Chapter 74
Li Xiao said: "I don't want to eat these two eggs, I'll raise them!"


Big Goose: You better keep your word, or we won't let you go!
Li Xiao has become a big celebrity in the village recently, and even these animals trust Li Xiao's character, so naturally they won't doubt what he said.

The big geese are not overwhelmed.

After all, they all know their fate, which is nothing more than laying eggs for others to eat.

If a person has no eggs to eat, he must eat himself.

And most of the eggs they lay can't hatch, and it's okay for people to eat them.

But this time there are eggs that can hatch and must be retrieved.

In fact, the villagers who raise big geese all year round can identify which eggs can hatch into babies, and if they can hatch, they will stay to hatch and raise them.

But this time, Uncle Zhang collected these goose eggs from various households in a hurry. The villagers didn't have time to identify them, so they were brought to Li Xiao.

"Director, I realize that you are cowardly, and you are actually afraid of these big geese."

"Come on, let's compete with the big geese!"

"Director, you can't give them face. You must eat all the goose eggs. If they refuse to accept it, then beat them!"

"Come on, principal, we all want to see it!"

[Tokyo is not too hot] I tipped a rocket.

Message: Director, I look forward to your performance, please don't let me down.

[You are in the underworld, if you need to write something in the book of life and death, please transfer the money in time] I rewarded a rocket.

Message: Director, I haven't seen how big geese fight and bite people, just satisfy my little curiosity.

[African Song Xiaobao] tipped a rocket.

Message: Director, now is a civilized and harmonious society, sweeping away the goose forces is a duty, they have come to bully your home, you must not be merciful.

Seeing the tourists urging him to fight the big goose, Li Xiao shrugged helplessly and said, "Satisfy you!"

Li Xiao is not afraid of big geese.

And the goose couldn't do him any harm.

Since tourists want to see it, put on a show.

As an anchor, you must have a conscience.

Li Xiao looked indifferently, looked at the big geese all over the ground, and said: "Come on, Master Goose, let's compete!"

The system is very spiritual, and the sound was quickly added.

It is the classic background music in the movie "Ip Man".

The big geese also gave Li Xiao face, with their wings spread out and their necks raised, maintaining an attacking posture.

"The contest between Master Li and Master Goose!"

"I want one to fight ten!"

"Master Li, that's not how you fight!"

Amidst the elated comments from tourists, the goose forces are finally about to make a move.

Looking at Li Xiao, standing on the spot, sinking into his dantian, straightened his waist, and in the next second, he swung forward with a sweeping kick.

This leg carried the momentum of an autumn wind sweeping fallen leaves.


Before touching the big goose, the big geese around fell to the ground one after another.

too fake!

Tourists in the live broadcast room: "..."

At this moment, everyone felt that they had been tricked.

"This scene is so familiar, I seem to have seen it somewhere!"

"I know that in the battle between Wang Chulan and Baobao Wang in the anime "Under One Man", the two used this kind of fighting to deal with others."

"At any rate, they still had skin-to-skin contact, but they didn't even touch it, so they fell down."

"These big geese have become fine, and they won't fight with the director at all!"

Tourists began to resent.

The big geese all know how fierce Li Xiao is, how could he look for a fight like an idiot?

And Li Xiao didn't want to offend this group of goose forces, so he immediately closed his move, opened the door, and said: "The discussion is over, let's go slowly!"

"Quack quack!!"

The big geese got up quickly, flapped their wings and walked out of Li Xiao's house.

"Principal, catch up and fight!"

"Don't let them go!"

"The head of the garden is cowardly!"

"Only old fans know the former glory of the director. The former director could fight tigers, but now he has to punch a group of big geese!"

Li Xiao said embarrassingly: "It can't be my fault, it's because they don't want to fight with me, they all look like showrunners, and they fall down before they fight."

"In addition, I want to give you a popular science, don't think that the big goose is easy to bully just because of the scene just now.

Big geese are dominant in the countryside, and even some adults will back away when they see them.

Especially the big geese here, they have all become spirits, not only go out in groups, but also fight unambiguously.

The wolfdog gang and the yellow dog gang in the village are already very arrogant, but they are still obedient when they see this group of big geese. "

Li Xiao was doing science popularization patiently.

In the countryside, many native dogs are no match for big geese. Whether they fight in groups or single-handedly, they will be pecked and screamed by big geese.

Of course, it is also related to the fact that the native dog itself is more timid.

Dogs are cowardly because they have human nature. They have been educated by humans since they were young to know what to do and what not to do, so naturally they dare not mess around.

If it kills someone else's big goose, the owner of the dog will have to pay for compensation, which is not worth it at all.

In addition to being more aggressive, in rural areas, geese will also guard homes.

As long as outsiders come to the house, they will stretch their necks, lower their bodies, and want to make gestures.

The tourists naturally did not believe what Li Xiao said.

And Li Xiao didn't explain much, after cleaning up briefly, he went up the mountain.

Time is running out, and he has to rest the zoo.


On the way, Li Xiao happened to see the Yellow Dog Gang.

At this time, the Yellow Dog Gang has lost the prestige of last night, and is being chased by the big geese just now.

I saw that many little dogs were completely suppressed by the big goose, and the hair on their heads was almost pecked off.

Finally, with the roar of the big yellow dog, the little dogs of the yellow dog gang fled and disappeared on the street.

It's not over yet, after driving away the Yellow Dog Gang, the big geese went home one after another.

Every big goose knows the door of the house, and no one has gone wrong.

And whenever a big goose enters my house, the big geese outside will quack and stay for more than ten seconds, as if they are discussing to continue traveling together tomorrow.

Such a scene is undoubtedly a novelty for tourists.

Fortunately, they didn't see the big geese going out together just now, otherwise they would be even more shocked.

Traveling together and going home together, these big geese live with people all year round, and they have already become popular.

"I'll go, I've learned more, this wave must deduct six."

"It's amazing, it's because I'm ignorant!"

"Isn't the director's village very good in Fengshui? The dogs here form gangs, and even the big geese know how to travel together."

"It's true, the director's village has aura!"

"Hurry up and open the zoo, I want to live in the past for a while!"

"The rocket is here!"

"I underestimated these big geese just now. When I go to the director's zoo, I have to walk around these big geese!"

The barrage surged, and the tourists finally believed it.

Li Xiao also came to the zoo soon and started a new day of pulling plows.

(End of this chapter)

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