My Live Life at the Zoo

Chapter 397 Emergency!Gangsters infested!

Chapter 397 Emergency!Gangsters infested!
After a long time, the colored police dog barked wildly: Can you ensure that our lives will not be in danger in the future?

Hearing these words, Li Xiao's eyes suddenly lit up.

It asks this to show that this matter can be discussed!

Li Xiao thought about it seriously, and said: "I really can't guarantee this one hundred percent, because once the police are called out, there will be danger.

Not just you, but your masters as well.

But what I can [-]% guarantee is that at any time, your master will advance and retreat with you.

If you get hurt, they will also be sad, and even worry about whether they can eat or drink every day.

In a sense, you are no longer dogs, but their most trusted partners, partners who can be trusted [-]% at any time, and give everything unconditionally at the first time.

The most important thing is that you are heroes, and your master is also a hero, but I don't hope that one day you will really become heroes! "

Li Xiao said these words with unprecedented seriousness.

After listening to Li Xiao's explanation, the five police dogs looked at each other, then howled in a low voice.

It seems that they are discussing whether to trust Li Xiao or not!
Li Xiao stood where he was and didn't say much.

At this time, there is really no need to say anything or do anything, just wait quietly, otherwise it will definitely cause disgust.

After about 5 minutes, the five dogs finally believed in Li Xiao.

Although they were also afraid of death, they thought of their companion Huzi who had died gloriously.

With such a glorious companion, they also have a sense of honor, and are more willing to keep this honor forever!
Seeing that the five dogs finally stopped resisting and were willing to cooperate with the training, Li Xiao smiled happily, stepped forward slowly, and opened the cages of the five dogs.

Maybe they sensed Xiao Hei's breath from Li Xiao's body, or maybe they already trusted Li Xiao, so they rushed over one after another, licking and licking around Li Xiao.

At this time, the butcher hurried in with his team.

Because Li Xiao had stayed inside long enough, they were worried about accidents.

As soon as he came in, he saw Li Xiao surrounded by five dogs, each of them getting closer and closer, and he was stunned.

Li Xiao said with a smile: "They are already normal, and they will cooperate with you in training in the future, but you must take good care of them."

"No problem, we won't let them down."

The butcher assured Li Xiao with a firm face.

"That's good!"

Li Xiao looked at the five dogs meaningfully.

There is no such thing as a quiet time, it is just that someone is carrying the burden for us.

Of course, there are still some police dogs that are carrying their weight forward.

But even so, in this stable country, there are still some social garbage moths who evade taxes and evade more than one billion yuan in taxes at every turn. These moths are not even as good as police dogs.

In the next few days, Li Xiao lived in the special police brigade. In addition to training with the team members every day, he would also help train these police dogs.

Although there are trainers in the police force, these dogs seem to be more willing to obey Li Xiao's words, and they are trained very quickly.

Especially for these five dogs, the commands that other dogs can only practice in ten days and a half months, they were taught in two or three days.

The efficiency is directly doubled!
Before I knew it, a week had passed.

During this week, Li Xiao will also video chat with Tao Yaoyao every day. In addition to cultivating feelings, he will also learn about some things about the zoo.

As for the five dogs, they have been trained by Li Xiao to be like police dogs for three or four years.

Such a rapid efficiency made Butcher and Lin Ling very excited.

It was unanimously decided that whenever new police dogs arrive, they will contact Li Xiao for training.

In addition, they also made a small plan, that is, every once in a while, they will go to the street to find some stray dogs and feed them so that they can be trained as police dogs.

Stray dogs that roam the streets all year round are smarter and have stronger immunity. They are an excellent choice and can be regarded as turning waste into treasure.

After all, if these stray dogs stay on the street, they will either be caught and euthanized, or they will be turned into dog meat by some malicious people.

Of course, some well-meaning people will adopt them.

But the adopted ones are basically small breed dogs, and the remaining big dogs are not considered at all because of their size, which naturally makes it cheaper for the SWAT team.

A week flies by in the blink of an eye.

Didn’t Xiaoshenyang say it: Once you open and close your eyes, a day passes.

Li Xiao opened and closed his eyes seven times in the SWAT team.

On this day, after all the police dogs had been trained, it was finally time for Li Xiao to leave.

Butcher and Lin Ling came to say goodbye to Li Xiao with five dogs.

During this period, Li Xiao already knew the names of five dogs.

The biggest one is the yellow police dog named Saihu.

Meaning: beat a tiger!

The names of the other four are somewhat common, namely Beibei, Huahua, Dabai and Lina.

Although the names are common, they all have special meanings.

Or get it based on fur color.

Or they were carefully selected by their owners.

Getting along with everyone these days is very pleasant, but when it's time to say goodbye, Li Xiao is still a little bit reluctant.

Just as I packed my luggage, walked down the building, and was about to say goodbye, suddenly the siren of the special police brigade rang!
A special police member hurried over and reported to the butcher, "Captain! The police are out."

"what happened?"

"Someone called the police from a shopping mall in the city center, saying that someone had taken several hostages!"

"What! Let's go immediately!!!"

The butcher was shocked when he heard the news, and immediately gave orders.

Immediately, he turned his head to look at Li Xiao who was passing by, and said helplessly: "I'm sorry, the director, I wanted to say goodbye to you, but now the situation is special, we will meet again in the future! Anyway, it is convenient to have WeChat!"

"Go, it's important."

Li Xiao understood the meaning of the siren, and didn't mind it, and immediately waved his hand to urge him.

"Captain, do you want to bring Saihu with you! The one who was trained by the principal this week has almost recovered, and there should be no more stress reactions!"

At this time, Lin Ling on the side suddenly spoke.

"What if something happens?"

"Then why don't you bring the director with you, Saihu will definitely be obedient with him, and the other four police dogs will stay in the team for the time being.

As long as Saihu doesn't react in this mission, the four of them should be fine too! "

Lin Ling has his own ideas.

She wanted Saihu to participate in an actual battle, so that it would be easy to see whether Saihu would disobey orders in actual combat.

Of course, I was afraid that something might happen, so I only made sure to bring Saihu, and the other four police dogs stayed in the team.

Let Li Xiao follow, but also worry about what happens, so that Li Xiao can solve it immediately!

(End of this chapter)

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