Chapter 75 The principal and 600 yuan
"Today's extra meal, I opened my belly to eat, and continued to work with me when I was full."

When he first arrived at the zoo, Li Xiao fed fresh meat, fresh fruit, and fresh grass twice as much as usual.

The appetites of the animals are very good, and each one eats more deliciously than the other.

They all turned into eating and broadcasting.

"King Jiji eats apples too well, they are crunchy and crisp."

"This bear cub eats and smacks his mouth, it's so cute."

"Why do I suddenly feel that the fried dough sticks and soy milk in the bowl are no longer fragrant, so I don't say anything, and go find an apple first."

"Xiemou: The broadcast has started, veterans in the live broadcast room, today the king of beasts will perform a three-bite piece of meat for everyone, all veterans remember to double-click 666 for me, and the little rocket will take a walk."

"These wild boars must be delicious. I'm going to buy two catties of pork today."

"Crispy Roasted Whole Pig to learn about."

Animals are basically born to eat and broadcast. Watching them eat will whet your appetite, and you can't help but want to eat something.

Unlike some food and broadcast anchors with goods.

Eat black garlic, almost morning sickness.

After eating black plums, the sour face is distorted and deformed, and it is still sweet.

All of these can be food biting incidents.

The wild boars and wolves were the happiest. How could they have food as soon as they woke up in the mountains and forests before, and they could also guarantee that they would be absolutely full.

For a while, they all felt that it was a wise choice to follow Li Xiao, and they should follow unswervingly all the time.

Wild Boar King's condition is not very good, because he was injured too badly last night.

Li Xiao took out the external plaster rewarded by the system and used it on the Wild Boar King.

Then Li Xiao started to pick up the plow rope and continued to plow the field.

Although he didn't sleep much all day, he still maintained the speed of yesterday.

After the animals are full, they also start to work.

Today, with the addition of wild boars and wolves, the zoo is more lively and the work is faster.

After Qi Miao woke up, she also came to the zoo, and began to shoot videos beside her, edited and uploaded them.

On the Douyin short video platform, Li Xiao's account name is: Gushan Zoo.

It is named after the zoo, not after Li Xiao.

Because the video will not only shoot Li Xiao, but also the animals in the zoo.

After the video was uploaded, as always, snacks, attention, and comments skyrocketed.

But today's comment area is a bit weird.

"Fake! This is a fake director's account, everyone don't want dim sum!"

"The principal hasn't come to Douyin yet, so don't believe it."

"Do not believe rumors, do not pass rumors!"

No matter how Qi Miao explained in the comment area, it would be useless.

Because recently, with the popularity of Li Xiao, there are more and more self-media people editing Li Xiao’s live broadcast content. Even Sima Yue at the beginning couldn’t get a piece of the pie. All of them are self-media accounts that are rubbing the heat, and none of them are the right owners.

As a last resort, Qi Miao had to ask Li Xiao to shoot a short video to prove it.

Li Xiao has never made a short video, but simply introduced himself according to Qi Miao's request.

Who would have imagined that half an hour after posting a simple self-introduction, it would instantly become the number one hot search on both Weibo and Douyin.

And the comments in this short video are more exciting than the last one.

"Anyway, it's also a big anchor who has been on the hot search, and he even took a video to prove himself." "This anchor is so miserable, it's like a fake account."

"The only anchor who has completed the high imitation account of the deity!"

"What's wrong with the Douyin platform? No one cares about this anchor. At least go get certified."

"Don't ask, if you ask, you are short of 600 yuan for the certification fee."

"Where are the principal's fans? You pay me a dime, let's start crowdfunding."

"The last person who did this kind of operation was the star Zheng Kai. Douyin is indeed a magical place. Where there are crouching dragons, there must be phoenix chicks!"

As the popularity became higher and higher, the hot searched name became "The Director and 600 Yuan"!
Magic City.

Or Crown Entertainment.

After giving up the number one hot search on Weibo, Sister Wu decided to switch platforms after much deliberation.

Started operations again, and wanted to become the number one hot search on Douyin.

Huang Dinghao asked anxiously: "Sister Wu, is it really okay this time?"

"It must be fine!"

Sister Wu made a strong promise, and said: "Even if the director is very good, I don't believe that he can still be popular in Douyin, not to mention that we still occupy the second most searched on Weibo, although the second is a little less popular. , but it's better than nothing."

"Thank you Sister Wu for cultivating, I will definitely not let you down."

at this time.

Bang bang bang!
There was a knock on the door.

There was another familiar knock on the door at almost the same time, and Sister Wu and Huang Dinghao couldn't help but tremble.

But after thinking about it, I feel that I no longer compete with Li Xiao for hot searches on Weibo, so what else is there to be afraid of?

Sister Wu took a deep breath and said.

It was the same fat staff member who wanted to cry but said, "Sister Wu, you have to be mentally prepared."

"What's the matter, tell me directly.

Sister Wu's face was serious.

"It's like this, the number one in Douyin's hot search is hopeless, and it's taken over by the director again!"


Huang Dinghao yelled.

Sister Wu still held her breath, she seemed to have made such a plan long ago, and said, "It's okay, let's grab the second place!"

"The second is gone."

The chubby staff member said weakly: "Last night, the director took in a pack of wolves and wild boars alone and became the number one on Douyin's hot search, but today he was squeezed out because of 600 yuan.

Also on Weibo, the first and second places were also occupied by the director, and we have been squeezed to the third place! "

By the end, the voice of the staff was getting lower and lower.

It's like a mosquito screaming.

"What did you say? The third most searched? It's down again? What are you guys doing? How did you hire a navy and a marketing account to operate? Are you so professional? Where is your professional ability? So many people, so many people. With so much money, I can’t handle an anchor who runs a zoo!”

No matter how confident and calm Sister Wu was, she couldn't help but curse at this moment.

Looking at Huang Dinghao again, he couldn't help crying.

Yes, crying!
Like many young fresh meats nowadays, Huang Dinghao also loves to cry at every turn, crying when excited, crying when happy, crying when wronged, in short, he has no gesture that a man should have.

"Sister Wu, I..."

"Don't panic, I'll think of a way."

Sister Wu was still a little unbelieving, so she opened Weibo and Douyin to check it out.

After seeing it with her own eyes, Sister Wu was completely desperate.

Next door to Spicy, why is this Li Xiao so charming, alone occupying the first and second most searched spots on both platforms.

Why are you hanging on?
The most important thing is that the people in the city haven't invited the water army and the marketing account to operate it, and they all rely on the support of fans and passers-by.

Cursing in her heart, Sister Wu calmed down and said: "Xiao Huang, you are a big star, don't compete with this kind of anchor who can't get on the stage, and you will only lose your demeanor. .

Let's take the third place in the hot search on both platforms. In fact, it's pretty good for you to be a junior! "

(End of this chapter)

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