My Live Life at the Zoo

Chapter 6 The Tiger's Face Is Lost

Chapter 6 The Tiger's Face Is Lost (please collect, please recommend)


The male tiger howled.

Not convinced! ! !

Having lost twice in a row to the two-legged beast with slender arms and legs, the always arrogant male tiger naturally refused to accept it.

clap clap clap!
Hit if you don't agree!

The short answer is rude!
Li Xiao slapped two backhands again.

This time, it's a little harder.

The male tiger feels the pain.

Humanized with its paws on its head.

It looks pathetic.

But still not convinced.

Howling: If you have the ability to kill me, the police uncle will catch you!
What the hell!

I am not afraid that tigers understand human language, but I am afraid that tigers are educated!

Li Xiao couldn't help but feel emotional.

Now any kind of animal is a protected animal, even the previous "four pests" sparrows are among them, not to mention tigers.

Today's tigers must be well protected, absolutely not like in the Song Dynasty, just drink a little wine, kill one and be named a hero, or slaughter a brood of tigers on the way to pick up the old mother.

"Who will give me two slaps? Am I dreaming?"

"My God, am I dazzled?"

"The two tigers were beaten by the anchor?"

"Tiger: Hurry up and turn off the broadcast, I will lose my tiger face!"

"The anchor is amazing, he managed two tigers without even using a sliding shovel."

"This is a precious video of early immortals taming tigers."

The live broadcast room has been fried.

People nowadays rarely come into contact with large beasts.

Occasionally, a wild boar broke into the city, and it would become a hot search.

If you want to see beasts, you have to go to the zoo.

In addition, whether it is in books or film and television dramas, tigers are portrayed as the most majestic existence.

Therefore, in people's impression, the tiger is mighty and arrogant, and no one can subdue it at all.

Their images are ingrained in people's minds.

Once encountered, it can only become a part of the plate.

But now, Li Xiao subdued the two tigers with his bare hands without any protection.

Just a few clicks and it's done?

This is too simple, right?
If it wasn't live, who would believe it?
Even if it's a recording, it's awesome!
"Don't be surprised, everyone."

Li Xiao explained: "First of all, these two cats have been hungry for several days, and they have no strength at all.

Secondly, I am more familiar with them.

Third, I am a fitness expert, and I will exercise whenever I have nothing to do.

People gave him the nickname: Gushan Peng Yuyan.

Therefore, it is easy to subdue them.

If not, I would have no choice but to run away from an energetic tiger.

I hope everyone has a correct understanding of tigers. After encountering tigers in zoos or in the wild, don’t learn from me, let alone tease them! "

"How do I feel like I've heard this sentence before?"

"Isn't it like Taoist Wudang told us to believe in science, turned around and used lightness kung fu to jump off the cliff!"

"Nimma! The truth!"

Li Xiao ignored the barrage and turned to look at the tigress.

The male tiger was unwilling, but the female tiger was already afraid.

After noticing that Li Xiao was staring at him, he shivered in fright and backed away again and again.

Li Xiao smiled charmingly and said, "I won't beat you anymore, but I want to take this tigress away."

"I will separate you forever."

"Not only that, but there will be other tigresses in the zoo in the future, and I promise you won't see them either."

As soon as the words fell, the male tiger was obviously stunned.

Li Xiao's move was too ruthless.

Comparable to murder.

Now is the mating season, if the female tiger is taken away, wouldn't it be suffocating the male tiger.

If it goes on for a long time, the ground of the tiger garden will be full of holes!

Li Xiao took out a piece of meat, threw it to the male tiger again, and said, "I will be your master from now on, you must listen to me, understand?"

The male tiger hesitated for two seconds and swallowed it in one gulp.

Obviously, it got it!
Li Xiao took out another piece of meat and threw it to the tigress.

The tigress's eyes were fixed on the fresh meat, and her mouth was full of pouts, but she didn't speak immediately, but tilted her head to look at Li Xiao.

"This tigress is really scared!"

"Even eating meat depends on the anchor's wink."

"It's also incredible."

"The big cat is so pitiful, hurry up! Come on! Give it! It! Eat!"

"Not bad! Eat!"

Li Xiao is very satisfied with the current effect.

At least the two tigers will not regard themselves as food no matter how hungry they are in the future.

Li Xiao took out some fresh meat and threw it in front of the two tigers.

The two tigers had been hungry for a long time with their chests pressed against their backs, and following Li Xiao's order, they began to gobble up.

As the fresh meat was bitten down, the eyes of the two tigers were shining brightly.

They had never eaten such delicious meat.

Fresh and tender!Fat!
Although I don't know what kind of animal meat it is, it is really delicious!
"It seems that you are really hungry, don't fight, I have more here."

Li Xiao stepped forward and gently stroked the two tigers, saying: "Everyone must remember that tigers are very protective of their food. If you see tigers eating in the wild or in a zoo, you must not move forward curiously, as this will only irritate them. Make them feel that you are going to fight them for food, so they will attack you with grinning teeth!"

Li Xiao was doing science popularization very seriously, but no one believed it.

"Anchor, are you learning from Uncle Benshan and fooling us here?".

"Isn't it? I touched the tiger's head, but told us not to approach the tiger when it was eating."

"Fake! Fake! It must be fake! I seriously doubt that these two tigers are fake!"

Li Xiao said with a smile: "This is definitely an authentic Siberian tiger. The reason why I am so close to them is because we are already good friends."

"Call out friends."

"I didn't expect that the trick of not knowing each other can also be used on tigers."

"It's the first time I've seen a tiger eat meat."

"Look at those teeth, one bite, it feels like it could crush my head."

"Thanks to the anchor, I used to be very anorexic, but now I suddenly have an appetite after watching it."

At this moment, the number of people in the live broadcast room has exceeded [-].

Tens of thousands of people watched the two tigers eat meat.

Have fun.

Under the watchful eyes of thousands of people, the two tigers ate up ten kilograms of fresh meat.

Not even meat scraps left.

To a hungry tiger, this bit of meat is nothing at all.

Under normal circumstances, a tiger needs ten kilograms of meat a day.

The meat rewarded by the system was extraordinary. After eating this meal, not only did the two tigers become more energetic, but their hair became much brighter, and they became closer to Li Xiao.

Li Xiao leaned against the tiger to rest.

He also touched the tiger's butt by the way.

If you were an ordinary person, even a breeder who has been dealing with tigers all year round would not dare to do this.

But Li Xiao did it easily.

Li Xiao was not afraid, but the tigress was.

Subconsciously moved back.

For fear that Li Xiao would slap him roughly again.

"Don't worry, since you have followed me, I won't beat you."

Li Xiao was amused, and explained patiently: "I am the grandson of your original owner. His old man ran away with a widow and handed you over to me, so now I will take care of you. I will not let you get hurt." .”

(End of this chapter)

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