My Live Life at the Zoo

Chapter 84 King Jiji's Godson

Chapter 84 King Jiji's Godson
Qi Miao asked suspiciously: "Why do owl chicks often fall to the ground? I saw on the news that people often picked up owl chicks and handed them over to the police uncle."

"Because among birds, owls are not experts in nesting. They will directly choose nests and caves abandoned by other birds to build their nests, and even hide in farmers' barns. Simply put, they are second-hand houses. Easy to drop chicks."

Li Xiao said seriously like an expert.

"The director is really knowledgeable."

"Watch the director's live broadcast more, and you will definitely get into Tsinghua University and Peking University in the college entrance examination."

"Sorry, my goal is the Holy Land of China's training world - Lvxiang Technical Training College, the rest are all fuzz!"

"Upstairs, I support you. Back then, I was a cook at Lvxiang Institute of Technology. Now when the family members of those little girls see me, they say, if you meet a chef from Lvxiang Institute of Technology, marry them."

"New Oriental: Someone stole my commercial lines?"

"An old man here said that owls have certain medicinal value and can treat asthma, eye diseases, dizziness, epilepsy and other diseases. Director, is it true?"

"Really? I'm going to catch an owl in the wild tomorrow and try. My friend's wife has asthma, especially when she does sports at night!"

"My friend, owls don't dare to catch them!"

Li Xiao hurriedly stopped and said, "Owls are national second-class protected animals. If you want to have a regular schedule and eat in another place in the future, you can try to catch them."

"In addition, owls are just ordinary birds, and they have no so-called medicinal value in themselves. At least the healing effects mentioned in the legend have not been confirmed by research, so don't try to catch them randomly.

What's more, owls are still beneficial birds, and pests such as insects and voles cannot be harmed.

The owl itself is a serious wild animal, and it is difficult to raise it artificially. Even the chicks, they will not eat the minced food given by humans.

To sum up, do not hunt and harm owls, let alone destroy their nests and living environment, and do not let them upgrade. "

Li Xiao patiently carried out science popularization.

Even if only one tourist listens to it, it is a kind of protection for the owl.

Soon, Li Xiao found the owl's nest.

On a big tree nearby.

As Li Xiao said, the owl's nest is a second-hand house.

The abandoned nests of other birds looked extremely dilapidated, but there were still two eggs in the nest.

Li Xiao picked up the chick and gently placed it in the nest.

Qi Miao stood under the tree, still a little unfinished, said: "I don't know if this little owl will recognize me as a benefactor when it grows up."

"Don't worry! Absolutely not! Owls are color-blind, don't say that this chick hasn't opened its eyes yet, even if it does, you will be black and white in its eyes!"

Li Xiao poured cold water on Qi Miao with facts.


After putting the owl chicks back into the nest, Li Xiao and Qi Miao returned home.

Qi Miao will leave tomorrow and start packing.

Li Xiao was bored, so he came to the zoo to rest.

"Stop resting and continue working tonight."

As soon as he arrived at the zoo, Li Xiao yelled loudly.


No animal responded!

The zoo was silent.

Those who know it are the zoo, but those who don't know it think it is the midnight morgue!

Li Xiao thought that something had happened again, and walked towards various zoo areas.

Wherever he went, no matter it was Xie Mou Dan Dan or King Ji Ji, every animal was fast asleep anyway.

But they slept too fakely, as soon as Li Xiao turned his head, some of them couldn't wait to open their eyes to peek.

"It's fine, it's fine, it's all fine."

"It's so late at night, I'm shaking on the bed from laughing."

"Isn't it like when we finished our lunch break when we were young, we knew that our parents were going to take us to the fields to do farm work, and pretended to sleep in a daze."

"Don't tell me, it's really the same, even when you open your eyes to peek."

"Yesterday, the head of the garden worked non-stop and scared the animals so much that they didn't dare to get up and work again."

Li Xiao also noticed that these animals were pretending to be asleep, walked forward slowly, kicked King Jiji's ass lightly, and said: "Stop pretending, I have seen some of your little brothers secretly open their mouths." The eyes are gone, and the pretense is too fake."

King Jiji sprang up and squeaked his throat.

King Jiji: Which guy opened his eyes and exposed us, let me go to the corner and think about it!

With an order, four monkeys stood up embarrassedly and ran to the corner.

Good guy!Also militarized management!

Li Xiao couldn't help but sighed in his heart, smiled silently, and said, "Don't just stand still, follow me to work."

King Gigi gestured with both hands.

King Gigi: Evening is the rest time, day and night cannot be reversed.

"I've already put you to sleep during the day."

Li Xiao retorted and made a condition, saying: "Hurry up and work, I will give you extra meals, and each monkey will add an extra bunch of bananas."

King Jiji: Don't add five skewers, we have to rest!
Li Xiao: "Six skewers!"

King Gigi: Don't do it!
Li Xiao: "Each one has ten strings, and you can add ten more strings, for a total of twenty strings."

That's it!

King Jiji immediately beamed with joy, and squeaked loudly: Children, practice with the principal!The four who faced the wall also followed suit, and continued to face the wall after finishing their work!

With the order of King Jiji, the whole group of monkeys started to move.

King Jiji sat there, motionless.

Li Xiao frowned, and asked, "I gave you double bananas, why don't you go?"

King Gigi: I have my own business to do.

Li Xiao was puzzled: "What can you do? Reading?"

King Gigi: No, I'm a baby daddy now!

Li Xiao was even more puzzled: "When did you have a child?"

King Gigi: Do it!I adopted it!It's that bear cub, I took it out of the zoo today to go to the village to meet the world, and that scene will definitely be fresh in his memory for the rest of his life... No, I slipped the tongue!

King Jiji realized something was wrong, and hurriedly reached out to cover his mouth.

Li Xiao also sighed, and ran towards Xiong Zaizi's house as fast as he could.

At present, the zoo has not built a park for bears to live in, and the bear cub is too small, so Li Xiao puts it in his room in the zoo.

King Jiji was afraid that Li Xiao would see something he shouldn't see, so he followed closely.

When Li Xiao pushed open the door and saw the shocking scene in the room, he was stunned.

After [-] seconds, I took a deep breath, sank to my dantian, and finally gushed out from my mouth: "King Jiji, I will castrate you!"

(End of this chapter)

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