waved his hands, and said helplessly, "I gave you that egg, so hurry up and go."

Anyway, I still have Zhao Si and Yue Yue. If they hold on tighter, they might be able to lay eggs in the near future.

Seeing that Li Xiao no longer pursued it, the Chinese Garden Cat felt relieved.

But when he heard Li Xiao let him go, he was a little unhappy.


The Chinese pastoral cat limp on the bed, playing a rascal: Where can I go?I'm just a homeless stray cat. You have such a big place here, I believe you won't have one more cute kitten, right?

Looking at the Chinese pastoral cat in front of him, and listening to what it said, Li Xiao suddenly felt that it looked a bit like a person.

The center of "Love Apartment II" is Ling!

Isn't Xinling a bit of a rascal who wants to rely on Guan Gu's magic?

"That's all! You can stay!"

Although this Chinese pastoral cat is a bit rascal, but it is really pitiful, Li Xiao thought about it and agreed.

The most important thing is because this guy ate the eggs of the budgerigar. At this time, his thinking seems to be no different from that of a human being.

If he lets it go, maybe he will do bad things with that cleverness in the future.

It's better to leave it alone and be a companion for yourself.


Seeing Li Xiao nodding, the Chinese Pastoral Cat jumped up and down on Li Xiao's bed excitedly.

Li Xiao stretched out three fingers and said, "If you want to stay, I have to make three rules for you.

First, don't pee indiscriminately at home.

Second, no matter when, don't make a mess at home.

Finally, don't come into my house when you have nothing to do, let alone touch everything in my house. "

Li Xiao talked about his conditions to the Chinese pastoral cat.

After listening to the first two regulations, the Chinese pastoral cat immediately nodded and agreed.

As for the last one, the Chinese Pastoral Cat immediately refused: Is a big man afraid of others entering the house?Besides, I'm a female, so I'm not afraid of it!

Hearing what the Chinese pastoral cat said, Li Xiao was taken aback for a moment.


You didn't stick your pi butt up, I really didn't know the gender!

Immediately, Li Xiao came to his senses and said, "Mom, it's even worse, anyway, don't come into my room if you have nothing to do."

Chinese Pastoral Cat: Alright, alright, I know, a big old man, so hypocritical!
"Come here, follow me to wash your body first!"

Li Xiao picked up the Chinese pastoral cat, and then entered the bathroom.

It may be that it is not easy to know that I can stay here, or it may be because I am a girl who likes to be clean, so during the bathing process, this Chinese raccoon cat did not struggle and whine like other cats. Noisy.

In the process of washing up, Li Xiao also asked the name of this Chinese pastoral cat.

Unfortunately, no!
Because its mother is also a stray cat, it has never met an owner since its birth, so it has no specific name.

After thinking about it, Li Xiao chose a name for it: Prince!
Because of the raccoon for the prince!
After bathing the prince, it wagged its tail and walked out of the room.

After Li Xiao washed up, he also lay down on the bed and began to rest.

In the early morning of the next day, just as Li Xiao opened the door and walked out of the room, the prince bumped him head-on.

In the middle of Li Xiao's arms.

Li Xiao, who had just woken up, was still in a daze, but he became sober in an instant.

"Fuck, what are you doing?"

Li Xiao asked angrily.

The prince's face was full of grievances: People were afraid that you would wake up late, so they just called you. Who knew that you just opened the door and bumped into it!

"Fuck! You are a girl, don't be so reckless!"

Li Xiao complained helplessly, picked up the prince, and walked slowly downstairs.

As soon as she sat down, Tao Yaoyao came out of the kitchen with her breakfast. When she saw the prince in Li Xiao's arms, she asked curiously, "Hey, where did the raccoon cat come from?"

"The one who accidentally ran into my room last night happened to be adopted by me."

"Hey, just right, I have a puppet cat now, they can play together without being too boring."

"I still don't know what your puppet cat's name is?"


"Toffee? Mother cat?"

"No, sir!"

"Then what's the name of a female cat?"

"It grows too fat, too fat, toffee, homophonic!"

"Hahahaha, what a coincidence, I'm only called Prince, mother!"

"Hey, fate."

Tao Yaoyao said: "Hurry up, eat, eat."

"Will you go to the zoo with me today? The little sheep is coming, I have to entertain, and you can help with other things."

Li Xiao asked while drinking millet porridge.

 ps: Thank you Qidian for reading the monthly tickets of [Giving Up] and [Qin Meiye]!

(End of this chapter)

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