My Live Life at the Zoo

Chapter 85 Underwear Maniac

Chapter 85 Underwear Maniac

All eyes are underwear!

All kinds of colors and styles are available!
It is densely packed, looking around, there are no less than hundreds of pieces.

Especially the bear cub's den was almost covered with underwear.

Cub Xiong's entire body was buried in the underwear, and there was a pearl-sized underwear on his head.

Xiong Cub was soundly asleep, he was not woken up by Li Xiao at all, and he stuck out his tongue to lick it.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!"

"Underwear maniac, King Gigi is not easy!"

"King Jiji, I want to worship you as my teacher."

"I've never seen so much lingerie in my lifetime."

"Counsel, tomorrow I will take you to the mall for a walk, you can just look around."

"Aren't you stupid? King Jiji must have worn the ones that King Jiji stole. It's so delicious. Those in the mall are too new!"

In an instant, all the old perverts in the live broadcast room appeared.

Li Xiao was afraid that the live broadcast would be banned in violation of regulations, so he hurriedly cut the scene and looked at King Jiji viciously.

King Jiji panicked, gesticulating in a hurry.

King Jiji: Master, you really can't blame me for this matter, I'm really wronged.

Li Xiao said: "Explain clearly to me, otherwise, I will let you die!"

King Jiji: The thing is like this, I'm just bored, I want to take the bear cub to the village at the foot of the mountain, but I haven't been to the village before, so I let the mountain lead the way, and let us go quietly before crossing the mountain. I brought it to your house, and there was no one in your house, so we wandered around the rooms for a while, but Xiong Zizi dug out a pair of underwear with pearls out of nowhere, and put it on his head. Seeing that she likes it, I let it carry it.

"and then?"

Li Xiao's tone was cold.

King Jiji: Most of the people in the village went to the market today. We saw that it was still early, so we went to other people’s houses for a while, and then the brats found out their underwear one after another, and they were all women’s. He couldn't stop it, so he had to take the underwear back to the zoo.

The one who led the way was crossing the mountain, and the one who stole the underwear was Xiong Zizi. I was an accompanying guest the whole time, so I can't blame me for this matter!

King Jiji's hands were flying so fast that he was almost numb from gesticulating, which was more tormenting than gesticulating for famous talker Zhu Guangquan to translate.

The statement is fluent and seems reasonable, but it is full of loopholes.

Xiong Xiongzi is only a few months old, how could he have so much energy to find hundreds of underwear?

It must be instigated by King Jiji, a weird guy!

Seeing that Li Xiao was silent and didn't know what he was thinking, King Jiji hurriedly blinked his big eyes and gestured again: You have to believe me!

"I believe you!"

Li Xiao's eyeballs rolled, and he smiled evilly like a dragon king with a crooked mouth, and continued: "Since Xiong Zizi did this, then I won't go into it.

But there is a saying that it is the fault of the son who does not teach the father. The bear is your godson. If you did not teach him well, the responsibility is still yours. So now you go and quietly send all these underwear back intact. If you do If not, I will burn all those few books in your collection, in front of your face! "

Murder and kill!
King Jiji's most precious books, if his books are burned, it will be more uncomfortable than letting him die!
King Gigi: "..."

I have tried every means to disassociate myself from this matter, but I didn't expect the headmaster to talk nonsense and finally blame me.

It seems that the evolution is still too slow, otherwise I can refute and refute him.

I have to study more in the future, and I will be extremely enriched, otherwise I will suffer even in the debate!
King Jiji complained in his heart, but he could only nod in agreement.

Anyway, if it's not something that makes him work hard at the zoo, he's happy to do it.

Although Li Xiao found out quickly and sent King Jiji to return the underwear at the first time, it was still a step too late.

That night.

Toad village is in chaos.

"Which one paid a thousand dollars for stealing my underwear?"

"My underwear was also stolen. I haven't washed my underwear for a week, and it was all stolen."

"Why did there suddenly appear an underwear maniac in our village?"

"Husband, did you give my newly bought underwear to your little lover outside, why can't you find any of them?"

"Son, how many times have I said that you are a boy and you can't wear my clothes. This time, you went too far and stole all my underwear. You want to be beaten?"

Overnight, the whole village was in an uproar.

Almost no one was sleeping, and everyone was guessing that this matter was done.

Those girls who lost their underwear are anxious and shy, but...

A 40-year-old unmarried woman in the village was secretly delighted: Could it be that there is a man in the village who likes me, so he stole my underwear, and I have to find it tomorrow and marry him!

The reason why this woman has not married at the age of 40 is all his parents' fault.

In the area where Li Xiao lives, the dowry money is very high, at least 10,000+ to start, and some even cost 20 or 30.

Rather than asking for a bride price, it is better to say it is a money grab.

Some daughters even got divorced less than two or three years after they got married, and then sold them to another man at a high price.

The woman's parents offered a sky-high price of 35 yuan at the beginning.

However, most of the nearby farmers are farmers, and some of them can't earn that much in their whole life, so no one will marry her daughter.

In this way, this woman was delayed until she was 40 years old.

In the past, although this woman was ordinary, she was considered pretty, but now she has completely become a day lily.

Nowadays, as long as this woman meets a man, no matter whether she is married or not, and no matter how ugly she looks, she can't wait to marry him.

And her parents are still insisting on the sky-high price of 35!


Lonely Mountain Zoo.

"We're building some wooden sightseeing bridges tonight!"

Li Xiao looked at the logs in front of him, and said swearingly.

Although the zoo area has blueprints that can be built, the sightseeing bridge has to be solved by Li Xiao.

Especially the edge of the pond must be firm to prevent some bear children from falling into it.

There were also sightseeing bridges in the zoo before, but some of them were damaged and needed to be repaired.

Taking a deep breath, Li Xiao said: "Now, what we have to do is to move the wood, and move the wood to the places where it is needed in various areas of the zoo."

"There are two ways to transport wood. The first is to transport it by car. This method is simpler, less troublesome, and labor-saving, but it is very boring."

"The second method is much simpler..."

Before he could finish speaking, Li Xiao's anger sank to his dantian, his arms tensed, and he hugged a piece of wood in front of him violently with his vigorous hands.

 ps: There is a news that the girl is already in her forties, and her parents are still insisting on a sky-high price gift. This chapter is inspired by this news.

  Ask for collection, ask for votes!Thanks!
  Thanks to QQ for reading the reward of [喵了一米] over there!

(End of this chapter)

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