Chapter 59
Qi Miao thought that Li Xiao was caring about her, her face flushed red and her heart was pounding. After nodding, she finally exited the kitchen.

"Huh! This woman can be regarded as sent away."

Li Xiao let out a long breath.

It's like a relief.

Li Xiao understands that Qi Miao is a kitchen killer.

Anything in the kitchen would suffer if she touched it.

No wonder her father euphemistically kicked her out of the house. Apart from not wanting Qi Miao to poison herself to death, he also wanted to preserve the kitchen.

After all, the kitchen was fried, and he couldn't even eat a hot meal.

On the outside, it's bright and shiny.

In the kitchen, I don't know anything, just like an idiot.

It seems that this is the status quo of most women!

Soon, Li Xiao re-made the food and served it on the stone table outside.

Qi Miao asked suspiciously, "Where are the dishes I cooked?"

"I accidentally spilled it, so I made a new one."

Li Xiao really couldn't bear to say that he dumped it on purpose.

Because Li Xiao threw the food made by Qi Miao to Xiao Hei, Xiao Hei almost rolled his eyes after smelling it.

"No! I must let you taste my craft!"

Qi Miao didn't give up, she was about to get up and said, "I'll cook another dish for you!"

"There is no food at home, let's make it another day."

Li Xiao said anxiously.

One day in the future, I will no longer miss this world, and I will definitely eat your cooking!

Qi Miao believed it was true, and finally stopped worrying about cooking, and began to eat obediently.

Li Xiao was also sitting at the side, checking the benefits of today's live broadcast while eating.

190 million!

Today, it directly increased by 50 followers!

You can draw five times!


Li Xiao said silently in his heart, and decisively drew a lottery.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining [Painting]!"

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining [Sculpture]!"

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining [Astrology]!
"Congratulations to the host for getting [a box of bees]!"

"Congratulations to the host for getting the [Robot Arm]!
[Painting technique]: After learning this technique, the host can quickly master ink painting, sketch painting, abstract painting, etc., and can paint for the animals in the zoo. Selling paintings can kill three birds with one stone.

The host can also paint on the walls of the zoo to increase the ornamental value of the zoo.

Note: This painting technique can also be used to paint people, please rest assured to learn the host!
[Sculpture]: Although the host can already make small crafts such as bamboo whistle, learning carving can make your crafting skills reach the peak, and you can also carry out stone carving, wood carving, sand carving...

Note: The host can also carry out exclusive carvings for animals——to sell them for money and increase additional income.

[Astrology]: An ancient and mysterious Chinese secret art. After learning, the host can gain the ability to observe the sky at night, so as to infer the future weather, natural disasters, etc., and quickly and effectively protect animals.

Note: Stargazing is too mysterious, it will inevitably be regarded as a deception by uninformed people, and even the host will be regarded as a half-immortal, please be careful when using it in front of others.

[A box of bees]: This box of honey is the largest bee in the world - the Himalayan giant bee, with a body length of 17-18mm, which is two to three times that of ordinary bees.

The Himalayan giant bee can produce the most precious honey in the world, it is called 'crazy honey', it is a red sweet fruit with psychotropic substances, which can be turned into a high dose of hallucinogen in reasonable doses, eating Too much of this honey will kill you!
In the United States, a pound of honey can be sold for between US$60 and US$80, that is, the price is between 0.45 and 360 yuan per 500 kilograms, but these are black market prices, and you cannot find them in local supermarkets.

There are more than a thousand bees in this hive, and there are all kinds of bee species such as queen bee, drones, and worker bees in the hive. It is a small society that is completely self-sufficient and completely obeys the orders of the host.

Note: Himalayan giant bees can protect the host, and honey can also bring economic benefits to the host, please treat them well!

[Robot Arm]: This arm is a high-tech product. Once worn, it can be attached to the user by itself, which can enhance the user's own strength, attack power, etc., and can never be removed.

NOTE: This arm is only suitable for use by carnivores!

"Damn it, cheating father!"

Li Xiao was about to secretly delight in this mechanical arm, but as a precaution, he couldn't help complaining in his heart.

At the first sight of the mechanical arm, Li Xiao thought of the superhero in the Marvel movie - the Winter Soldier.

If you can wear a robotic arm, wouldn't you be able to become the Winter Soldier?
As a result, he became powerful, unrestrained, and ruthless.

Of course, this is only limited to the Winter Soldier in "Captain America 2".

The Winter Soldier in the next few movies has completely turned into a walk-on since he was whitewashed, and he can only shoot a machine gun.

It's a pity that the robotic arm can only be used by carnivorous animals!
And Li Xiao doesn't have any animals with injured arms around him now, it seems that the mechanical arm needs to be put on hold for the time being.

As for a box of Himalayan giant bees, it is a huge profit.

Because the hives of Himalayan giant bees are not only located on steep mountains, but also very special, even bears who love honey find it difficult to break into their territory.

The only natural enemy that threatens them is humans.

But even humans need to build long ladders and hang ropes, and it takes hours to reach their hives.

During this period, even humans are highly likely to die.

Because of this, there are fewer and fewer honey hunters who specialize in hunting the hives of Himalayan giant bees.

In other words, Li Xiao is the only one who raises the Himalayan giant bee artificially.

As long as they can produce honey, it is a golden mountain that cannot be moved.

Even if Li Xiao is lying at home every day without daring to do anything, if he sells his daily honey, he can become a little local tyrant.

Besides, stargazing is even more against the sky.

The Gushan Zoo is located in a mountain, and the geographical environment is not very good, and there are countless geological disasters in the mountain. If you learn astrology, you can naturally protect and transfer various animals in advance.

It can not only protect the animals in the zoo, but also protect other wild animals.

However, as the system said, stargazing needs to be used with caution in front of people.

Otherwise, it will become Baoqiang from the movie "Hello! Mr. Tree"!

Ever since Mr. Tree in the movie went crazy, he fantasized that he could count. Not only could he figure out that there would be water cuts in the village, but he could also figure out that there would be accidents in other people’s mines, so he became even more distracted.

Compared with these three, painting and engraving skills are a bit inferior, but overall, this lottery draw is blood-earned!

Li Xiao was so excited that he couldn't help eating a few more mouthfuls of food, and said in his heart: "There are still five rewards, what are they?"

(End of this chapter)

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