My Live Life at the Zoo

Chapter 94 The Bold Tits

Chapter 94 The Bold Tits
In addition to interesting and complete facilities, any tourist attraction also has many service industries.

Just like Shanghai Disneyland, there is a lot of food and drink in the park.

And very expensive!
Li Xiao thinks that the villagers can also take advantage of the sideline business of eating, drinking, and sleeping while the tourists come to the zoo.

For example, open a small supermarket, small hotel, parking space or farmhouse or something.

Of course, the price should be close to the people and cheap, otherwise it will ruin the popularity of passers-by.

In this way, as long as the zoo opens, the villagers will earn money every day.

At that time, the Mo Deng Brothers became popular because of their outdoor live broadcast of cover songs, and they went from the anchor to the Internet celebrity, and then from the Internet celebrity to the celebrity. Shop owners are earning a lot of money.

This idea is very good, but I have to study it carefully and tell the villagers who came to discuss it at night.

"Village Chief, I still have something to do in my zoo, so I won't stay any longer."

"Okay! I'll gather the villagers here tonight, and you have a good talk with them."

Li Daguo smiled and sent Li Xiao out of the house.

Looking at Li Xiao's handsome figure, Li Daguo smiled: He is really a good boy who does practical things for the villagers. In the next election, he can be promoted to be the new village chief. I can rest assured that he is here!

Leaving the village chief's house, Li Xiao still didn't go to the zoo, but went home first.

The sun was too poisonous today, Li Xiao was afraid that the golden koi would be sunburned to death, so he decided to change the water for it and put it in a cool place.

When the high temperature hits in summer, many professional fish farmers will suffer.

What's more, Li Xiao is not professional, and the fish farming equipment is not good.

When I got home, I saw the golden koi writhing violently in the big tank.

Golden koi: Master, you are back, quickly change the water for me, I am almost cooked, do you want to drink fish soup?Don't forget, you were only able to catch fish because of my blessing before, so you can't take revenge and kill fish!

"Sorry, I'm late, and I didn't expect it to be so hot today!"

Li Xiao was apologetic, fetched a bucket of spiritual well water from the well, and started to change the water.

"Finally saw this golden koi again!"

"Before, I prayed to it that the acne on my face would disappear, but after a good night's sleep, it really disappeared. It really worked."

"Really or not, I also want to pray, I hope I can grow ten centimeters."

"Upstairs, are you talking about height or brother?"

"It's weird, isn't the most normal thing for a man to be ten centimeters, and you're even longer. Could it be that you've shrunk back?"

"Director, you're too casual about raising fish. I haven't seen you change the water for so many days, and I haven't seen how to feed. This golden koi is still alive and well, it's lucky!"

Looking at Gongping, Li Xiao smiled and said: "You don't understand this. The real good fish need to be fed in a cardboard box. It is best to put two bowls in the cardboard box. One bowl is filled with edible millet, and the other bowl Put clean water in the water for drinking, so the fish raised in this way will be big and fat, but the rotten fish I raise can be raised with water casually."

"Trust me! The old man lied to us again!"

"The director is an old Versailles!"

"If your golden koi is a rotten fish, then what are those little grass carp I caught from the pond?"

"I believe in the director. I raised fish in the way the director said. I died later because there were no holes in the bottom of the cardboard box. Fish like to be clean. If the poop they pulled didn't fall off, they stinked themselves." died."

"No! It's because the fish is afraid of the cold, you didn't put a blanket on it!"

"No, no, I think fish don't like to drink clear water, but Erguotou."

"Fart! The fish are obviously drinking water from the pool!"

"Actually, you are all wrong. The fish actually needs money. Put 100 yuan in the cardboard box. Whether it is drinking Sprite-Cola Mirinda or Red Bull Fanta Wahaha, it can buy it by itself."

The tourists in the live broadcast room were all led astray by Li Xiao, and the more they said, the more outrageous they became.

In fact, as long as they grow up in the countryside, children who often catch fish will know the reason. As long as they catch the fish and put them in the big tank, they don’t need to take care of them at all. will die.

Because the water tank itself is an incubator of life, rainwater will breed some microorganisms and aquatic moss plants in the water tank, which is the main food source for fish, and fish excrement can also supply these microorganisms and plants.

While chatting, Li Xiao had already changed the water and went straight to the zoo.

In the zoo, the animals were still too lazy to work, and they were all sleeping soundly in unison.

Even the little white fox Daji, who just arrived yesterday, was brought up badly, lying on the grass, eyes narrowed, not to mention how soundly she slept.

"It's so cute! The principal is not allowed to wake up the little white fox!"

"If they don't go to work, let them sleep!"

"Let! It! Sleep! Sleep!"

Being cute and good-looking is a privilege.

In the animal kingdom, the same works.

The tourists already knew what Li Xiao's first thing was when he came to the zoo, and stopped him one after another.

It's okay to wake up other animals to work, but this cute little white fox can't!


Li Xiao really didn't want to wake up the little white fox, after all, it can't help much, but a palm-sized tit suddenly appeared in the field of vision.

Most tits have green, off-white, black and yellow feathers, with various colors on their bodies, like colorful elves in the forest.

They feed on insects, berries, and seeds, and build their nests primarily out of plant fibers, twigs, leaves, weed dirt, and animal hair.

Chickadees can be found in almost every region, but in different species.

There are 65 known species of tits.

The little tit in front of me has off-white feathers and is a marsh tit.

Although the marsh tit has the word "swamp" in its name, it does not actually inhabit swamps. They often live in broadleaf collars in coniferous forests or in the canopy of tall trees, because they can often be seen in wooded areas near water sources, hence the name swamp.

It flapped its wings and stood on the branch. After confirming that there was no danger, it bounced to the side of the little white fox.

While the little white fox was sleeping soundly, he jumped onto the little white fox.

In the end, he opened his mouth and began to pick up the miscellaneous fur on the little white fox's body.

"what's the situation?"

"This little bird is so brave, it dares to pluck the fur of the little white fox!"

"Daji, get up quickly and bite it to death!"

The live broadcast room exploded, and the tourists were aggrieved.

Li Xiao quickly explained: "This little bird is a chickadee, and tits mainly use animal hair to build their nests. Most of them go to pick up the animal's natural hair. A few are very bold and will take advantage of the animal's sleep. The feathers are brighter, the nests are more beautiful, and it is easier to attract females to mate.

One more point, the fox is the natural enemy of the tit, and this tit is not so bold! "

(End of this chapter)

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