My Live Life at the Zoo

Chapter 364 The Singing Parrot!

Chapter 364 The Singing Parrot!

"it is good!"

As long as Li Xiao speaks, no matter what it is, Tao Yaoyao will readily agree.

The unthinking kind.

This is definitely true love.

After breakfast, Li Xiao and Tao Yaoyao left Tongfu Inn and went to Gushan Zoo.

Before going out, yesterday's 'White Phoenix' Bai Yu brought his whole family.

Li Xiao and Tao Yaoyao prepared food for them again.

At the same time, worried that the two cats, Toffee and Prince, would disturb and hurt them, they decisively picked up a cat and brought them to the zoo.

On the way, Li Xiao started broadcasting.

"Wow! Ragdoll cat, so cute!"

"Is the raccoon cat in the principal's arms?"

"Chinese garden cats? Does anyone still raise Chinese garden cats?"

"It looks so ugly, how could the director suddenly want to raise Chinese garden cats? I think some foreign cats are much better than Chinese garden cats."

"Where did the director get this cute little kitten?"

As soon as the camera aimed at Li Xiao and Tao Yaoyao, the tourists in the live broadcast room began to comment.

Some praised the puppet cat concubine in Tao Yaoyao's arms.

Some questioned the raccoon cat prince in Li Xiao's arms.

Some people nowadays are like this. They always think that the moon in foreign countries is round and the air in foreign countries is sweet. Over time, they not only look down on domestic environmental facilities and buildings, but even look down on some domestic animals.

In the words of the 200 billion box office male god Wu Jing: This group of people have been bent over for a long time, and they can't straighten up anymore, they are very despicable!

Just like a subway incident some time ago, the security guards in the subway even asked the Chinese to give up their seats to foreigners, and even did not hesitate to use violence against the Chinese.

This is the most typical lowdown!
Li Xiao hugged the civet cat prince, and said solemnly, "What's wrong with the Chinese pastoral cats? I think they are much, much better than some foreign cats.

Cihuamao is a common native cat in my country. It is a breed that has been preserved through the survival of the fittest for thousands of years. It is also the only native natural breed recognized by the world in China.

In China, people believed that cats were auspicious animals, and it was a pride to raise a beautiful civet cat, which would bring good luck and wealth to the family.

Moreover, the civet cat has many advantages. First, it is a natural hunter, especially good at catching mice.

Second, cihuamao is very healthy.

At present, there is no single disease that is considered to be a genetic disease that civet cats are susceptible to, unlike those foreign breed cats, which are more or less susceptible to genetic diseases.

Third, cihuamao is very loyal, it will only recognize one owner in its life.

Even if the owner gives it away or throws it away, after a while, you will find that it comes back by itself. Even if the owner is not at home, even if there is no food to eat and starvation at home, cihuamao will be loyal Guard at home.

Fourth, cihuamao is spiritual and much smarter than people imagine.

Cihuamao can remember the plot development of some situations and things, even if they have only seen it a few times, sometimes even only once, thanks to their excellent observation ability and reliable memory, they can put things in perspective. The plot develops and connects the points where it happened.

You knelt and licked foreign cats, but now foreigners are kneeling and licking our raccoon cats.

Because of the unique tabby pattern, the civet cat is loved by people abroad, and even the cats it has mated will be issued a pedigree certificate. "

"well said!"

"The principal is great!"

"It's no wonder that a raccoon cat raised at home was taken away by relatives when I was a child. It went on a hunger strike and would rather die than change its owner."

"I also finally understand why the raccoon cat raised at home when I was a child is very well-behaved only when facing my father. When my father calls it, it will come over, and it will be replaced by other people, whether it is my grandfather or me. Mom, no matter how you call, even if you take out meat to tempt, it just won't come, so it turns out that it regards my father as the only master."

Li Xiao's impassioned science popularization immediately resonated with many fans in the live broadcast room.

As for the tourist who looked down on the Chinese pastoral cat, he quietly left the live broadcast room, for fear of being sprayed.

After all, this kind of person is advocating foreigners in today's words.

In the old saying, that shit is a dog traitor.

Soon, Li Xiao came to the zoo.

Just like yesterday, even in the early morning, many tourists came to the zoo early to visit and play.

