My Live Life at the Zoo

Chapter 369 Catch the Old Turtle at Night!Hedgehogs eat snakes!

Chapter 369 Catch the Old Turtle at Night!Hedgehogs eat snakes!
The moon hangs on the branches, and the bright moonlight fills the small courtyard of Tongfu Inn.

Although summer is about to pass quietly, the weather tonight is like the four of Li Xiao who ate spicy food. It is not particularly cold, and occasionally there is a gust of wind and even a heat wave.

After dinner, Li Xiao changed his clothes, prepared several snakeskin bags, and went straight to the yard.

Here, Xiao Hei has finished eating dog food, and is lying lazily in the middle of the yard, posing in the shape of a 'tai', basking in the sun.

"Hey, Xiao Hei, it's up to you tonight."

Li Xiao touched Xiao Hei's head, grinning.

"Wang Wang Wang!"

Xiao Hei: Let me help, but the dog food must be doubled tomorrow morning!
"no problem!"

Li Xiao agreed very happily, then turned his head and shouted: "Reba, Yixing, have you cleaned up yet?"

"I'm coming."

"What are we going to do tonight? It's so mysterious."

Reba and Zhang Yixing changed into another set of clothes and came to the backyard one after another.

Even the tourists in the live broadcast room couldn't figure it out, and asked questions on the public screen.

"Principal, don't be a fool!"

"What are you going to do, tell me the truth."

"During the meal just now, the director mysteriously said that there will be activities after the meal, but until now, he still refuses to say it. This is too suffocating."

"If it was during the anti-Japanese period, the director would definitely be the most upright hero. No matter how tortured the little devil was with a tiger stool or whipping, he would definitely not say anything."

"Okay, okay, everyone, stop guessing, I know what the director is going to do at such a late hour, he must be leading Reba into the grove!"

"Weakly ask, is it the kind of grove that Chen Kai and Ma Dongmei in "Charlotte Annoyance"."

"Reba, hehe, Reba, hehehe (drool)!"

Seeing the tourists in the live broadcast room about to drive, Li Xiao hurriedly explained the truth, saying: "Actually, tonight's event is very simple, two words: catch turtles!

If you can catch the old turtle tonight, you can have dinner tomorrow! "

When eating dinner, Li Xiao looked at the delicious food on the table and didn't enjoy it at all.

There are loaches and crayfish, and I always feel that there is something missing.

After thinking about it, Li Xiao thought of Laobie.

Old turtle is a great tonic, whether it is for women or men.

Therefore, he proposed at the dinner table that there will be activities after the meal, but he didn't clearly explain what to do, and he didn't explain everything until now.

In this way, under the leadership of Li Xiao, Reba and the little sheep Zhang Yixing left the Tongfu Inn after eating, and walked straight towards the small river halfway up the mountain.

Tao Yaoyao did not follow.

She wants to stay and watch the house.

By the way, wash the dishes.

Very considerate.

Soon, three people and one dog came to the river beach.

The silence near the small river at night is terrible, except for the sound of rushing water and insects, there is nothing else.

And the bright moon hangs high, illuminating the river as bright as a mirror.

It also added a bit of artistic conception to this tranquility.

Using the moonlight and flashlights, the three of them began to look for wild old soft-shelled turtles in the grass near the river.

Under Xiao Hei's special instructions, as soon as he came to the small river, Xiao Hei had already run away quickly, lowered his head and sniffed, helping to find the old turtle.

Both Reba and the little sheep Zhang Yixing were catching old turtles for the first time, and they were very excited at first.


Ten minutes passed.

The three of them walked hundreds of meters along the small river, but they didn't even find the old turtle's hair, which instantly made Reba and the little sheep Zhang Yixing completely devoid of character and felt frustrated.

Reba couldn't help but said: "Director, if you plan to make old turtles for us tomorrow, I think you can go to the market to buy some."

"Makes sense!"

Zhang Yixing, the little sheep, also echoed: "I feel that these old turtles are like the crayfish this afternoon. They have already matured. They must have known that we are coming and deliberately hid in advance to avoid us!"

Li Xiao was also puzzled.

In the past, there were many wild old turtles in the small river, both big and small.

Especially at night, it is the easiest to catch.

Because these old turtles especially like to come out to bask in the moonlight.

Li Xiao caught a lot here when he was a child.

But why can't a wild one come across today?

Could it be that many people in the village have caught old turtles here recently, causing them to become vigilant?
"Wang Wang Wang!"

