Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 10 Hostility

Chapter 10 Hostility
Before Xiao Ting could react, he suddenly felt that his feet had left the ground, and he was flying upside down... The wall of the corridor passed by the corner of his eyes and quickly backed away. further away.

follow closely--

Xiao Ting fell to the ground.

He also slid backwards on the floor for some distance due to the slippery ground.

The bodyguards were dumbfounded and looked at each other, wondering if they should step forward to help.


Like a network delay, Xiao Ting let out a howling like a pig!There was a heart-pounding pain in the abdomen!

Jiang Wei was stunned.

Fang Yu, who seemed elegant and weak, kicked Lian's son Xiao away with one kick!
What is rhythm?
With a faint smile on his face, Fang Yu stood with his hands behind his back, like an expert outside the world.

Looking at Xiao Ting with a painful expression, Fang Yu walked over.

"The kung fu of a three-legged cat is worthy of one-on-one with me? Don't say it's you, even if Xiao Shilang sees me, he still has to be afraid of me!" Fang Yu's eyes suddenly turned cold.

Back then, when the Fang family was in decline, the Xiao family often fell into trouble.

This kick was a resentment from that year.

Now, this is just the beginning...

Xiao Ting is always a small character, Fang Yu can't look down on him at all!
"You! You—" Xiao Ting gritted his teeth with fear on his face, enduring the pain. He really didn't expect Fang Yu to be so strong.

Fang Yu stepped on it, and said coldly:
"tell me."

"Why are you so weak?!"

"How can you be so weak?!"

After speaking, Fang Yu turned around, not wanting to talk to this kind of guy.

At this moment, Jiang Wei, who was naturally keen, felt a murderous intent from Fang Yu's body!But there was a gentle smile on his face.

Looking at Fang Yu, Jiang Wei had doubts in her heart——

Who is he?

Where is he from?

"You wait!"

"The Xiao family will never let you go!"

"I said... you... don't provoke me!"

Behind him, Xiao Ting sat paralyzed on the ground, endured the pain, gritted his teeth, and said word by word——

"Jiang Wei, I misunderstood you! I pursue you actually turned to outsiders! How much did our Xiao family contribute to Qingcheng Group? How many years has my brother worked hard in your company without complaint?!"

Faced with Xiao Ting's accusation, Fang Yu laughed it off.

Just a clown, that's all he wants.

The obstacle of the Xiao family should be regarded as an appetizer for returning to Jiangzhou!
at the same time--

Jiang Wei looked cold, ignored Xiao Ting at all, and said: "Qingcheng Group, without the Xiao family, it will only be better!"

After finishing speaking, he turned to look at Fang Yu.

"I'm leaving the hospital this afternoon."

"Okay." Fang Yu smiled lightly.

The two walked towards the intensive care unit.Jiang Wei seemed to hate seeing Xiao Ting, her steps were light and fast, and she didn't look injured at all.

Seeing this, Fang Yu deliberately said: "My wife...wait for me!"

"I still haven't got my bag!!"

When Xiao Ting heard this address, his face was flushed with anger, his eyes glowed poisonously, and he slammed the floor hard!


The underground garage of the hospital.

Jiang Wei threw a key at Fang Yu with a cold face, and said, "You drive!"

"Poverty limits my imagination. I didn't expect the president of the Tangtang Qingcheng Group to drive such a luxury car. Don't stare at me, Volkswagen is also good..."

Got into the car.

Jiang Wei said seriously: "Also, I'm not your wife."

"Maybe later?" Fang Yu smiled slyly.

"It's even more impossible in the future!"

Looking at her cold and beautiful side eyes, Fang Yu stopped talking and concentrated on driving.

In a luxurious villa.Elegant and warm-colored decorations adorn the interior of the house in a stable and peaceful manner, and the pure white curtains flutter against the wind.A girl wearing a suspenders and bare white feet stood on the window sill, looking at the gate.Until the familiar Volkswagen car appeared in the field of vision, he muttered: "Aunt Bai, why did my sister come back so late?"