After entering the zoo, Li Xiao took out his mobile phone, opened WeChat, and was about to ask when the little sheep Zhang Yixing would arrive today, so he could take the opportunity to prepare, but as soon as he walked to the door of the office, Li Xiao saw two familiar figures .

Although both of them were wearing hats and masks and wrapped themselves tightly, Li Xiao recognized them immediately.

One of them is the little sheep Zhang Yixing.

The other is...

"Hi, Reba?"

Li Xiao quickly walked in front of the other person, and said hello.

"No, no, you're wrong, I'm not."

The man also denied it.

But when she opened her mouth, she had already exposed herself.

After all, her voice is still very distinctive.

Sweet, a bit like a kitten.

Li Xiao said with a smile: "I will not mistake the current top female stars in China!"

"Hahaha, thank you for the compliment."

The man finally stopped pretending, and said: "Director, you are so amazing, I am so tightly wrapped, you can even recognize me, I am going to tease you."

As we all know, although Reba is a goddess, she is also very lively and mischievous.

"It's okay, I can pretend I don't know each other now, I didn't see anything just now, and I didn't say anything."

Li Xiao turned around, looked at Reba in front of him again, scratched his head, and asked doubtfully, "Hello, who are you?"

"Hahaha, you hate it!"

Reba couldn't help laughing and said, not forgetting to lightly hit Li Xiao with his fist.

"Principal, you really are so mean that you didn't say hello to me first."

Seeing the two talking and laughing, Zhang Yixing, who was standing aside, finally couldn't help but come over.

"We are good brothers, don't be so alienated between brothers, Reba is different, she is a guest, she must show [-]% enthusiasm."

Li Xiaohou (jian) had a (se) face (wang) skin (yi), and asked in doubt: "By the way, why did you invite Reba over?"

To be honest, Li Xiao thought that Zhang Yixing, the little sheep, would bring many female stars, but he never thought of bringing Reba.

However, the two did work together.

That is "Extreme Challenge".

Although the "Extreme Challenge" of that season was due to the departure of "Qingdao lady" Huang Bo and "Yan Wang" Sun Honglei, which led to the addition of Xiao Yueyue, Reba, and Lei Datou, which caused the ratings to drop again and again, many viewers also Since this season, they have abandoned their pits and stopped paying attention to this variety show, but at least the two have cooperated in this season.

In fact, the low score cannot be blamed on the actors, but mainly on the director.

The quality of the director determines the beauty of a variety show.

Just like in one of the episodes, the 'Old Fox' Huang Lei guessed all the passwords in the box because he was too smart, causing the director team to stop it in a hurry, telling him not to continue, otherwise there will be no way to play.

It was also because after that episode, Huang Lei officially withdrew from "Extreme Challenge" and never appeared again.

"Hey, director, to be honest, I'm your fan, and I often watch your live broadcast when I'm filming."

Reba leaned over and said, "I knew that Zhang Yixing was going to come over to play with you, so I specifically hoped that he would bring me along."

It turned out to be a fan, no wonder that although Reba met him for the first time, he didn't feel any unfamiliar feeling of social fear, but was very naturally excited.

Li Xiao said seriously: "What a coincidence, actually I'm also your fan."

"Haha, we are fans of each other."

Li Xiao, these are not polite words, but telling the truth.

Although due to the constant exposure over the years, Reba has become more and more popular, and more and more people have become her fans. Some people envy her figure, some people admire her appearance, and some people like to watch her TV series, but in fact Li Xiao has been paying attention to Reba since before she became popular.

At that time, Reba was still the second female lead, and the TV series she starred in was called "Carat Lover".

And Li Xiao happened to have watched this drama, and the main reason why he chased this drama was because of Reba, because Reba in the drama is very likable both in acting and character, but the female lead, no matter in character or personality The acting skills are extremely poor, and even like the male lead, but deliberately catch the male lead, don't want to be scumbags, especially the three views are not right.

"This is Tao Yaoyao, my good friend."

Next, Li Xiao introduced Tao Yaoyao to the two of them.

"Good friend? Are you sure it's just a good friend?"

Reba joked.

"Oh, don't make trouble."

"Hahaha, I always thought you were a cold goddess when I watched TV, but I didn't expect you to be so naughty."

Tao Yaoyao and Li Xiao said one after the other.

After the four got acquainted with each other briefly, Li Xiao began to wander around the zoo with Reba and the little sheep Zhang Yixing.