Just when Li Xiao was about to give up, Xiao Hei suddenly yelled loudly in the grass not far away.

The three of them looked at each other, their faces were happy, and they ran over quickly.

"We still have to rely on Xiao Hei at critical moments!"

"Little black yyds!"

Reba and the little sheep Zhang Yixing talked excitedly while running.

Li Xiao also laughed loudly and said, "Xiao Hei, great job! I will definitely give you extra meals tomorrow!"


When the three of them hurried over and looked into the grass, their expressions changed drastically.

A second ago, he was still smiling.

In the next second, his brows were wrinkled into an upside-down character.

In the grass, there was no old turtle, but a thin blue snake half a meter long.

At this point, it's struggling.

Because its snake head was being bitten tightly by a big hedgehog.

No matter how hard the cyan snake struggled, it was difficult to break free from the hedgehog's teeth.

"Hey hey!"

The little sheep Zhang Yixing, who was still full of excitement just now, saw the green thin snake, and immediately retreated two meters away in fright, and burst into catchphrases.

Reba is not much better, although it is well known that she is a female man with great strength, but she is still a girl after all, and she will be afraid of such penetrating animals as snakes.

And she is smarter, knowing that the director is very brave, so she hid behind Li Xiao.Like a frightened kitten!
"How could there be a snake here, it scared me to death!"

Reba exclaimed.

I was almost scared out of my mind by this thing.

"Fuck you!"

"At night, if I suddenly see a snake, I will be frightened!"

"It's normal to have snakes by the river!"

"The headmaster is still calm, and he hasn't changed his face until now."

"After all, the principal cultivated Ye Fu and Guang Fu, so how could he be afraid of snakes?"

The tourists in the live broadcast room were all quietly watching the old turtles being caught. After seeing the snakes and hedgehogs, they were also blown out one after another, and began to hold barrage.

Li Xiao looked it over seriously, and found that this blue long snake was just the most common water snake, it wasn't poisonous at all, so there was no need to be nervous about it.

On the contrary, it is this hedgehog whose spikes are not for decoration.

Because the head was bitten by the hedgehog, the green thin snake could only use its body to wrap the hedgehog's body, trying to strangle it to death with brute force.

But its most powerful move is not easy to use when encountering hedgehogs.

As soon as his smooth body touched those spikes, blood flowed profusely from the piercing.

Helpless, the body rolled violently, obviously in severe pain.

"Director, do hedgehogs still eat snakes?"

Reba glanced at it secretly, and asked weakly.

Li Xiao patiently said: "Hedgehogs, like honey badgers, are also one of the natural enemies of snakes.

However, compared with honey badgers, hedgehogs are far less courageous.

The honey badger is simply a BUG in the animal world. Dry the sky and dry the air. There is no animal in nature that it dare not do.

It just so happens that there is one in my zoo, and I will take you to see it tomorrow.

Hedgehogs like to eat meat animals, while snakes love to invade hedgehogs, but they must be conquered by the hedgehog's spines. "

At this moment, the hedgehog in front of him was obviously also frightened.

It must be as Li Xiao said.

It was the thin blue snake that offended it first, and it was forced to fight back.

Although the hedgehog was frightened, he was unwilling to give up the half-dead green snake in front of him that was bitten by him. After killing it alive, he directly picked it up with his mouth and backed away slowly.

A pair of small eyes rolled around cunningly, looking at the three of Li Xiao very vigilantly from beginning to end.

"Wang Wang Wang!"

Xiao Hei's eyes were fixed on the hedgehog.

Xiao Hei: You can go, the snake stays!

Snake meat is delicious and nourishing. Xiao Hei ate it more than once when he was hunting with Xue Erye up the mountain. Now that he sees it, he is naturally a little greedy.

"Don't call!"

Li Xiao slapped Xiao Hei lightly on the head, and said, "You dare not bite other people's hedgehogs, so don't deliberately yell and provoke them!"

"Director, shall we go too?"

Reba's face was still a little pale.

She has been afraid of these molluscs and arthropods since she was a child.

Such as snakes, lizards, centipedes...

"It's just a little snake. It scares you. Sprinkle with cumin and chili peppers. It tastes delicious."

Li Xiao laughed and teased.

This is in line with the psychology of most Chinese people.

Reba cried, and said: "Director, are we unlucky tonight, why did we encounter long insects as soon as we came up?"

"We live in the mountains. If you want to say that this is someone's home, isn't it normal to encounter these things?"

