My Live Life at the Zoo

Chapter 87 The Repaying Owl

Chapter 87 The Repaying Owl (please collect, ask for tickets)
This is an adult owl.

In the owl's mouth, there is also a bloody field mouse.

Voles are big and fat, like some bowls, big and round.

"Where's the owl?"

"Why does this owl keep staring at the director?"

"I have a hunch that the origin of this owl is not simple!"

In the live broadcast room, everyone talked about it.

I saw that the owl was not afraid of the tigers, wild wolves and wild boars around Li Xiao, flapping its wings and coming to Li Xiao.

Immediately afterwards, he gently placed the vole in his mouth in front of Li Xiao.

He also lifted the vole with his small paws in a humane way, bringing the vole closer to Li Xiao.


Owl: Thank you for saving my child, this is for you to eat!
Li Xiao: "..."

He finally understood that this was the mother of the owl chick on the road before.

But even if you want to repay your kindness, you don't need to feed the voles, right?

Li Xiao shook his head.

Let yourself eat voles raw?
However, your kindness is acceptable!
Seeing that Li Xiao didn't want to eat the field mouse, the owl became anxious, picked up the field mouse again, and flew directly into the air, and was about to throw the field mouse directly into Li Xiao's mouth.

Li Xiao shut up decisively and covered it with his hand.

"Hahaha, absolutely, this owl is here to repay the favor, and it also brought voles."

"Director, at least you should eat a little in front of it, so as not to chill its heart."

"Just take a bite, don't discourage your child's enthusiasm!"

"It's not bad to send voles, but luckily I didn't send snakes."

"Principal, show eating voles raw, I'll give you rockets."

"Who do you look down on? Hurry up and post the link of the voles. I like to eat voles the most. They are burnt, dried, fried, and crispy. They are simply delicious."

"Owl: I give you what I think is the best, maybe not the best for you!"

The tourists are all trying to persuade Li Xiao to eat the voles raw.

Even so, Li Xiao kept his mouth shut.

Rolling his eyes, Li Xiao faltered and said: "I appreciate the kindness, and I also keep the voles, but I don't eat them, I leave them for the animals."

As soon as the words finished, Li Xiao grabbed the field mouse with quick eyesight and quick hands, and threw it to the mountain peak not far away, saying: "Xiaoqing, I've rewarded you, eat it quickly."

Xiaoqing was named after Li Xiao for the mountain peak.

Taken from "Legend of the White Snake".

Because part of the scales on the abdomen of this mountain peak is slightly green.

Seeing that the field mouse was finally eaten, the owl flapped its wings and left.

Li Xiao also heaved a long sigh of relief and continued to work.

At the same time, the UC Shock Department released a video, which was exactly the part where Li Xiao threw the giant log in the live broadcast just now.

Because of the continuous popularity recently, all the major media also specially sent people to squat in Li Xiao's live broadcast room, trying to edit shocking content in the first place.

This is much easier than running around every day and night to secretly photograph stars outside. Not only can you watch the live broadcast comfortably, but you can also easily rush to the trending searches.

The UC Shock Department has changed from the usual, no longer named after the previous gaudy content, just four simple words: the director is awesome!
Half an hour after the video was posted, it quickly became a trending search.

In addition to the shock of the video, there are more reasons why Li Xiao has started to bring his own enthusiasm recently.

Even ordinary passers-by can't help but open Weibo every day, wanting to see Li Xiao's perverted and unnatural operations.

"Hold a grass, is this video fake?"

"It's [-]% fake. It's difficult to hold such a big piece of wood. How can it be thrown out after spinning so many times? Will it be the same as filming a film and television drama, using props!"

"Actors nowadays are very expensive. Even if they are filming bathing scenes, they must use mineral water. Unlike Lao Li back then, even with a high fever, he insisted on filming in a snowy day. This has cast the glory of "Bright Sword" !"

"Props will be used in filming, but the director absolutely doesn't need to fake, the director's character is still reliable!"

"I've already thrown more than a dozen of them. If the director goes to ancient times, I will make him the kind of big-headed soldier who carries logs and attacks the city gate."

"Renovating a zoo, plowing the ground, and throwing wood, the director has so many tricks."

"Not on the hot search! It's too much for heaven!"

"Why do I feel that the director's move is a bit familiar, I seem to have seen it in the bathing center, it seems to be called a trapeze!"

"Upstairs, there's something wrong with you, I haven't been to the bathing center, but I seem to have seen this trick in the movie "Running West"!"

On Weibo, there were exclamations.

Without any suspense, Li Xiao topped the search list again.

Since Li Xiao has been dominating the list a few days ago, some celebrities who are going to create hot searches on topic operations have also become vigilant like Huang Dinghao.

Hot searches on celebrity-making topics are actually very simple. It is nothing more than that this and that are secretly dating, the other has broken up, and the other has gone to the hospital, suspected of being pregnant or having plastic surgery.

From secret love to public, from public to passionate love, from dating to passionate love, from passionate love to coexistence, from coexistence to dependence, from dependence to marriage, from marriage to divorce, from divorce to secret love... so many times, in short, it can be used Come to the hot search on gossip.

Today, when they saw Li Xiao's hot search, and Li Xiao's live broadcast during the day was just visiting the market, they felt that the time was almost right, and immediately contacted the navy, marketing account, etc. to start operations.


"Pong Yi is a hot topic on Weibo, can it be done?"

"Must, must!"

"Are you sure?"

"You are questioning my professionalism. As long as the money is in place, even if you defecate anywhere on the side of the road, I can help you get on the trending list."

"Wait! That anchor is on the trending search again!"

"What? Which anchor?"

"It's the director of the zoo!"

The sailors checked it immediately, and after a few seconds, they quickly replied: "Sorry, this order is no longer accepted!"


"I can't take it, we can't do that director, I will refund the deposit, and look forward to our next cooperation!"

"What do you say must be necessary?"

"I forgot to tell you. The necessary premise is that the director does not follow the trending search. In fact, I am also a fan of the director. I am going to cheer him up. What's the matter!"

"My Nima..."

Almost every celebrity who wants to hit the hot search has encountered this situation.

Even if the price was several times higher than before, no operation team accepted it.

Because these operation teams have become Li Xiao's fans and spontaneously acted as Li Xiao's tap water.

As a result, a large number of celebrities could only watch Li Xiao sit on the top of the hot search list again. Although it was so dazzling and indignant, there was nothing they could do.

Li Xiao was completely unaware of this, and he was still throwing the wood lightly.

But after throwing it away for a while, the owl flew again with a field mouse in its mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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