My Live Life at the Zoo

Chapter 399 One person, one dog and one mouse!

Chapter 399 One person, one dog, one mouse!

"This... well, you must pay attention to safety!"

Seeing Li Xiao's serious face, the butcher could only agree to him.

"I will bring Saihu in, and the others are waiting for my news outside, ready to break through at any time."

As soon as the words fell, Li Xiao had already led Saihu to grope in through a hidden back door of the shopping mall.

From the moment they stepped into the shopping mall, Li Xiao and Saihu didn't dare to make a sound.

Therefore, the mall at this time was silent, like a morgue at midnight, and the robbers would hear the slightest movement.

Carefully, one person and one dog slowly groped around in the mall.

Soon, after Li Xiao's observation, he found that the little sparrow had not deceived him.

There really are two robbers here.

One has a beard and is sitting and resting next to the elevator.

A girl with stockings on her head was squatting at the gate of the mall, observing every move outside the gate.

And the four hostages were all tied up by them and thrown aside at will.

Because everyone's mouths were gagged, their bodies were searched clean, and there were no tools around them, so even if they wanted to escape, it would be useless.

"Brother, there are so many policemen outside, what should we do?"

At this time, the stocking robber suddenly asked.

"What's the rush? Didn't we negotiate the terms with them? We'll wait for the money to come, and we'll find a chance to escape."

The bearded kidnapper answered calmly.

"But there are so many people outside, how do we run?"

"You fucking shut up, you've reached this point, and there's nothing you can do if you want to repent!"

The bearded man became impatient.

In fact, they didn't expect that things would become such a big mess. Now that they have come to this point, they can only take one step at a time.

Li Xiao, who was in a dark corner in the distance, heard the conversation between the two, and began to think about how to solve them.

In fact, Li Xiao and Saihu can handle these two robbers.

Li Xiao restrained the bearded man.

Saihu attacked another one.

Although this is feasible, both of them have guns in their hands. Even if they can ensure that they will not be injured, the robbers will inevitably jump over the wall and shoot the hostages next to them.

Therefore, after thinking about it, Li Xiao did not take this very risky approach.

At this moment, Li Xiao's eyes lit up.

Because he saw a gadget!

This gadget can be the key to freeing the hostages!

This little thing is a little mouse!

Although people now call for cleanliness and hygiene, rats are easy to breed in shopping malls or restaurants, which is unavoidable.

This mall is no exception!

This little mouse is only as big as a baby's hand, and its hair is gray. It may be because it feels that the shopping mall will be so peaceful today, so it got out of its small nest out of curiosity, climbed onto a high shelf, and walked happily. sized up.

Because he was too focused, he didn't notice that Li Xiao and Saihu were approaching.

When he realized it, Li Xiao had already reached out and grabbed it.


The little mouse was frightened and screamed immediately.

However, its loudest sound is almost insignificant in the eyes of human beings. The robbers in the distance did not hear it at all, and naturally they were not affected.

"Don't get excited! Can you do me a favor, little guy?"

Li Xiao lowered his voice and said softly.

The little mouse was screaming and struggling with all its strength. Hearing Li Xiao's words, he wondered why he could understand, and then stopped all movements.

But even so, it has not let down its vigilance, its whole body is tense, and it is ready to escape at any time.

Because it knows that in the hearts of human beings, it is a scourge!
The little mouse squeaked: Are you talking to me?
Seeing the little mouse responding to him, Li Xiao whispered in its ear: "Of course! I'm just talking to you! Can you do me a favor, I will give you a lot of delicious food then, you don't have to sneak around anymore stealing!"

Little mouse: Don't you humans kill us immediately when you see us?Why do you ask me to help?

It's very confusing.

For a time, he suspected that the human being in front of him was deliberately deceiving himself.

Li Xiao explained: "The reason why we human beings beat you is because you steal food and spread diseases, so generally people will be very malicious towards you, but now you haven't stolen food or spread diseases, why should I hurt you?"

After finishing speaking, because time was short, Li Xiao directly pointed at the two robbers, and continued: "See those two people, you go and help me deal with the bearded one, and I will give you delicious food afterwards. "

The little mouse was stunned: I deal with humans?I am so young, how is it possible?I feel like you are lying to me, or using my life to lie to me!

"You just need to attract the bearded man to leave. As for how to attract, I think as a mouse, you know better than me."

Li Xiao patiently persuaded.

As soon as the words came out, the little mouse hesitated, and thought carefully for a while: Will you really give me something to eat?
Although I live in a shopping mall, I hide here and there every day, and I am always worried about stealing things to eat. If I can really give myself some food, I won't have so many worries.

Li Xiao promised again and again.

Just raise your hand and swear.

Finally, the little mouse agreed to Li Xiao.

Soon, it ran towards the bearded man at an extremely fast speed.

Because of its small size and being cautious all the way, it didn't make any movement at all.

But the bearded man was still resting with his eyes closed at this moment, and he didn't notice the existence of the little mouse at all.

When he realized it, the little mouse had slipped into his trouser pocket without anyone noticing.

"Fuck, what the hell?"

The bearded man woke up suddenly, and when he felt something in his pants, he immediately yelled.

The robber who was paying attention to the movement outside was taken aback, turned his head and asked in confusion, "What are you doing?"

"Something got in my pants."

"What? Hurry up and get rid of it!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the bearded man exclaimed again.

"I lean! It's all the way up, ready to bite my thing!"

"What the hell?"

"It's the third leg!"

The bearded man was in a hurry, he didn't care about other things, and went directly to untie his belt.

If he was really bitten, he would not be able to be a man for the rest of his life.

As soon as the trouser pocket was undone, a little mouse rushed out!
"Made! It turned out to be a mouse, I trampled you to death!"

The bearded man was so angry that he didn't even have the mood to tie up his belt, and stepped on the little mouse.


He is fast, and the little mouse is more flexible.

Turn around and run away.

The bearded man was already on top of his head now, and hurriedly chased after him.

In the blink of an eye, the little mouse brought him into a safe passage.

(End of this chapter)

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