My Live Life at the Zoo

Chapter 50 One Person Renovates One Zoo in January

Chapter 50
"Positive personality?"

Qi Miao thought for a long time, but she didn't expect it, and asked, "For example?"

Li Xiao spread his hands and said: "For example, let Xiao Hei set up a handsome guy character, but this handsome guy used to be really handsome, but now he is a bit older, causing wrinkles on his face, but with his humorous style, he is still attractive. There are a large number of fans, and the fans want to laugh when they see him."

"Another example is the character design for the whirlwind stand singer, but its character design is very mysterious, and it is difficult to explain it clearly with science. That is, whenever you go to sing in a place, it will definitely rain in that place."

"There is also the white horse, which is also set up as a handsome guy, but it has been in a car accident, which caused a bit of disfigurement, but it is still popular because of its excellent quality, character, etc., and its male fans More than female fans.

Not only that, but its companions are getting married one after another, but it is the only one who is always single.

Whenever its partner gets married, it will be on the hot search for no reason. "

"As for Tyson, I set him up as a fitness person. Because he is very self-disciplined, he has a particularly good figure. He is the dream lover of countless kangaroos, but he, like the white horse, is a bachelor for thousands of years."

"Not bad, these characters are not bad."

"Hahahaha, the principal is also a talent."

"Who kind-hearted person can tell me who these characters are?"

Seeing that the tourists in the live broadcast room all agreed, Qi Miao also nodded and said, "Alright, I will do as you said, but the specific details of the person setting will have to be seriously discussed at that time."

"to make!"

After that, Li Xiao and Qi Miao continued to hang out in the zoo and broadcast live.

The two stayed in the zoo all day, and their lunch and dinner were settled in the zoo.

The food is naturally made from local materials.

Xiao Hei caught a pheasant nearby.

Li Xiao casually made a beggar chicken.

It's past six o'clock after dinner.

Following the setting sun, the two went down the mountain.

Qi Miao was going to leave today, but she hadn't been able to breed Xiaobai and Xiaohei yet, so she postponed her return because she was not reconciled.

After returning home, Li Xiao went back to the room immediately to check today's live broadcast benefits.

By the way, take Xiao Hei away.

He was afraid that Qi Miao would drug Xiao Hei and engage in a forced breeding.

140 million!

Today's live broadcast has gained 30 followers.

Li Xiao decided to draw a lottery.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the [Insight Technique]!"

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the [Pointing Jiangshan Technique]!"

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining [Architecture]!"

[Insight Technique]: The host can gain insight into the physical characteristics, weight, length, preferences, etc. of all animals, and can even gain insight into everything that the animal has done in this life.

Note: Insight can only gain insight into animals. Although humans are advanced animals, there are certain risks in insight into humans. Please use it with caution.

【Tips and tricks】: After the lion park, monkey park and other zoo areas are built according to the blueprints, if the host is not satisfied with the buildings, structures, and furnishings in the park, he can move his finger and move it at will.

Note: Pointing Jiangshan can only be used in the zoo, as long as you leave the zoo, it will be invalid.

[Architecture]: Hui style architecture of landscape painting, noble and elegant garden architecture, minimalist modern architecture... Click to learn, you will become a master architect in the new era, and you can give your soul to your mind with your hands.

Note: Learning architecture can be used to build anywhere, not only can transform the zoo, but also transform the residence of the host.

"This architectural technique is good. I just want to renovate these houses in my hometown."

Without even thinking about it, Li Xiao directly learned all three skills.

It's a bit tasteless to point out the Jiangshan technique.

Because it can only be used in the zoo.

However, Li Xiao thought of a trick: as the zoo continues to expand, wouldn't the pointing trick be used at will?

As for the Insight Technique, after learning it, Li Xiao immediately looked at Xiao Hei who was lying under the bed.In the next second, a data panel appeared in front of him that only Li Xiao could see.

[Name: Xiao Hei! 】

[Type: Chinese Pastoral Dog! 】

[Age: two years old! 】

[Strength: 13 (average of 10 for ordinary dogs)! 】

[Agility: 14 (average of 10 for ordinary dogs)! 】

[Endurance: 19 (average of 10 for ordinary dogs)! 】

[Outbreak: 20 (average of 10 for ordinary dogs)! 】

[Favorites: Little bitch! 】

In addition to these data, everything that Xiao Hei has done from birth to the present, flashed through Li Xiao's mind at five times the speed of a TV series.

