Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 8 Where is Marven Ye

Chapter 8 Where is Marven Ye

Wu Cunzhong's eyes widened, but he couldn't see clearly.

One stitch, two stitches, three stitches...

Until the fifth needle, fast, ruthless, accurate!
In an instant, from pinching to the completion of needle application.

All hit Guanyuan, Qihai and Shenque acupoints.

At the same time, Fang Yu secretly sent a little bit of inner energy from the golden needle.

After a while, Zhang Hui was sweating profusely.

"It's so swollen, so hot!" Chairman Zhang felt a little uncomfortable, and his facial expression changed.

"It works, don't worry, it will be over in a while!" Fang Yu explained.

After a few minutes.

The hot feeling gradually disappeared, and Fang Yu took back all the golden needles.

Chairman Zhang let out a mouthful of turbid air, and immediately felt refreshed.

"Huh? It's amazing!"

"Xiao Fang, when you got the needle just now, I felt a warm current enter my waist, making it uncomfortable...I didn't expect it to be so miraculous!"

Nonsense, there is Neiyuan from Nine-turn Shenlongjue to help you consolidate your base and cultivate your yuan, of course it will increase!

Fang Yu thought so in his heart, but he didn't dare to say so, but smiled and said: "President Zhang, your kidney deficiency has been cured...but from now on, you should also pay attention to your body, exercise more, and take some supplements."

"Well, definitely do it!" Chairman Zhang was in a good mood, and he listened to everything Fang Yu said.

After finishing speaking, President Zhang got up from the master chair and moved his body.

His face also turned rosy, and he now felt like a young man, full of vigor, and wished to find a woman to try it out immediately.

This is simply amazing.

Dean Wu's expression was complicated. This little bastard's medical skills are really superb, so let's confess it as an uncle, and find a chance to let him treat himself too.

President Zhang praised: "Xiao Fang, I didn't expect your medical skills to be so good! With your ability, you should be the treasure of Huada Hospital, right?"

"President, I'm not the treasure of the town house, I'm just a little nurse." Fang Yu said regretfully.

"What? Nurse?" Chairman Zhang was taken aback.

"Yes, I am a veritable nurse at Huada Hospital, and the only male nurse in the whole hospital." Fang Yu said seriously.

Hearing this, President Zhang's eyes changed colorfully, and he gave Dean Wu a hard look, as if scolding, such a powerful medical skill, you let him be a nurse, an old man with eyes but no eyes!
Wu Cunzhong was suffering and couldn't tell, his face was full of sweat.

"President, you are overthinking...the hospital has already nominated Xiao Fang to be the director of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine!"

The cold look on President Zhang's face disappeared, he smiled and nodded, it's not too bad.

Wu Cunzhong finally understood, this little bastard is afraid of breaking his promise!
At this moment, President Zhang snapped his fingers.

A nearby bodyguard came over with a small black bag.

"Small idea, no respect."

Fang Yu glanced at it out of the corner of his eye, that small bag must have at least 5 yuan!Can't help secretly smacking his tongue.When I was fighting the world in Jiangzhou, I didn't bring people who made such money. If I knew, I would have become a doctor a long time ago!
"President Zhang, I don't want money."

"No money? Too little?"

"No, no... I want you to check someone for me." Fang Yu said hastily.

Chairman Zhang understood. No wonder when he talked about treatment just now, he was talking about conditions, not money.

In Jiangzhou, the president of his chapter governs all commercial guilds, and has a large network of contacts. It is not a problem to check a person, so he nodded and said: "Alright, tell me, who do you want to check?"

"My surname is Ye, and my first name is Wenjun!"

Ye Wenjun? !

President Zhang's face changed slightly, and his eyes suddenly became wary, "Who are you? What are you looking for her for?"

"She is my unmarried wife."


Chairman Zhang was taken aback. This time, he began to carefully look at Fang Yu in front of him... He is imposing and talented.Although the conversation can't be called high-end atmosphere...but the eyes are definitely not ordinary people...

After thinking about it, President Zhang withdrew his gaze and said, "Sorry, I don't know this person. However, I will ask my subordinates to check for you."

Hearing this, Fang Yu was a little disappointed.

If there is no way to find Ye Wenjun even this kind of person, it means that this person may not exist in Jiangzhou.

Is it...

Master lied to me on purpose?
Now that things have come to this, there is no need for Fang Yu and Wu Cunzhong to stay here anymore.

In fact, Wu Cunzhong wanted to leave a long time ago... Fang Yu couldn't control his mouth at all. If he said something wrong, even if he was the dean, he couldn't bear it and walked around.


After Fang Yu left.

Chairman Zhang looked in the direction of the gate and sighed.

Behind him, a graceful woman came out, snuggled up to Chairman Zhang, and asked softly: "Ye Wenjun is a rare girl from the sky in recent years... It is said that she seldom shows up, and the Ye family has always been doing her best. Protect Ye Wenjun...why didn't you tell this kid?"

"You don't know much..." President Zhang said meaningfully, "The foundation of the Ye family is still in Yanjing, and there is chaos there."

"What do you mean?"

"Otherwise, why did the Ye family try so hard to hide Ye Wenjun?" Chairman Zhang said slowly.

"I understand. At this time, anyone who approaches Ye's family... is in danger!"



On the road.

Wu Cunzhong finally couldn't bear it anymore, and burst into resentment——

"Xiao Fang, please don't be like this, that person is President Zhang! You talk nonsense, how can I be the president in the future?!"

"Old Wu, what you said is not being kind... Although the process was thrilling, wasn't the result pretty good? President Zhang will catch up with you in the future." Fang Yu said with a smile.

This sounds comfortable.

Wu Cunzhong frowned, and said: "By the way, Sun Qing, the Acupuncture King's family in Yanjing, is that your master?"

"Nonsense!" Fang Yu said angrily, "Even if Sun Qing saw me, he would have to bow his knees. You actually called him my master! You are insulting me!"

Wu Cunzhong almost vomited blood.It's the same as when I first met him, this little bastard, why does he like to brag so much!

Soon, the car returned to the hospital.

Fang Yu was about to go back to the duty room. When passing by the intensive care unit, he saw Jiang Wei, the chairman of Qingcheng Group, pacing back and forth in the corridor, frowning.

Touching his chin for a while, looking up at the sky for a while.

What is this woman worried about?

Fang Yu smiled and walked over——

"Boss Jiang, have you recovered so quickly?!"

Jiang Wei was so engrossed in thinking about things that she didn't realize that there were almost no people in the ICU area when someone picked up the phone, so she was immediately taken aback.

"Fang Yu?"

"Mr. Jiang, look at your frowning face, do you have something on your mind?"

"No." Jiang Wei's complexion was serious, and the posture of the female president was immediately revealed.

"This is a hospital. You are still recuperating. A bad mood is not conducive to recuperating... Tell me, maybe I can help you."

"Just you?" Jiang Wei's eyes were full of doubts.

"What's wrong with me?"

"It's not that I look down on'd better leave my affairs alone."

(End of this chapter)

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