My Live Life at the Zoo

Chapter 99 Roast Vole

Chapter 99 Roast Vole (ask for tickets, ask for collection)

When I woke up, it was already eight o'clock in the morning the next day.

Li Xiao simply washed up and hurriedly started broadcasting.

"Good morning husband."

"Honey, you look handsome again today."

"Honey, today is another day I like you."

"Personally, it's best to joke in moderation. It's really boring if you shout like this every day. If the principal is your elder brother or younger brother, what would you think? What's more, this is my husband. I hope my friends will give me a joke." Save face, don't make such jokes about your brother-in-law in the future."

"Aren't you awake yet? Do you want me to wake you up with urine?"

"Mung bean hangover method, take [-] grams of mung beans, [-] grams of licorice, add the amount of brown sugar and decoct it."

"Stop being silly, look, what is that!"

In the live broadcast room, someone noticed something strange.

Everyone looked intently, and it turned out to be an owl.

This owl looks familiar, and the most important thing is that there is a field mouse in its mouth.

Li Xiao also noticed the owl, and sighed: "You are too diligent, there must be a limit to repaying kindness!"

Li Xiao wanted to cry but had no tears, his face was full of sadness.

Because there are still a dozen or so voles drying on the windowsill of my bedroom.

From the day when the owl chicks were rescued, the owl mother came to release the voles every day.

But because Li Xiao was too busy, he didn't have much time to cook and eat. In addition, the weather was too hot yesterday, which caused many voles to lose their freshness after being exposed to the sun.

And the mother owl is also smart, and will take away these dried voles and catch them again.

Therefore, these ten or so voles are all fresh.

Mother Owl put the field mouse down, and took a deep look at Li Xiao: Eat more, if there is not enough, I will catch it again!
After speaking, he spread his wings and left.

Li Xiao smiled awkwardly, and said, "Today I'll show you the grilled voles!"

With so many voles, we must find a way to eat them.

After all, it was the kindness of the owl mother.

Li Xiao only hoped that after he ate the voles, the mother owl would not come to feed them again.

"Can voles eat them?"

"It looks disgusting!"

"Anyway, I can't eat. I don't have any appetite."

"You guys are really weak. For us 'Hu Jian' people, we dare to eat anything, let alone voles!"

Li Xiao looked at Gongping and explained: "Roasted voles are one of the most disgusting foods in the world, but people both at home and abroad like to eat them.

The most important thing is that voles are high in protein and rich in nutrition, and can also tonify deficiency and strengthen the body, and tonify qi and blood.

Maybe everyone will feel disgusted and have psychological barriers when they see the voles with their skins removed, but when they see the roasted golden and fragrant voles, they will definitely drool and want to eat three bowls with tears in their eyes! "

Just do it, Li Xiao has already started to prepare kitchen knives and other tools.

The tourists in the live broadcast room have seen Li Xiao's knife skills more than once, and they are no strangers to it.

Soon, Li Xiao shaved and disemboweled the voles, cut off their heads and tails, dug out their internal organs, cleaned them carefully, and inserted them with bamboo sticks, just like small roasted whole pigs or whole sheep.

When it was heated, Li Xiao spread the skin of the vole and turned it into a whole side to make it look more beautiful. This way the roast is more even, and it can also affect the texture and taste.

"Here comes the important point, everyone take a notebook and jot it down."

While grilling, Li Xiao said: "The biggest problem with roasting voles is that some parts are fully cooked, while others are still half-cooked, because the bones and skin are heated differently.

If you want to rely on transparency, you need to use scissors to open a window in the epidermis just right.

The so-called window opening is to cut some small openings where there are bones. "

Li Xiao's work efficiency was very fast, and in the blink of an eye, field mice were already on fire.

The next thing to do is to be patient.

Li Xiao waited bored, so he casually summoned Xiao Hei to his side, took out the powerful pet capsule, and said, "Come on, eat this!"

Xiao Hei believed Li Xiao so much that he swallowed it with his mouth open.

"What did the principal give Xiao Hei?"

"Looks like a capsule."

"Xiao Hei won't be sick, will he?"

The atmosphere in the studio gradually became tense.

Among all the animals in the zoo, Xiao Hei has the most fans and the most popularity. Naturally, everyone will pay more attention to and worry about Xiao Hei.

Li Xiao explained calmly, "This is a tonic I specially bought from a veterinarian. Any animal can take it, and it can improve the immunity of animals."

"Xiao Hei still needs to improve his immunity?"

"Just kidding, Xiao Hei still needs to make up?"

"Now he is the king of dogs in the whole village, if he continues to make it up, Xiao Hei will soon dominate the whole province and city!"

Some tourists are skeptical.

But Li Xiao ignored it, and had already activated the Insight Technique.

[Name: Xiao Hei! 】

[Type: Chinese Pastoral Dog! 】

[Age: two years old! 】

[Strength: 13 (average of 10 for ordinary dogs)! 】

[Agility: 14 (average of 10 for ordinary dogs)! 】

[Endurance: 19 (average of 10 for ordinary dogs)! 】

[Outbreak: 30 (average of 10 for ordinary dogs)! 】

[Favorites: Little bitch! 】

Li Xiao remembered that Xiao Hei's previous outbreak was twenty, but now it has risen to thirty.

The rest remained unchanged.

It seems that this kind of capsule can really only increase one of the skills.

However, it is scary to think about it.

Now Xiao Hei's outbreak is three times that of an ordinary dog. This bite can bite off a person's bones.

This is nothing, if you want to do something mosaic with a little bitch in the village, the explosive power at that moment, you have to shoot the little bitch through, it is impossible for a little bitch to parry live!

Li Xiao couldn't help looking at Xiao Hei a few more times, and sighed secretly: I don't know what kind of little bitch can withstand Xiao Hei's disaster in the future.

There is a saying that at thirty you are like a wolf, at forty you are like a tiger, and at fifty you can sit on the ground and absorb dirt.

Could it be possible to find an older bitch for Xiao Hei?
In a daze, the roasted voles were charred on the outside and tender on the inside.

According to the cooking standard in "Shen Chef Xiao Fugui", it is: golden yellow!

Finally, sprinkle with cumin, chili, salt and other condiments.

There is no need to deliberately smell it with the nose, the aroma has already swept the entire taste buds along the nostrils.

Li Xiao couldn't control it anymore, and started to eat in big mouthfuls.

"Wang Wang Wang!"

Xiao Hei's halazi who was bleeding all over the place: Don't patronize yourself, give me one too.

"Take it!"

Li Xiao picked up a roasted field mouse and put it in front of Xiao Hei.

Accompanied by the crackling sound, Xiao Hei began to chew whole, and even ate the bones into his stomach.

"No, who can stand this morning?"

"I'm so hungry, it seems to pass through the screen!"

"Fortunately, I have already prepared, ordered breakfast early, and watched while eating."

"Principal, I can go to your house to be a dog, just take care of the food!"

The tourists in the live broadcast room were all hungry.

(End of this chapter)

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