"My dear, this stamina and outburst are beyond the sky. You are worthy of being a dog. No wonder some people like to drink your baby with wine."

Li Xiao couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Rolling his eyes, Li Xiao asked doubtfully, "Can I gain insight into myself?"


The system's answer is decisive and straightforward.

It makes sense to think about it, after all, Li Xiao can't see himself.

Not right!

Who says I can't see myself?

Li Xiao immediately took out the mirror and began to look at himself in the mirror.

[Name: Li Xiao! 】

[Type: Male Human! 】

[Age: 22 years old! 】

[Strength: 14 (average of 10 for ordinary people)! 】

[Agility: 15 (average of 10 for ordinary people)! 】

[Endurance: 16 (average of 10 for ordinary people)! 】

[Outbreak: 16 (average of 10 for ordinary people)! 】

[Appearance: 20 (average of 10 for ordinary people)! 】

[Wealth: 450 million! 】

The panel appears.


What the hell are you stuck on with a BUG here?
Compared with Xiaohei, he has more beauty and wealth.

Less likes.

After all, Li Xiao's hobbies are too broad.

Houses, cars, tickets, girls, etc., are simply too numerous to count.

"No, where did I get so much money?"

Li Xiao was stunned suddenly.

He didn't even know how much money he had.

It's not that like Papa Ma, he is not interested in money, but he really doesn't know.

Li Xiao quickly checked and found that so much money was earned by his own live broadcast in the past two days, and he hadn't had time to withdraw it yet.

It's only been a few days since the live broadcast, and he has become a millionaire?
It's no wonder that some celebrities are not good at filming, and they are all included in the live broadcast army.

"What about rewards?"

Li Xiao asked after familiarizing himself with the three skills.

These three were obtained by lottery, and the other three were rewarded by the system.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting the [Drone]!"

"Congratulations to the host for getting [Fresh Fruit]!"

"Congratulations to the host for getting the [Guardian Axe]!"

Sure enough, the system's automatic rewards are not very good.

Li Xiao has become accustomed to it.

Li Xiao already owns drones and fresh fruits, and has seen them before.

As for the patrolling axe, is this the jungle equipment in "Glory of the King"?

Fortunately, Li Xiao often plays, otherwise he would really be fooled by the system.

Li Xiao clicked to check.

[Patrol Axe]: The original "Glory of the King" jungle equipment has been transformed into an omnipotent sharp axe.

It can be chopped, chopped, chopped, or picked.

With a patrol axe, you can chop trees and attack wild animals.

Note: This is just an ordinary axe!

"Mediocre? But anyone who says mediocre is really awesome, okay?"

Li Xiao thought of "The Legend of Condor Heroes" played by President Gu.

Just as she was about to take out the ax for a serious inspection, the door was pushed open and Qi Miao walked in.

"What are you doing?"

Almost subconsciously, Li Xiao wrapped himself tightly with the quilt.

Xiao Hei was also taken aback, bounced off the ground with a whoosh, and jumped into Li Xiao's arms.

One person and one dog are all afraid of this woman.

A woman who dares to prescribe drugs is too fierce to resist!
"Hey, don't get excited. I'm here to discuss something with you. It's been a long night and I don't want to sleep."

Qi Miao smiled slightly, and took advantage of the opportunity to sit beside Li Xiao's bed.

"Not negotiable!"

"I haven't spoken yet."

"No matter what is discussed, there is nothing to discuss."

Li Xiao noticed that Qi Miao's eyes were staring at Xiao Hei, so he must be running towards Xiao Hei again.

"Don't you want to..."

"In no mood!"

"I mean……"

"You don't want to say it!"


"You're sleepy, good night!"

Li Xiao took advantage of the situation and lay down, about to sleep soundly.

Qi Miao clenched her fists tightly, took a deep breath, and simply changed the subject, saying: "I followed you around the zoo today, and I found that not only are the facilities in the zoo not complete, but many of the facilities are also outdated.

In addition, many parts of the zoo are dilapidated and need to be refurbished.

If you want to live broadcast through the zoo for a long time, or if you want to open the zoo as soon as possible, you must complete these places as soon as possible.

When the zoo opens, I can also contact the platform to recommend and attract traffic to you. "

"Huh? Recommendation? Drainage?"

Li Xiao's eyes lit up, he had a good idea.

Why do we have to wait until the opening to drain traffic?
I desperately need a lot of fans!
"It's better not to wait for the opening, just tomorrow."


Qi Miao wondered: "But there are still many incomplete facilities in the zoo?" "I have a plan."