Next to her, the 40-year-old middle-aged aunt who was wiping the table said with a kind smile, "Maybe Missy is very busy."

"Oh." The little girl stuffed her onion-like little finger into the small cherry mouth, and stared at the car intently.

Two people got out of the car, one of them was her sister.

At the same time, she saw a man!A scumbag man.

"Aunt Bai, when did my sister's taste become so bad?" Pointing out the window, the little girl was greatly disappointed, obviously extremely dissatisfied with this man.

"Second Miss, I have to ask Eldest Miss." Aunt Bai would not get involved in the matter of the two of them if she could.

Jingle Bell--

The doorbell rang.

"Second Miss, I'll open the door."

"Don't open it!" The little girl snorted, and sat back at the table, with her little feet raised slightly, picked up the dessert on the table, and ate it bit by bit like a cat.

Aunt Bai was slightly taken aback.

But at this time, Jiang Wei's voice came from outside the downstairs door.

"Xiao Xiao, open the door quickly! I know you are inside!" Jiang Wei's voice was calm and her emotions did not fluctuate.

"not open!"

"Stop making trouble, hurry up and open the door!" Jiang Wei said again.

"No..." Jiang Xiaoxiao insisted.

Fang Yu shrugged his shoulders, spread his hands, and said, "It seems that your sister is very naughty."

Jiang Xiaoxiao was full of disgust, and said: "Aunt Bai, there must be something wrong with my sister's aesthetics. How can such a man be brought home? What if he is insane and covets the beauty of me and my sister? I My sister and I are just beautiful women with no strength to restrain the chicken, so we will be afraid—”

Aunt Bai dodged away helplessly.This second lady is a veritable black belt master, and she is already good enough if she doesn't hit others.She had no choice but to agree with her and said with a smile: "Second Miss is right."

"Well, what does Auntie Bai have for dinner?" Jiang Xiaoxiao, a natural foodie, asked while laying on the sofa with her bare white feet.

"Auntie Bai will cook for you whatever you eat."

"Hee hee, Aunt Bai is the best!"

dong dong dong-

This time it was a loud knock on the door.

Jiang Xiaoxiao was startled, and hurried downstairs, thinking that the door had been demolished, she walked over cautiously, following the peephole, she saw the bumpkin man.

"Little sister, don't be afraid." Fang Yu asked.

Such an annoying man, you can smell a strong smell of country bumpkins through the door, and getting closer by one meter can lower the grade of your entire life.

Jiang Wei had no choice but to take out the key and open the door.

Fang Yu was also polite, and went straight in——

"You...why, don't change your shoes..." Jiang Wei was dumbfounded, and before she could say anything, Fang Yu had already walked in.

Fang Yu casually threw the package on the sofa, sat lazily, and looked around.

The environment is really good, elegant, graceful, rich... At the top of the stairs, on the delicate face, a pair of fearful eyes are looking at this side warily.

This is the sister Jiang Xiaoxiao that Jiang Wei was talking about.

"Come here, Xiaoxiao, let's get to know each other." Jiang Wei waved to her.

Jiang Xiaoxiao came over with disgust, looked at Fang Yu, who was sloppy and uninhibited, like a sharp brother, and said, "Sister, have you got a boyfriend?"

"Don't talk nonsense! This is my personal doctor." Jiang Wei said seriously.

"private doctor?"

Fang Yu smiled and said: "Yes, so far, I have never met anyone with better medical skills than me..."

"Blow, blow hard—" Jiang Xiaoxiao made a grimace.

"Xiao Xiao, Fang Yu will live in our house from now on, don't be so rude, get along well." Jiang Wei said.

"Ah? He lives here?" Jiang Xiaoxiao was shocked, looking at the dilapidated bag and the cloth shoes with mud on the soles, and shouted, "I object!"

"invalid objection."


(End of this chapter)

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