My Live Life at the Zoo

Chapter 98 Animal Capsules

Chapter 98 Animal Capsules (For Collection, Recommendation)

Parrot Zhao Si didn't bother to talk to Li Xiao, and didn't seem to be bickering, so he sang along with the episode on TV.

"Ah Zhen fell in love with Ah Qiang
on a starry night

plane flies overhead

Meteors also pierced the night sky
Although life is meaningless

But love does make life more beautiful"

Although it is not very professional, but the singing is really a bit like the original "Wutiaoren".

Li Xiao took the opportunity to film this segment and posted it on Douyin's short video account.

Stable updates every day, you can gain a lot of fans.

It's the same as writing a novel.

Of course, some masters update one or two cards a month, and they can still gain fans.

"After watching the TV, remember to turn it off, don't waste electricity."

After Li Xiao exhorted, he went back to his room to rest.

Before going to bed, draw a lottery.

The day before, because he had to go to bed early and get up early to send Qi Miao away, Li Xiao has not been bullish on the number of followers for two consecutive days, and has not drawn a lottery.

380 million!
In the past two days, 70 followers have been added.

No more, no less, just the numbers are not very good.


Li Xiao said silently.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting [Mosquito Repellent Incense*10]!"

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the [Batman's same claw hook mechanical arm]!"

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining [Guan Gong Sculpture]!"

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining 【Flying Animal Potent Capsule*3】!"

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining [Carnivorous Reptile Potent Capsule*3]!"

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining 【Vegetarian Reptile Potent Capsule*3】"

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining [Pet Powerful Capsule*3]"

【Mosquito Repellent Incense*10】: When the hot summer comes, animals will definitely attract a large number of mosquitoes if they do not take a bath for a long time. Just light this incense to drive away all mosquitoes.

Note: There are only ten sticks of incense, please use it with caution.

[Batman's same claw hook mechanical arm]: If you want to become Batman and shuttle between cities flexibly, you deserve this mechanical arm.

Note: A must-have artifact for rock climbing.

[Guan Gong Sculpture]: A decorative sculpture that can be placed in a zoo or in your own home. This sculpture can protect the peace of the area where it is placed.

Note: You don't have to believe in some things, but don't question its existence!
[Flying Animal Powerful Capsules*3]: Improve the physical fitness, self-immunity, and any random physical function of the animals used.

Note: This capsule is more powerful than the powerful capsule, but it does not have a healing function. Humans cannot eat it. It can only be fed to birds and animals. In addition, it only takes effect once. Animal use.

【Carnivore Capsule*3】: The effects and precautions are the same as above, but this capsule is for carnivorous reptiles.

【Vegetarian Animal Power Capsule*3】: The effects and precautions are the same as above, please check online.

【Pet Powerful Capsule*3】: Agreed, search online!

The system is getting simpler and simpler, and I am really lazy. (Let the author have no way to write words)!
Li Xiao checked carefully. Although the rewards this time didn't look particularly powerful or stunning, they were at least useful.

With the arrival of summer, the number of mosquitoes increases, and mosquito repellent incense is most needed.

And Batman's same claw hook mechanical arm can make Li Xiao more flexible, and it will be much more convenient to go out for rock climbing in the future.

The first superhero movie Li Xiao watched when he was a child was "Batman" directed by Nolan. Stayed in the bat cave for one night and was bitten by a bat.

Be bitten by a bat and become Batman, be bitten by a spider and become Spiderman, be bitten by a pig and become Pigman, eat pancakes and become Pancake Man, be struck by lightning and become Thor, be dyed green and become Hulk, these are not necessarily the case , but if bitten by a dog, he must be a single dog!

Before, Li Xiao thought about trying to make Batman's claw hook after he was free.

In foreign countries, a young guy has already made it.

Although it can only be lifted two or three meters, it is at least successful.

Unexpectedly, before Li Xiao could make a move, the system automatically delivered the same Batman equipment.

In addition, the Guan Gong sculpture is also good. The old house just happened to be renovated and rebuilt. After that, it happened to be placed in the house.

As the system said, this thing really cannot be questioned.

Back then, the actor who played the crow in "Young and Dangerous" stepped on the statue of Guan Gong. After that, his body became uncomfortable. He had been eating vegetarian food and praying to Buddha for a long time, and then he gradually got better.

There is also a statue of Guan Gong in the TV series "Wulin Biography", a small inn where many masters of the rivers and lakes died, isn't it because of Guan Gong's protection?
As for the remaining four capsules, I will try them out tomorrow. Anyway, there are many animals around Li Xiao now.

Li Xiao counted the rewards this time, and continued: "Tell me about the remaining rewards!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting the [Drone]!"

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining [One Hundred Catties of Fresh Meat]!"

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining [One Hundred Catties of Fresh Grass]!"

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining [One Hundred Catties of Fresh Fruit]!"

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining [Toon Sapling]!"

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the [Walnut Sapling]!"

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining [Apple Tree Seedlings]!"

The first four were seen more than once, and the latter three were encountered for the first time. Li Xiao gently clicked to check.

[Toon sapling]: There is only one toon sapling that was a tribute to the ancient royal family.

Note: bibimbap artifact!

[Walnut saplings]: There is only one, [-]% survived.

New J walnuts are as good as cotton, and can produce walnuts with thin skin and thick flesh. Together with almonds, cashews, and hazelnuts, they are also known as the world-renowned "four major dried fruits".

It can be eaten raw, stir-fried, oil-extracted, prepared into cakes, candies, etc. It is not only delicious, but also has high nutritional value. It is known as "Longevity Fruit" and "Longevity Fruit".

Note: Eat six together, more nourishing brain!

[Apple sapling]: There is only one, and it will survive [-]%.

Fuji apples in the province are famous all over the world for their good shape, bright color, delicious taste, sweet crispness and refreshing taste. They are sold well in 25 provinces and cities across the country, and many of them are exported.

Note: One fruit a day makes the skin tender and smooth.

"Tomorrow there will be another seed!"

Li Xiao sighed with emotion.

Of these three trees, Li Xiao's favorite is the Chinese toon tree.

Because the toon tree grows relatively fast, it can be picked in the first half of the year.

And the Chinese toon is really delicious. Chop the Chinese toon and burn the oil, add it to the hot steamed buns, it is simply enjoyable, and it can also be used for bibimbap.

After briefly checking the rewards, Li Xiao was already lying on the bed and fell asleep drowsily.

In another room, Zhao Si, the budgie, was still watching TV excitedly, as if to stay up all night.

(End of this chapter)

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