"what's the plan?"

"Take care of the zoo."

Li Xiao said: "In 30 days, I will rest the entire zoo by myself and broadcast it live!"

Qi Miao's small mouth opened into an O shape, and she didn't react for a long time.

Li Xiao said: "It takes 30 days to hire a contractor team. I do it myself and work overtime. It takes about a month."

Qi Miao swallowed her saliva and said, "Do you really want to do it alone?"

"Of course!"

"can you?"

"I've said it before, men can't say no!"

Li Xiao is very confident.

He is not blindly confident.

First of all, after taking special capsules, his body is already different from ordinary people.

Secondly, it has drank a lot of spiritual energy water these days, and its body has become stronger and stronger.

Whether it is strength, speed, or agility, endurance, etc., there are leaps and bounds.

Even if he does not sleep all day, he will not feel tired.

Third, I have just learned architecture, why should I spend money to find an engineering team?
Even if there is occasional need for help, you can ask Xiao Hei and Xie Mou to help.

In this way, the effect of the live broadcast is better, and it can better reflect the intelligence and understanding of these animals in the zoo.

As for wood and other tools, of course, you still need to spend money to buy them.

"Your idea is good, but it is too difficult to execute."

Qi Miao frowned.

She has grown up so much, and she has never seen a person complete a project.

Just like making a movie, no one can handle the whole process of producer, cameraman, dubbing, starring, etc. alone.

"Because it is difficult, it is challenging!"

Li Xiao secretly made up his mind and prepared to stage an extreme challenge.

Qi Miao thought for half a minute, and said, "I'll go back and report it later. If the higher-ups agree, then I have no objections. I will start publicizing it for you from tomorrow."

Although he has not been in contact with Li Xiao for a long time, Qi Miao knows that Li Xiao can create miracles.

Because he has created a lot before that.

If he can grasp the plan of "one person per month to complete the zoo project" and publicize it, Qi Miao believes that it will definitely attract a lot of traffic to the platform, and Li Xiao will also make a lot of money because of it, and a perfect win-win situation will be directly realized at that time.

That night, after Qi Miao reluctantly left Li Xiao's room, a man with a big belly appeared in the village.

He quietly entered the village.

Just like the little devils during the Anti-Japanese War.

Finally, I came to Zhang Baba's house.

At this moment, Zhang Baba was lying on the big pit at home and yelling.

"Li Xiao is such a bastard, I must make him pay the price."

"You actually scolded me in front of so many people, what the fuck is it that I don't want to lose face?"

"He seems to have inherited that zoo. Tomorrow, I will buy a pack of rat poison, put it in the water of the zoo, and poison all the animals to death."

"And that old scalper, don't let me find it, or I will chop you up and eat meat!"

Cursing and cursing, I suddenly became thirsty.

Just get off the kang and pour water.


Bang bang bang!
There was a loud knock on the door.

"Crap! Which bastard is knocking on my door at night, tired of work?"

While cursing, Zhang Baba went to open the door.

I walked slowly, because the injury from being bumped during the day hadn't healed yet, and many places on my body were wrapped in gauze.

"Fuck! You knocked, I heard it!"

"Is it another Li Xiao who came to punish me?"

Zhang Baba was dubious and opened the door.

Getting ready to yell.

It can be seen that a thick stack of Grandpa Mao appeared in the line of sight.

Let alone twenty or thirty thousand!
The mouthful of swear words was abruptly held back, Zhang Baba immediately became smiling, and said: "Which good brother is this, this is too outlandish, if you come, come here, knock on any door, just take your foot Kick, the door of my house is for you to kick."

Two seconds before and after, completely different faces.

If this was during the Anti-Japanese War, he would definitely be a traitor.

"Zhang Baba, I know you!"

In front of the door, the man with a big belly said dully, "We have a common enemy, I need your help, as long as you can help me, the money will be yours, and you can even give you more."

"It's easy to say, good brother, come in first, don't catch a cold outside."

Zhang Baba greeted warmly.

Looks like a dog leg.

Although it was only the first time seeing this person, there was a feeling of resentment.

Because it was early in the morning, no one knew that someone had come to the village.

The next morning, Li Xiao got up early and did not broadcast live, but went straight to the county town to buy wood and other repair equipment.

Because the direct bus from the village to the county didn't arrive until ten o'clock, so Li Xiao drove Qi Miao's commercial vehicle to go there.

As for Qi Miao, she is still sleeping late, and she is nicknamed "sleeping beauty sleep!"

(End of this chapter)

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