My Live Life at the Zoo

Chapter 51 Walking Like a Duck

Chapter 51 Walking Like a Duck

The road in Hamatun is very bad. Although the road has been built, due to the terrain, there are potholes, and there is a feeling of nine bends and eighteen bends.

Fortunately, Li Xiao learned how to drive, and the old driver Qiu Mingshan possessed him, so he didn't panic at all, and he was more than capable.

When he came to the county seat, Li Xiao went straight to the timber market.

The owner of the timber market is Zhao Xuri, a resident of the village next door to Hamatun, and a well-known figure in this area.

When his mother was pregnant with him, his father couldn't bear the ten-month loneliness, so he hooked up with a woman from a hair washing room in the county town.

As for whether this hair washing room is serious or not, it's hard to say, I just know that every night, the hair washing room is bright red.

Afterwards, his father took the woman out of the city in an obsessive manner, and abandoned their mother and son.

Zhao Xuri's mother was not in good health, so it was difficult to bring Zhao Xuri up.

Fortunately, the villagers in the nearby villages are more kind. Today you take care of it, and tomorrow I will take care of it for a day. Let Zhao Xuri grow up eating a variety of meals.

It may be because of family reasons, Zhao Xuri doesn't like to study, no matter what grade, or any subject, he is always at the bottom, and there are many big duck eggs.

It can be said that Zhao Xuri got more duck eggs when he was a child than he ate in his life.

Zhao Xuri left school before finishing the second year of junior high school.

Since then, wandering in the streets, doing various odd jobs.

Moving bricks, masonry, water and electricity, washing cars, distributing leaflets... as long as he can make money, he will do it.

She even worked as a nude model for the Academy of Art.

Also pretended to be a girl and played women's soccer.

After years of hard work, Zhao Xuri finally established the largest timber market in the county.

Nowadays, many classmates from elementary school and junior high school are working under him after graduating from university.

Li Xiao had greeted Zhao Xuri in advance, so Zhao Xuri sat in the office early in the morning and waited.

After all, what Li Xiao told him was to renovate a zoo.

For him, this is the biggest list in several years.

"Boss Zhao, is the contract ready?"

As soon as he entered the office, Li Xiao went straight to the point.

"This is the contract, take a look."

Zhao Xuri took out the printed contract and said, "If you think there is nothing wrong with it, you can sign the contract and pay a deposit.

Let me tell you, because you don't know exactly how much wood the zoo needs, so we will prepare some of it for you in advance, and then send it to you one after another when you need it, until the work is completed, and then we will count it.

Don't worry, we are all neighbors, and the quantity you need is huge. Back then, I ate the food cooked by your grandfather, so the price will definitely be cheaper for you. "

"The contract is fine!"

After reading the contract, Li Xiao decisively signed it.

Then transfer the deposit to Zhao Xuri.

"Boss Zhao, do you recognize him as an engineer?"

"Which kind of project? Building a house? Or renovating the zoo?"

"No, build the road!"

"I really know this."

Zhao Xuri said: "I have a brother who specializes in road construction, but you are not repairing the zoo, why do you need to repair roads?"

"I want to build a road that leads directly to the zoo."

Li Xiao answered truthfully.

To be rich, build roads first.

Only when the road is repaired and it opens for business will it be convenient for tourists who come to visit one after another.

If you want to go to Gushan Zoo, you must pass through Hama Village, but Hamo Village is still a dirt road.

It's fine on weekdays, but once it rains, it's like a swamp.

Therefore, Li Xiao wanted to build a road from the entrance of the village to the zoo.

Zhao Xuri frowned, and said, "Little brother, if you want to renovate the zoo, it's fine, but if you want to build roads, forget it."


"Mountain roads are difficult to repair! It's not because the terrain is difficult, but because people's hearts are difficult!"

After all, Zhao Xuri has a lot of experience, so he said, "When you have repaired at the door of the villagers, some will not let you repair it, and some will ask you to pay for it, because they think that the door of the house is their own, and others will never let you repair it. can not touch.

Even if you forcibly build the road, some people will destroy it, and even walk around on it before it is completely dry.

After you repair it, some people are still dissatisfied, thinking that you have repaired the land at their entrance.

Therefore, whether it is to start, to complete, or to complete, there are many difficulties. Even if you donate money to benefit the villagers for free, some people will not appreciate it. "

Everything Zhao Xuri said made sense.

These days, land is money.

Even if it's not road construction, but just starting construction at home, the neighbors you make friends with on weekdays will be wary of you again and again, lest you go one centimeter too far.

Li Xiao thought for a while and said, "Don't worry, before starting the repair, I will ask all the villagers for their opinions and try to get everyone's consent."

"I hope you are doing well."

Zhao Xuri shook his head.

I have no hope for Li Xiao's idea.

"Gushan Zoo, you know, just send someone to send the wood there later."


Zhao Xuri was stunned.

" don't know the Lonely Mountain Zoo?"

Li Xiao was a little embarrassed.

Anyway, the zoo is located in the county, but the people in the county don't even know it, no wonder it was so bleak before.

"I only know Lonely Mountain!"

"Ahem, the zoo is in Gushan."


"By the way, can you give me the contact information of your brother who built the road, and I will contact him directly when the time comes."

"no problem."

After getting the contact information, Li Xiao left.

As for the specific address of the Gushan Zoo, Li Xiao didn't say, and it doesn't need to, as long as you go to Gushan, the workers who deliver the wood will definitely be able to see it.

After leaving the timber market, Li Xiao ate some tofu fried dough sticks on the street, and had a simple breakfast.

The tofu nao he ate was salty!
I was about to drive home, but as soon as I got in the car, I saw an interesting scene.

In the nearby park, a mother duck is playing in the pond with a group of ducklings.

They are mallard ducks.

The mouth is yellow-yellow, the head is green-green, and there is a distinct white collar around the neck.

Very ornamental.

The ducklings followed closely behind the mother duck, except...

One of the most petite little ducks was lazy and took the opportunity to jump on the back of the mother duck.

"Could this be the legendary Xie Xie Duck (thank you)!"

Li Xiao was healed by this cute scene, and couldn't help laughing.

After playing in the pond for a while, the mother duck came ashore with her ducklings.

Walking, shaking his head.

Like a tumbler.

"Isn't this Master Xing and Hua Tsai?"

Li Xiao said.

In "Tricky Expert", Master Xing and Hua Tsai walk like this.

He also talked about walking like a duck, and it will definitely be released this year.

For this reason, Li Xiao studied it when he was a child, but he was scolded by his grandfather just before he walked out of the street.

(End of this chapter)

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