My Live Life at the Zoo

Chapter 398 The Little Sparrow Collecting Information

Chapter 398 The Little Sparrow Collecting Information
" not in line with the rules."

"It should be nothing. Anyway, the director can be regarded as a member of our special police brigade. At worst, the director will watch from the sidelines."

"Okay! Director, how about you go and see with us?"

The butcher thought for a moment.

Then he nodded and agreed to let Li Xiao go with him.

Because he still wanted to lure Li Xiao into the SWAT team, so he asked him to check it out, in case he agreed.

"Is this really okay?"

Li Xiao was also taken aback.

He didn't expect that he could go out with the SWAT team.

"No problem, let's go!"

The butcher said a word, then went to change his clothes, and hurried towards the convoy.

Li Xiao pulled Saihu and followed him.

When he first got into the car, Li Xiao obviously felt that Saihu was a little uneasy, and even his breathing became short of breath.

It can be seen that although with the help of Li Xiao during this period, it has adjusted well and gradually forgot the shadow, but now it needs to do it with real swords and guns, so it is still a little nervous.

Li Xiao kept stroking Saihu's head, and comforted him in a low voice: "Don't worry, nothing will happen! With me here, you will be fine!"

With Li Xiao's delicate and gentle comfort, Saihu's condition gradually improved.

Not long after, they came outside the mall.

At this time, the place was already full of people.

The police who arrived first have also cordoned off the scene.

Seeing the arrival of the special police team, one of the middle-aged policemen came to salute and said: "There are two hostages inside, and the suspect has a gun in his hand. The mall has been emptied, and all personnel have been evacuated. The specific situation inside is not yet known!"

The butcher nodded, frowned and ordered to his subordinates: "The snipers go to the high point and prepare, and the others are ready to follow me to break through."

"Captain Tu, wait a minute!"

At this time, Li Xiao thought for a while and said, "Don't be so anxious!"


Seeing Li Xiao speak, the butcher asked in a daze.

At this time, the middle-aged policeman just looked over and frowned slightly, as if he felt familiar, but he couldn't say it for a while.

But it seemed that the butcher believed what he said, so he kept silent and didn't say much.

"Let me see what's inside first."

Li Xiao said.

"Oh? Are you worried that the information is inaccurate?"

"That's not true! It's just that I think it's better to be safe, so as not to cause unnecessary casualties!"

Seeing that the butcher was a little confused, Li Xiao smiled slightly to reassure him, and said, "Leave it to me, it will be soon!"

As soon as the words fell, Li Xiao actually whistled.

Do not!
Not a whistle!

Instead, it imitated the cry of a sparrow!
"Is this ventriloquism?"

"At this moment, why is he still in the mood to show off his ventriloquism?"

"What are you doing! Time is life!"

Li Xiao's actions shocked everyone present.

Especially some policemen started talking in a low voice.

But in the next second, the discussion stopped abruptly.

Because as Li Xiao blew louder and louder, a small sparrow on a big tree not far away was actually attracted, flapped its wings and landed on Li Xiao's shoulder slowly.

Immediately afterwards, the little sparrow also chirped.

From everyone's point of view, Li Xiao seemed to be talking to the little sparrow.

The same is true!

Li Xiao: Little sparrow, do me a favor, go inside and see what's going on inside, and then tell me, if you want, I can take care of all your food every day from now on.

Hearing that someone wants to take care of the rest of his life, this is not a proper way to take care of him, and he can eat and drink without having to work hard to find food. The little sparrow immediately nodded happily, flapped his wings and flew towards the shopping mall.

what's the situation?
Why did the little sparrow fly away again?

At this time, everyone has changed from shock to doubt.

This miraculous scene made them feel very incredible.

But before he could react, about two or three minutes later, the little sparrow flew out, landed on Li Xiao's shoulder again, and continued to chirp.

While everyone was surprised, Li Xiao walked over quickly and said to the butcher, "The information just now is indeed inaccurate! There are two suspects inside, and each of them is wearing a pistol in their hand!"

Without waiting for everyone's reaction, Li Xiao continued: "Besides, there are not two hostages inside, there are two hostages behind the gate of the shopping mall.

I think the information just now should have come from the people who evacuated from the shopping mall, but the scene was too chaotic at that time, and the people probably couldn’t see or tell how many robbers there were, or one of the robbers deliberately hid To get up is to deliberately induce us.

As for the hostages, I think there must have been people who were afraid and hid on purpose, missing the best time for evacuation, which increased the number of hostages in the hands of the robbers. "

"Two robbers? Four hostages?"

After hearing Li Xiao's words, Lin Ling asked in surprise, "Are you sure?"

"Of course! The little sparrow told me!"

" it possible to confirm the situation inside with just a small sparrow? Captain Tu is too hasty!"

At this time, the middle-aged policeman couldn't stand it anymore, and said to the butcher.

He didn't believe Li Xiao's words very much, thinking that such an important matter could not be determined by a little sparrow.

Seeing the embarrassing situation, the butcher also hesitated.

But Lin Ling on the side really said firmly: "Captain! I believe the words of the director!"

"Yes, I believe you!"

After thinking for a few seconds, the butcher glanced at Li Xiao, and said the same thing.

The reason why they are so decisive is that they have had the most contact with Li Xiao these days, and have seen Li Xiao have many seemingly weird behaviors, such as chatting with police dogs and some small animals in the special police brigade from time to time, although they look like It was talking to himself, but those animals seemed to be very dependent on Li Xiao.

It seems that Li Xiao has a special charm, especially attracting all kinds of small animals.

Even a stray cat came to the police force every now and then, silently accompanying Li Xiao every day.

In a trance, the butcher remembered the rumors on the Internet that Li Xiao was the last immortal cultivator on earth. Although it seemed to be a joke, it was really amazing.

As soon as the butcher finished speaking, the team members came to report: "The sniper just sent the news that the surrounding area is not well visible, and we can't see what's going on inside. It's difficult for us to break through!"

"Let me go! Give me a walkie-talkie, listen to my news, and break through later."

Li Xiao said firmly.

"No! How can I let you go? I refuse!"

Hearing Li Xiao's words, Lin Ling became anxious and shook his head in disapproval.

"Time is running out, if you delay, maybe the robbers will go too far, don't worry, give me a walkie-talkie, you are ready outside, and you will break through as soon as I send a message!"

Seeing Lin Ling's refusal, Li Xiao asked anxiously, "Don't you have confidence in my fighting and other aspects?"

(End of this chapter)

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