My Live Life at the Zoo

Chapter 89 2 Ha: Watch me pee and wake her up

Chapter 89 Erha: Watch me pee and wake her up
Everyone thought that Xiao Hei was going to make a move, but the husky took a quick step and rushed in front of the girl.

"No way, no way? Huskies don't want to save people, do they?"

"This is not the husky in my impression!"

"I must have not woken up yet, who pinches himself and tells me if it hurts!"

In the next second, the expressions on the faces of all the tourists in the live broadcast room froze.

I saw the husky rushing to the girl, looking left and smelling right, showing a big show of strength.

As a result, the next second...

Slowly lift the left back leg.

Tweet! ! !
A puddle of scorched yellow urine gushed out, splashing all over the girl's face.

The husky didn't realize what he had done at all, let alone his current situation, and he was still licking his tongue cheerfully, as if to say: What a big deal, this dog can wake him up just by urinating!

Not only that, but he also looked at the girl expectantly, and wanted to ask for a reward.

For a moment, the audience gasped.

Even Xiao Hei who was not far away was dumbfounded and was completely defeated by Huskies.

Looking at the girl again, she was dumbfounded.

She never thought that her husky would treat her like this, and she was completely stunned.

The eyes are round.

Mouth slightly open.

My mind went blank, and I forgot to shout.

Seeing that the girl was indifferent, the husky's little head thought that his master was still unconscious, so he turned around and raised his left hind leg again.

Can't wake up after a soak?

Then have two bubbles!

The girl finally couldn't help but yelled.

But it was too late.

With this opening of the mouth, Husky's piss just sprang into her mouth.

"Fuck! My old lady killed you!"

The girl ran away.

Not caring about his own image, he barked his teeth and clawed at the husky.

The scene got out of control for a while.

The husky is still innocent: This woman is really incomprehensible, I save you, but you still beat me, ungrateful scumbag!
"Hahaha, I can't do it anymore. I'm taking the subway to go to work. I'm holding back my laughter. My body keeps shaking. Others think I'm holding back my urine."

"Huskies: Sit down, this is my routine!"

"From Erha's point of view, the owner must have passed out due to heatstroke, and it's kind of a good intention to pee, girl, you should drink some at least!"

"Erha must have learned this trick from the girl's boyfriend."

"Upstairs, you are very wrong!"

"Weakly ask, S or M?"

Soon, Li Xiao walked out of the airport, and just happened to see this scene. Out of politeness, Li Xiao suppressed a smile and asked, "Xiao Hei, is that the Erha you instigated?"

"Wang Wang!"

Xiao Hei: What a shame!I am a dog, Erha is a dog, we are different!
Xiao Hei tried his best to shake off his relationship with Erha.

It seems that Erha is very unpopular in the dog world!
"Haha, go home!"

Li Xiao touched Xiao Hei's dog's head and said.

Qi Miao has already boarded the plane, and there is nothing to do in the city, so it is better to go home and continue to rest the zoo.

With a wave of his hand, Li Xiao summoned a taxi.

As soon as he got in the car, before his butt could sit down, the taxi driver glanced at the rearview mirror, gasped and said, "Director! You are the director, aren't you?"

"you know me?"

"I'm more than just acquainted, I'm your fan!"

The driver got down from the driver's seat excitedly, grabbed Li Xiao's hand, and said, "My surname is Chen, and my name is Chen Xingyu. I watch your live broadcast almost every night when I get home..." It's so cute, it reminds me of the puppy I had when I was a kid."

Halfway through the conversation, the driver Chen Xingyu had already jumped in front of Xiao Hei.

Because I was so excited, I felt as if I saw a big star, and I stuttered a little, and said: "I have a piece of stewed pork that I am going to take home for dinner at night, it is newly bought, can I feed it to Xiao Hei? "

"Wang Wang Wang!"

Xiao Hei didn't recognize his life, and called softly.

It didn't want to eat stewed pork, but to show off to Li Xiao.

Xiao Hei: Look!My popularity is higher than yours, don't be angry!
Li Xiao rolled his eyes and said, "I'm sorry, Xiao Hei only eats the food I feed him!"

"It's okay, I'm just too excited."

Chen Xingyu didn't mind Li Xiao's refusal.

Almost everyone who has raised a dog knows that if you want to raise a good dog, it is best to let the dog only eat the food fed by the owner, so as to cultivate the wild nature of the dog.

If you let the dog eat all kinds of food, it is unintentionally a kind of harm to the dog.

If a dog dealer feeds the dog food, the dog will eat it without refusing, and suffer disaster.

Chen Xingyu adjusted his mood and said, "Director, where are you going? I'll take you there!"

"Send me directly to the entrance of our village."

"Okay, get in the car and sit down."

Chen Xingyu quickly took out his mobile phone and took two photos with Li Xiao before driving.

On the way, Chen Xingyu couldn't help chatting with Li Xiao all the time.

Li Xiao is also very easy-going, and seems to have chatted with old acquaintances.

In fact, when men are together, as long as they talk about football, games, and women, they can quickly develop a relationship.

And women need to talk about bags, makeup, and men.

It's just that some girls get together nowadays, and the chats are getting more and more dirty. They also compare the experience and number of fishing and catches, and they can talk about which of these fish is longer and which is more durable.

For example, Mrs. Xiang, who has become so popular recently that even President Wang looks up to her!

"Director, do you accept other animals in your zoo?"

Chen Xingyu suddenly thought of something and asked.

"Take it! Of course I take it!"

Li Xiao's zoo is short of animals. The animals should be the same as Li Xingyun's woman in "Painting Bad People in Jianghu". The more the better, the better.

"I happen to have a budgerigar at home, take it away."


Li Xiao wondered, "What's wrong with this parrot?"

Chen Xingyu explained: "There is nothing wrong with it, but the mouth is a bit broken. Especially at night, it likes to twitter and bark. My wife can't stand it anymore, and asked me to send it away more than once, but I kept it for two years. It's been a year, I really can't bear it, and I don't feel relieved to hand it over to others, so why not send it to your zoo."

As a fan of Li Xiao, Chen Xingyu has watched the live broadcast for a long time, and she is [-]% at ease with Li Xiao.

He believed that Li Xiao would not treat his parrot badly.

And maybe by following Li Xiao, his parrot could still be famous, and his face would also be bright.

Li Xiao thought for a while and said, "Okay, let me see the parrot first."

"I'll show you right now."

Chen Xingyu turned the reverse wheel and started running towards his own direction.

Half an hour later, they came to a residential area. Li Xiao was waiting downstairs, while Chen Xingyu went upstairs to fetch the parrot.

"Come here, director, this is my parrot!"

Soon, Chen Xingyu came down with a parrot.

(End of this chapter)

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