Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 9 Personal Doctor

Chapter 9 Personal Doctor
Fang Yu said disapprovingly, "Aren't you looking down on me?"

"You have no idea what I'm facing! Killer, do you know? It's a killer!"

Jiang Wei, the chairman of Qingcheng International, who has always been calm and calm, also seemed a little excited and looked sad.

"A killer? I thought it was something." Fang Yu said with a relaxed face, "Don't worry, I dare not say anything else. In Huada Hospital, no one dares to hurt you."

There was no expression on Jiang Wei's cold face, and said: "This is not an ordinary killer, I advise you not to meddle in your own business."

"Not an ordinary killer? Now that you know it, let's talk about it." Fang Yu's face was indifferent.

Seeing that Fang Yu was so persistent and serious, Jiang Wei suddenly walked up to Fang Yu and said, "So what if I tell you, can you protect me?"

The distance between the two was less than half a foot, and the natural feminine fragrance penetrated into Fang Yu's nostrils as if he had eyes, which made people's hearts sway.

"Tell me."

"Sirius organization."

Fang Yu was secretly surprised that Jiang Wei's status was so high that she would not provoke such an assassination organization. At best, she was just a wealthy businessman.

Seeing Fang Yu's surprised appearance, Jiang Wei smiled disappointedly and said, "Are you scared?"

"I'm not afraid, but strange, how could you provoke them." Fang Yu said.


Jiang Wei spit out these two words lightly, her clear eyes showed a look of disappointment.

The distance between the two is still very close.

"The world of you rich people is really too complicated." Fang Yu sighed.

Jiang Wei's tone became calm:

"You saved me this time, what do you want?"

"Could it be that in your eyes, everything has to be linked to interests?" Fang Yu said with a smile.

"Say it, as long as I can satisfy you, I will never refuse."

A warm and elegant fragrance wafted from Jiang Wei's red lips.

Somehow, Fang Yu made a bold decision——

He suddenly had a wicked smile: "Then can you be my wife?"

It was said that Jiang Wei, the female president of Bingshan style, was surprisingly not angry, but smiled and said, "Do you dare?"

Jiang Wei smiled softly and put it on Fang Yu's shoulder.

The scent is stronger.

Fang Yu, who had seen many women in his life, almost lost his mind, and said calmly: "I am not this kind of person... besides, I have a fiancée."

"Coward." Jiang Wei snorted lightly, and her indifferent expression returned.

"You said you could protect me, didn't you?" Jiang Wei asked again.

"Of course." Fang Yu said confidently.

"Are you very skilled?"

"It's so-so...but it's more than enough to deal with the so-called Sirius killer organization."

Jiang Wei nodded, thoughtfully.

"Since my illness won't get better for a while, then... how about I ask you to be my personal doctor?"

"Private doctor?" Fang Yu asked in surprise.

"That's right, Qingcheng Group can't live without me for a day..."

"Not interested in."

Jiang Wei thought he would agree, but she didn't expect to be rejected outright, and she felt a little unhappy: "Why? I'm afraid I won't be able to pay?"

"It's not... I'm not the kind of person who can be bought with money..."

"The monthly salary is [-]." Jiang Wei began to increase the price.

"Not interested in……"

"A monthly salary of [-]!"

"Sorry, I have my own job."

"The monthly salary is [-], including food and housing... You eat delicacies from mountains and seas, and you live in a bungalow. In addition, you can continue to work here. The only thing you need to do is to see a doctor and heal your injuries."

"make a deal."


Fang Yu smiled faintly, and said, "Since you are so sincere, if I still refuse, wouldn't it be shameless?"

For some reason, Jiang Wei was slightly disappointed when she heard the word "deal".

The world is as black as crows.

"Okay. Get out of the hospital today, and I'll take you to the place where you live to have a look."

Just when the two of them got very close and looked very ambiguous——

Xiao Ting appeared with red flowers in his hands.

Seeing this scene, I was stunned, and the flowers in my hand fell to the ground.

"Damn, dare to tease my woman!"

Xiao Ting showed his fierce face and rushed over.

At the same time, at the end of the corridor, three or five bodyguards in suits and leather shoes appeared, following Xiao Ting.

Jiang Wei pushed Fang Yu away as if nothing had happened, and the two kept a little distance, the frost on their faces became even stronger...

"Xiao Ting, I warn you, if you talk nonsense, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

When he came to him, Xiao Ting stopped.

" should be able to understand what I mean! I'm not as good as this bastard...Compared to money, any famous brand on my body is enough for his salary for a few months, compared to family background, I Xiao How many times have you helped the Qingcheng Group in secret? How can you be with this poor boy..."

Seeing Xiao Ting's distraught appearance, Fang Yu, who originally only wanted to watch the play, changed his mind.


"Who are you scolding?"

"You are stupid and still not convinced..." Fang Yu said sarcastically, "She has all the things you said. So, it is meaningless for you to compare with me... In terms of appearance, I will dump you a few streets... How do you compare with me? I compare?"


Jiang Wei felt her head was a little big.

She originally wanted to stop it, but when she thought that Xiao Ting was like a fly all day long, it's okay to run into a wall.Just go to the theater.

Xiao Ting scolded: "So, why do you really want to eat soft rice?"

"So what? People are willing to let me eat..."


Xiao Ting was so angry that he was speechless, since he couldn't explain the truth clearly, then he could see the truth in terms of force, "Come out with me if you have the guts!"

"What? Want to fight in groups? It seems that you really didn't listen to my words!" Fang Yu said regretfully.

"A lot of nonsense!"

"How could your father, Xiao Shilang, give birth to such a fool as you!"

This sentence completely angered Xiao Ting.

In the Xiao family, he has always been regarded by his father as a useless waste, compared to his elder brother, he is a downright weakling.Fang Yu's words just hit his weakness.

"What the hell, if I don't take care of you today, my surname will not be Xiao!" Xiao Ting grinned.

Fang Yu smiled lightly: "If you are a man, let's have a fair one-on-one fight...Of course, if you insist on challenging my authority, I will take it upon myself to accompany you to the end!"

"One-on-one is one-on-one!"

In front of a woman, Xiao Ting is also embarrassed to do something that bullies the few with more.

After taking off his clothes, Xiao Ting waved his fist and ran over like a charging chariot.

Fang Yu shook his head and stayed where he was.

Jiang Wei, who was watching the excitement, couldn't help but worry.

Fang Yu didn't look like a burly man with well-developed limbs, on the contrary, he had the air of a refined scholar.If this is hit by Xiao Ting, who is five big and three rough, let alone lie in bed for a week.

Just when Xiao Ting ran up to Fang Yu——

Fang Yu made a move!
(End of this chapter)

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