Originally, Li Xiao wanted to prepare in advance, but who would have thought that they came so fast, so naturally they couldn't prepare anything, so they took the tour first.

"By the way, do you mind if I broadcast you live?"

Halfway through the tour, Li Xiao suddenly asked.

"Of course I don't mind."

"We are also worried that because of our appearance, it will affect the business of your zoo."

From beginning to end, Reba and Little Sheep Xingxing both wore masks, because they were worried that if they were recognized, they would attract crowds of tourists from all around and cause riots in the zoo.

"Don't worry, our tourists here are very polite and won't come and watch in disorder. You can take off your masks."

Li Xiao smiled and said: "If you don't mind, I will start the broadcast, and then I will go to an interesting place for you."

After recognizing Reba and Little Sheep just now, Li Xiao decisively turned off the live broadcast.

Because as we all know, celebrities in the entertainment industry travel very secretly, lest they be followed by stupid fans.

Li Xiao was not at all worried that they would take off their masks, which would affect the zoo's business.

On the contrary, because of the blessing of celebrities, the zoo will be even more popular.

After getting the consent of the two, Li Xiao restarted the broadcast.

"Director, what kind of plane are you flying? Why did you suddenly shut down the broadcast just now?"

"Wow, the director finally started the broadcast. I thought I was eaten by the bears and tigers in the zoo just now."

"Don't fart upstairs, just be yourself."

"Honey, it's finally here, everyone misses you."

"It's disgusting, pay attention upstairs, this is my husband!"

Before Li Xiao could speak, the barrage had already floated up quickly.

"Hi everyone, there was an accident just now, so the broadcast was hastily shut down. In order to compensate everyone, I will introduce two new friends to you now."

While speaking, Li Xiao has already turned the camera.

"Hi, everyone, I'm Reba, and Zhang Yixing is next to me. Today we are visiting the director's zoo."

After seeing the camera, Reba greeted him warmly.

"Wow wow wow, wife wife."

"Honey, you're beautiful again."

"The one next to me is my husband."

"Husband, husband, I love you."

"You guys are really enough. Just now you called the director's husband, why did you change so quickly?"

"Hey, isn't it okay to hug left and right?"

"The head of the garden is awesome! I didn't expect to invite Reba and the little sheep here."

"I dare to boldly predict that the popularity of the director's live broadcast today will definitely blow up the platform."

Watching the lively barrage, Li Xiao continued: "Next, I'm going to take everyone, as well as Little Sheep and Reba, to play something different."

"What's different?"

"It must be because Reba and the little sheep have come. The director specially prepared it. We are all in their honor!"

"I'm looking forward to it, the director will start soon."

"I've been waiting for a long time, please start the show!"

Amidst the enthusiastic cheers of the tourists in the live broadcast room, Li Xiao led Reba and Zhang Yixing forward to the gate of the zoo.

Here, I saw budgerigars Yue Yue and Zhao Si who stayed here as usual to welcome tourists.

"Yue Yue? Zhao Si?"

"Didn't you read them all yesterday, what's the difference?"

"I feel that the principal is fooling us."

"Does the principal want Zhao Si to scold Reba and Zhang Yixing?"

"No! I think the principal wants Reba and Zhang Yixing to see how Yue Yue beats up Zhao Si."

"Don't worry! It's never too late for a good meal!"

Li Xiao glanced at the live broadcast room and said calmly.

Then, he walked slowly in front of Reba and Zhang Yixing, and introduced: "This parrot is called Zhao Si, and this one is called Yue Yue. They are a couple, and Zhao Si is still a strict wife."

"Zhao Si? Yue Yue? This name..."

"Hahaha, the love story between Zhao Si and Yue Yue, I can't help but bring into reality the faces of Yue Yue and Zhao Si."

Zhang Yixing, the little sheep, hugged his belly and laughed, and even spit out the mantra: "Oh, it's too bad, my stomach hurts."

Li Xiao continued to introduce: "Everyone knows that Zhao Si has a bad temper and likes to swear and swear, but only a few people know that Zhao Si's wife, Yue Yue, can actually sing.

Today I will show you how budgerigars sing! "

 ps: Thank you qq for reading the monthly pass of [Book Friends 536***723]!

  grateful! !
(End of this chapter)

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