My Live Life at the Zoo

Chapter 5 Sliding shovel

Chapter 5 Sliding shovel (for collection, for recommendation)



Are you serious?

Tourists can't complain.

In the eyes of tigers, you are also quite cute.

Li Xiao didn't panic at all, and said: "Look carefully, everyone. These two cats are just staring at me, and they didn't rush towards me. This means that they haven't eaten for a long time, and their physical condition is very bad. I don't even have the strength to run at least, so naturally I don't dare to attack me for the time being."

"Therefore, they can only scare me by roaring!"

Felines are smart enough not to act rashly without being [-]% sure of success.

They haven't eaten for several days. Although they are very hungry and can't wait to eat the human beings in front of them, they are more aware of their physical condition.

As soon as the words fell, the unique vertical pupils of the two tigers suddenly became sharp.

It seemed that Li Xiao was provoking him.

Walk slowly.

Li Xiao: "..."

I am obviously a cow, when did I belong to a crow?
The two tigers had already begun to approach, but Li Xiao still didn't panic, and explained: "Now the situation is very clear, I have indeed become the target of these two kittens."

"Everyone pay attention to their state at the moment. Their muscles are tense, their forelimbs are slightly bent, and their bodies are slightly lowered. This is the best proof."

"Almost all big cats have this posture before predation."

"Everyone must remember this scene, if you accidentally fall into the tiger's den in the wild or in the zoo, don't turn around and run away.

Because the action of turning around will convey a signal that you are afraid of it like a tiger, thus stimulating the tiger's hunting instinct.

The more you run, the more it chases.

The correct way is not to panic and fear, just stare at it, slowly exit its sight, must not show your fear, the cat is very sensitive, when you are afraid, then it will start its hunting It's time!Remember!Remember! "

"My mother, the anchor is too positive."

"They are all surrounded by tigers, and they are still giving us popular science knowledge."

"Take a risk with your own body, teach your career to solve doubts, fall in love with love, and I will be your fan from now on."

"I would like to designate you as the most conscientious anchor of the year. You are more conscientious than the immortal who appeals to minors not to recharge for gifts."

"What's the use of talking so much, how can the key anchor escape from the siege of two tigers?"

"While the live broadcast room is still there, make a fuss and keep a memory."

The tiger is still in Li Xiao.

Li Xiao took a deep breath and walked towards the tiger.

Stop one meter away.

"I'm the new director of the zoo, and also your new owner. You have to mess with me in the future!"

Li Xiao expressed his attitude calmly.

After speaking, he took out a few pieces of fresh meat and threw them to the two tigers.

The meaning is simple: hang out with my brother and have meat to eat.


The tiger directly in front roared again.

Tiger: Keep the meat, and the people too!
This guy was so hungry that he wanted to devour the Lord.

"Don't eat and drink for a toast?"

Treating each other with courtesy is no longer feasible, Li Xiao can only resort to violence.

Only by conquering the tiger can it be willing to recognize itself as its new master.

As soon as the words fell, the tiger had swooped in right in front of him.

With a distance of half a meter, Li Xiao felt the strong wind carried by the tiger's body, as if he was about to crush himself to the ground.

At the very moment, Li Xiao suddenly turned his body sideways, and coincidentally missed the majestic tiger.

Immediately afterwards, he punched out forcefully, and the tiger slammed sideways.

The tiger in mid-air lost its balance, and after landing, it rolled several times in a row.

This scene was clearly captured by the drone and sent to the live broadcast room.

Even in order to show Li Xiao's bravery, the system humanizedly slowed down this scene to double the speed, ensuring that every tourist can clearly see every detail.

The live broadcast room was like a midnight morgue, dead silent.

It wasn't until 1 minute later that someone came back to their senses and started typing frantically.

"Fuck! F*ck! F*ck!"

"Oh, buy Lady Gaga, the anchor is really a god."

"The anchor isn't Wu Song reincarnated, is it?"

"What's the anchor's reaction? And how powerful is that punch? Can even blow a tiger into the air? I really opened my eyes today!"

"Successfully angered the tiger, and now the anchor is dead."

"Hurry up and contact the black man to carry the coffin!"

"I learned to play the suona professionally, and this is the only thing I can do as an anchor."

"Who can tell me what happened, I was so scared that I didn't look at it just now."

Many people were afraid and missed the wonderful scene.

However, the more exciting has just begun.

Following the defeat of the male tiger, the female tiger from behind rushed forward angrily.

Because the distance is too close, you can clearly see their sharp teeth and the saliva flowing from their mouths.

Those with poor mental quality may have had a heart attack after seeing this scene.

As for those who were afraid, because they had done the exciting part just now, although they were still very scared now, they still had to prop up their eyelids with their fingers and widen their eyes to see, for fear of missing the exciting part again.

"Sliding shovel!"

"The anchor quickly use the sliding shovel, only the sliding shovel can save you at this time!"


The tigress bared her teeth and danced her claws.

Li Xiao had been on guard for a long time and dodged it deftly.

He slapped the tigress on the head with a backhand.

The tigress groaned in pain and fell to the ground.

Face to face, the two tigers lost.

The mighty and domineering king of beasts in people's impression became vulnerable in front of Li Xiao.

The two tigers felt that Li Xiao was not easy.

I have lingering fears.

Don't dare to attack rashly.

He just stared at Li Xiao with bared teeth.

"Are you satisfied?"

Li Xiao made a rolling shutter door at the two tigers and advocated Zhuyu's peerless martial arts. He combined the Lion's Roar Kungfu and Yiyang Finger into one. He sank into his dantian, hooked his fingers, and shouted: "Come here!"

Just come here!
The two tigers couldn't swallow this breath, and rushed towards Li Xiao again.

The tigress takes the lead.

with no doubt.

Another face-to-face meeting was knocked to the ground by Li Xiao.

"Anchorman be careful!"

"The male tiger is behind!"

"Dodge, dodge!"

Netizens can see it in all directions through the live broadcast, anxiously buttoning words on the public screen, wishing to get out of the screen directly to help Li Xiao.

This time, the two tigers learned to cooperate.

The tigress confuses Li Xiao in front.

The male tiger walked around behind him and launched a sneak attack without making a sound.


After the male tiger approached, he jumped up violently, trying to knock Li Xiao to the ground.

In the nick of time, Li Xiao resolutely dodged without even thinking about it or even looking at it.

It seems that there are eyes in the back of the head.

Avoid the attack of the male tiger again.

Immediately afterwards, another backhand slap.

Crisp and loud.

The male tiger didn't expect Li Xiao to be able to dodge his attack again and hit him. After rolling to the ground, his eyes were still a little confused.

"Are you satisfied?"

Li Xiao asked again.

(End of this chapter)

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