My Live Life at the Zoo

Chapter 88 Xiao Hei's Highlight Live

Chapter 88 Xiao Hei's Highlight Live

"It seems that if I don't eat the field mouse, this owl will not let it go!"

Li Xiao said with a melancholy face.

Looking at the owl that refused to leave, Li Xiao took the field mouse again and said, "This time I'll keep it for myself, but I won't eat it now, I'll eat it tomorrow, it's okay, right?"

I don't know if the owl listened, flapping its wings and leaving again.

Li Xiao continued to throw wood.

Li Xiao didn't do it too much, he threw thirty giant logs to maximize the effect, and then stopped, chopping and repairing with the patrol axe.

The patrolling ax is very sharp, and Li Xiao is strong enough, not as unbearable as Peng Peng in "Longing for Life" at the beginning of chopping wood.

He even stuck the ax in the wood, and couldn't get it out after a long time.

But even so, the popularity of the live broadcast room has not diminished.

Especially some fitness enthusiasts, they heard the news from Weibo, originally with the mentality of going viral.

But after seeing Li Xiao throwing out the real wood, all the words he said were forced into his stomach, and he gave thumbs up on the public screen in a uniform way, and they all worshiped.

As far as Li Xiao said about Lu's hand, even if he didn't take off his clothes and reveal his clothes, he could easily hang and beat them.

Even going to the Olympics to participate in weightlifting competitions can win glory for the country!
Who dares to disagree?

If you don't accept it, twist off a branch first!
Li Xiao's cat physique came into play again.

This night once again belonged to Li Xiao.

No matter the major platforms of Weibo, all the people are discussing Li Xiao.

Even forums and other platforms began to repost.

This is a great opportunity to attract traffic, and no one will let it go.

"What kind of experience is it to pick up a two-meter-high giant log with bare hands, spin it in a circle, and throw it away?"

"With his own strength, the principal has raised the entire threshold for anchors!"

"The principal is the limit of human beings!"

"I believe that the relevant departments have noticed the director!"


When the entire network was discussing Li Xiao intensely, Li Xiao had already hidden his achievements and fame, turned off the anchor, and went home to sleep.

Qi Miao is leaving tomorrow, Li Xiao decided to get up early to see her off.

Although I have been sleeping for a long time during the day and I don't doze off much now, I still have to force myself to sleep.

Early the next morning, Li Xiao took Xiao Hei to send Qi Miao off.

The urban area near Li Xiao has already opened bullet trains, so Li Xiao wants to send Qi Miao to the city.

But after waking up, there was a little accident.

Outside the window of Li Xiao's bedroom, there were more than a dozen dead voles at some point.

Don't think about it, the owl must have caught it last night!
Li Xiao was angry and funny, but at the same time helpless.

When we arrived at the airport in the city, because dogs are not allowed in, Li Xiao left Xiao Hei outside.

To prevent accidents from happening, Li Xiao specially started a live broadcast, and the whole process was broadcast live to Xiao Hei.

As everyone knows, this live broadcast has become Xiao Hei's highlight live broadcast.

Watching Li Xiao and Qi Miao walk into the arena, Xiao Hei, who was entering the city for the first time, was bored and started wandering around.

Wandering around, Xiao Hei met a girl in a floral dress.

In the girl's hand, she was also holding a husky.

"Today is Xiao Hei's session!"

"Xiao Hei: Today I will broadcast the live broadcast for everyone, you can order whatever you want to watch!"

"There's a husky over there, raised by a girl."

"It's the most interesting thing to watch other people raise their talents. Legend has it that this guy was the draft of God's creation of wolves!"

"As we all know, huskies are the smartest breed of dogs, and they are the purest sled dogs. They have intelligent eyes, a strong sense of self-expression management, a very deterrent roar, and a very fast speed. Reaction speed, huskies are smart since they were young, all because of their parents' precepts and deeds, and they are even more outstanding when they grow up, all of them have turned into professional demolition teams, as long as you give them a mouth, they can even remake the world for you!"

The appearance of Huskies caused the live broadcast room to boil directly.

Of all dogs, perhaps only huskies have such a loud voice.

The premise must be to buy other people's huskies!

The husky quickly noticed Xiao Hei, his eyes widened suddenly, and he ran over with his big tongue swaying left and right.

As soon as he approached, Xiao Hei stretched out his left front paw and gently pushed the husky away.

He even glanced at Erha with a humane look of disdain.

It seems to say: Get out, I don't play with silly dogs, I'm afraid my smart brain will be affected!
A simple action caused the tourists in the live broadcast room to burst into laughter.

But the more this happened, the more the husky got closer to Xiao Hei, and even stuck out his tongue to lick Xiao Hei.

Like those licking dogs who put their hot faces on their cold butts the more they ignore them!
Xiao Hei is the king of dogs in the village. No matter which dog sees him, he has to be courteous and stay away. Only Huskies dare to get so close to him.

Husky is like this, as long as it is not a fight, it will not be cowardly at any time.

The girl in the floral dress also noticed Xiao Hei, and seemed to think of something. When she came to Xiao Hei, she suddenly took out a small red notebook from her carry-on bag.

It was a marriage certificate!
The girl opened the marriage certificate, put it in front of Xiao Hei, and said happily: "Little Hei Dog, did you see that, I'm married, and I finally married myself."

This move caused the live broadcast room to boil again.

"Xiao Hei: Although I am not a human being, you are a real dog. I am really inferior to you in terms of being a dog!"

"Xiao Hei: You have taken all the bamboo shoots on the mountain!"

"Xiu En'ai dies so fast, Xiao Hei must be thinking about this right now!"

"In broad daylight, bullying a single dog, this girl is quite beautiful, but she doesn't speak martial arts!"

"Xiao Hei kicked over your dog food and wanted to bite you!"

"Xiao Hei: Do you think I don't have one? Lord Dog, I'm in the countryside. I can choose those little bitches. I can change one every day without stopping!"

The girl didn't go too far either. After showing off for a minute, she put away her marriage certificate.

Maybe it was because she saw Xiao Hei's fangs gradually growing out, and she was afraid that Xiao Hei would bite herself in anger.

"Little black dog, goodbye!"

The girl said hello, got up and left with the reluctant husky in her hand.

It may be because I was too excited just now, or it may be that the husky swayed from side to side when walking, and it turned out...

A center of gravity was unstable, and the girl fell heavily to the ground.

There was no one nearby, and naturally no one noticed this scene.

Only Blackie!

Xiao Hei stood up abruptly, raised his head and looked over.

"Xiao Hei is about to make a move!"

"Xiao Hei is so magnanimous. After suffering such a great humiliation just now, he still wants to help."

"The prime minister can pull a boat in his belly, Xiao Hei must have been a prime minister in his previous life!"

The tourists chatted again.

(End of this chapter)

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