Li Xiao asked back.

Reba choked immediately.

Indeed, this is someone's home, and I broke into someone's home, how can I blame him for appearing here?
In the mountains, there are already many snakes, insects, rats and ants.

If you don't want to encounter them, unless you stay at home every day.

"Let's go, let's continue searching elsewhere. If we still can't find Old Turtle after another hour, we'll go back!"

Li Xiao was already a little apprehensive, but he still didn't want to lose hope.

The three of them and one dog continued to search for the old turtle.

After walking about 200 meters along the river, finally...

"Wait, look there!"

Li Xiao stretched out his hand and said softly.

On a big bluestone protruding by the river, a big old turtle covered in black and brown was lying on the stone, bathing comfortably in the moonlight.

And beside it, there were three older turtles that were smaller in size.

"Wow, finally found it!"

"Hahaha, if you can't find it, you can't find it. Once you find it, it's a nest!"

After seeing Laobie's family of four, Reba and the little sheep Zhang Yixing suddenly became excited, and their pale faces that had been frightened just now gradually returned to normal, and they whispered joyfully.

"Do not worry!"

Li Xiao thought for a while, lowered his voice, and began to direct: "We will attack together later, I will catch the big one and the little one, and you two will catch a small one each!
Remember, you must act at the same time.

Because once the old turtle is frightened, it will definitely jump into the water in a flash, and it will be very difficult to catch at that time! "


"Can we?"

Reba and the little sheep Zhang Yixing were a little apprehensive.

They have grown so big, but they have never caught an old turtle.

Even with the help of snakeskin bags, I still feel flustered.

Li Xiao was not in a hurry, and patiently taught Reba and the little sheep Zhang Yixing some tricks for catching small turtles.

Then, it slowly moved towards the blue stone where Laobie's family of four was.

The old turtle seemed to be very vigilant. When Li Xiao was about half a meter away from the blue stone, the big old turtle, who was motionless and seemed to be still asleep, suddenly reacted, moving his limbs and short legs like a bullet. , Swish and ran towards the water not far away.

The three little turtles beside him also reacted and started to run away desperately.

"Do you still want to escape?"

Li Xiao's expression changed, and he suddenly accelerated.

Relying on Lingbo's micro-steps, almost instantly, the distance of half a meter was reached in an instant.

Li Xiao's left hand pressed down suddenly, and pressed on the big turtle one second before it was about to escape into the water.

Holding the snakeskin bag in his right hand, he directly buckled one of the little turtles.

The little turtle that got into the snakeskin bag may have been inexperienced and didn't react immediately.

But the big old turtle is different, it sticks out its dark head directly, and turns around to bite Li Xiao's left hand.

Fortunately, Li Xiao reacted so quickly, his left hand bounced away like lightning.

At the same time, he grabbed one of the big turtle's hind legs with his backhand.

Immediately, the big turtle was thrown into the snakeskin bag.

Simple and direct, crisp and neat.

Look at the little sheep Zhang Yixing again

He also picked up a little turtle in his hand, and threw it into the snakeskin bag in a panic.

"I succeeded!"

"I... didn't catch up..."

Not far away, Reba's expression was a little unnatural, and he said dryly: "This little thing is running too fast, and it disappeared in no time!"

"It's ok!"

Li Xiao nodded, walked over to comfort him and said, "If you can't catch it, you won't catch it, just treat it as leaving seeds for this small river.

If they are all captured at once, they won't have to be captured in the future. "


Reba wants something else.

Probably because of guilt.

After all, both Li Xiao and the little sheep Zhang Yixing were caught, but I failed to gain anything and let them down.

"It's really okay. We will continue to walk around in the future. Maybe we will meet the old turtle. Then you can catch it again."

Li Xiao interrupted Reba and continued to comfort him.

At the same time, he threw the old turtle he caught into the bucket he was carrying.

Then, the three of them continued to search along the creek.

As for Xiao Hei, maybe seeing that Li Xiao and the others had gained something, he completely let go of himself, and didn't take catching old turtles seriously at all. He would catch grasshoppers in the grass by the river for a while, and jump again for a while Go swimming in the river, and after a while, run to a certain big tree to urinate and leave your own traces. It is a joy and excitement to play.

Li Xiao didn't bother to care about it, anyway, he had to take a shower after returning home, and it happened to be a shower here.

After walking for about ten minutes, the three of Li Xiao came to a small pool by the small river.

(End of this chapter)

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