Chapter 60
"Congratulations to the host for obtaining [Watermelon Seeds]!"

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining [Carrot Seed]!"

"Congratulations to the host for getting [Fish Feed]!"

"Congratulations to the host for getting the [Drone]!"

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining [One Hundred Catties of Fresh Meat]!"

【Watermelon Seed*5】: It can grow watermelon, the speed is slow, but very sweet.

【Carrot Seed*5】: Carrots can grow, the speed is slow, but very crisp.

[Fish Feed*100]: Specially feed fish, which can increase the appetite of fish, assist their rapid growth, and cultivate the relationship with the host.

[Drone] and [One Hundred Catty Fresh Meat], these two Li Xiao have won many times and need no introduction.

Sure enough, the rewards are not as good as the lottery.

Gushan Zoo currently does not have any fish. Currently there is only one golden koi, which happens to be fed with fish feed.

As for the watermelon seeds and carrot seeds, because Li Xiao has already used up the golden soil, he can only plant them in ordinary soil tomorrow.

With the end of the lottery draw, Li Xiao was already full.

After simply clearing away the dishes, the sound of wah-wah sounded from mid-air, followed by a whirlwind descending from the sky.

Cyclone: ​​Master, I found it!Found the herd of wild boars!

"Two days and one night, I finally found it!"

Li Xiao let out a long sigh.

Li Xiao, who had worked hard all day, was going to interview Duke Zhou, but now he was in no mood, so he wiped his face excitedly and was about to set off.

As long as the herd of wild boars can be incorporated tonight, won't the zoo have more labor force tomorrow!
Qi Miao worried: "It's late at night, you want to go into the mountains to find wild boars?"

"Ann, I used to go up the mountain in the dark when I was a child, and I wasn't afraid at all."

Li Xiao picked up the patrol ax and went out decisively.

Just in case, before going out, I also brought the bow and arrow rewarded by the system last time.

This bow is brown in color, engraved with dragon-shaped patterns, and decorated with copper hoops and jade horns. It looks not only beautiful but also domineering.

The bow string is pitch black, and there is no specific material to be seen.

Just looking at the shape of this bow, it is better than that simple fishing rod.

The tourists in the live broadcast room even praised it again and again.

"Good bow! So beautiful!"

"Director, did you make this bow yourself?"

"I'll pay for it, can you do it for me too?"

"Are you crazy? The director's bow is made of sumac, and it must be orthodox Brazilian sumac. And the quality should be more than 500 years old."

"Fuck! Antique!"

"It turns out that the principal is the hidden boss!!!"

There are still people who know the goods in the live broadcast room.

Li Xiao didn't know the material of this bow, so he held it in his hand and tried it a little bit, and he was very satisfied.

The tension of this bow is very high, and only his strength can pull it.

This is not the kind of bow at the sports meeting, mainly for ornamental purposes, etc. This bow pays more attention to lethality!
In addition to the bow, there are ten long arrows in the quiver at the waist.

In ancient times, Li Xiao could at least be an officer in the army relying on this bow alone.

And he is also good at drawing a bow and archery, and his status will be even higher.

No way, the bow is the most powerful long-range weapon in the cold weapon era, bar none!

Huang Zhong, one of the five tiger generals, is the most representative figure!

When he was ready, Li Xiao started to go up the mountain.

I didn't carry a flashlight because I was worried about bewildering the grass, and I relied entirely on the moonlight and the faint light of the drone.


Xiao Hei followed behind Li Xiao: Master, I'm not feeling well!

"Xiao Hei stays at home and rests, follow me through the mountains and whirlwinds!"

Li Xiao could see that Xiao Hei was not feeling well, because he didn't eat a single bite during the meal, and just lay down on the ground drowsy.

Out of consideration for Xiao Hei's health, he temporarily left it at home.

"Qi Miao, help me take care of Xiao Hei, don't think about giving it medicine, it's not feeling well now, even if you take the medicine, it won't have the strength to have anything to do with your Xiao Bai."

Li Xiao urged repeatedly, and finally went out.

He didn't notice that before going out, the golden koi in the large porcelain jar kept moving, which seemed to indicate something.

Not long after Li Xiao left the village, two figures emerged from the dark corner of the wall.

They have mobile phones in their hands.

The phone is Li Xiao's live broadcast room.

"Hey, this guy has gone up the mountain, and there is only one little girl left at home. Good chance, let's do it!"


The mountain road is difficult to walk.

Especially the mountain road at night.

Something will come out of the cold grass.

Fortunately, with the whirlwind leading the way, Li Xiao was unimpeded in the complicated mountains and forests.

I don't know how long I walked, and suddenly the ground trembled slightly.

Li Xiao frowned slightly, almost instinctively, turning his head to look around involuntarily.

At this moment, the sky was completely shrouded in darkness, with only the pale moonlight, just relying on a little bit of moonlight, Li Xiao saw a little gray in the air!

It's that dusty ash!
Immediately afterwards, the ground trembled more and more intensely, accompanied by a faint rumbling sound.

That sound was like the muffled drum of an ancient battlefield.

"what happened?"

"What the hell happened, it scared me to death!"

"At this very moment, a fierce man was so frightened that he stuffed his feet into the bed."

"Could it be that you hit a ghost?"

"When I was a child, I often heard from my grandma that there are mountain ghosts on the mountain, and they would appear in the dead of night."

"Hundred ghosts travel at night, strangers avoid it!"

"In the daytime, it's either a beauty or a leg, and at night it's either food or a ghost!"

"Don't talk about it, I was so scared that I didn't dare to go to the toilet."

"My mother often said that if you don't come home at midnight, nothing good will happen!"

"Urgently, Uncle Ying protects me!"

In the middle of the night, people seem to love telling scary stories.

Whenever there is a little movement, you will be frightened.

The tourists in the live broadcast room were all frightened by this movement.

Only Li Xiao, who has lived on the mountain all year round, is very familiar with this scene, and said slowly, "The herd?"

"Impossible, there is no herd of beasts in this area, could it be that the herd of wild boars found us?"

Li Xiao has walked through this area quite often, and has never encountered a herd of beasts.

Moreover, this area is relatively close to human villages. The animals in the mountains are very smart and will not easily approach and provoke humans.

"What herd?"

"There is such a big movement?"

"It can't really be a herd of wild boars?"

"It's okay, it's okay, it's easy to say anything if it's not a ghost."

The tourists in the live broadcast room relaxed a little when they heard what Li Xiao said.

But in the next second, as the drone turned the camera, they all rolled off the bed in fright.

"'s a pack of wolves!"

"Nimma! It's really a pack of wolves!"

"Why are there so many wolves? Didn't the director come to look for the wild boars? How did you provoke the wolves?"

"Principal, run, the wolves are coming, so many wolves can tear you to pieces!"

(End of this chapter)

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