Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 101 Taixuan Fingering

Chapter 101 Taixuan Fingering

Everyone is discussing.

"Did I hear wrong just now? Did Sun Qing admit the wrong person?"

"Well, after all, Miracle Doctor Sun is very old, and it is possible to admit the wrong person!"

"That's strange, what are the two of them doing in there?"

"It should be to discuss the illness."

Everyone has different expressions, but they don't feel the same in their hearts.Who would have thought that Sun Qing was called in by a young man like this.

Even if there is a mistake, if that kid is Sun Qing's apprentice, this identity is quite scary!

After a while, the door opened.

The two walked out of the house.

Dean Wu immediately went up to meet him, and said with a smile on his face: "Master Sun, this is..."

Before he finished asking, Sun Qing looked serious, with his hands behind his back, and his eyes swept towards everyone——

"Everyone, I am honored to meet my master here today...that is this..." Sun Qing stretched out his hand and put it in front of Fang Yu to express his introduction.

The scene fell silent once.

Everyone was stunned.

They didn't hear wrong, and they didn't read wrong...

"Although the Jiangzhou epidemic is imminent, as long as my master is here, these will not be a problem..."

The voice is loud and high-pitched.

Everyone really listened.


The sound was like the sound of thunder, which made the ears numb.

Everyone was stunned, and they didn't know if they understood, they all looked at Fang Yu in shock... that young man who looked to be in his 20s!
Wu Cunzhong's mind was also blank.

it is true.

No wonder this kid looked indifferent to Sun Qing.It turned out that he was Sun Qing's master!

This... is too unreasonable, right?

It's kind of weird for ages!
However, Sun Qing himself said so, and he didn't have to refute it.

Not only him, but everyone present could not refute.

Among the crowd, a doctor said politely:
"It turns out that Dr. Fang is the master of Dr. Sun! It really surprised me! It's a pleasure to meet you!"

There is one person who takes the lead, and the rest can only say good things with a thick skin.Especially those doctors who made sarcastic remarks in the conference room, their faces were flushed, and they wished they could find a crack in the ground to get in.

"Master Fang, how offended you were just now! It's my eyes that don't know Mount Tai!"

"Doctor Fang, I didn't expect you to be the master of Miracle Doctor Sun... If Doctor Fang doesn't dislike you, please accept me. I am willing to be Miracle Doctor Fang's student!"

The rest of the people, with thinner skins, just stood there and didn't speak.


Seeing the flattery of these people, Fang Yu was too lazy to respond.

"Sorry, I don't collect trash!"


This sentence pushed back the doctor who was going to be a student.He was speechless, blushing.

Fang Yu looked around and said slowly:
"With such little medical skills, you start to be arrogant... If you are allowed to have higher medical skills, the eyes must not grow to the top of the head?"

"And you, you are old and not stable at all. There are specializations in art, and those who have mastered it first, do you need me, a brat, to teach you such a simple truth?" Fang Yu pointed to Meng Lao and said.

"The one standing at the back is half-into the coffin. His medical skills are not that good, but he is very talkative."


Everyone didn't expect that Fang Yu would go crazy on the spot, reprimanding everyone one after another.

Seeing Xu Zhaopei was dumbfounded, but it was really fun...

This scene looks like a teacher teaching a student a lesson!
"The one who wears glasses, let's talk about you. You are weak and weak, and your lower body is frivolous. It looks like kidney deficiency."

The male doctor wearing glasses blushed with shame, but was extremely shocked in his heart, can you see that?
"The one in the back, don't be shy, you are better than him, you are a little weak, your eyes are dark, don't be so late at night, eat more vegetables, drink some water... the toxins in your body can't be excreted! You're going to die, isn't it? ?”


The doctor who was criticized by Fang Yu's name changed from shy to shocked.

" can see it all?"

Everyone became surprised when they said this, which meant that they knew their condition after just a few glances!
And it's accurate!
"Miraculous doctor! This is really a miracle doctor!"

"I believe it, it's amazing!"

"Miraculous doctor Fang! You are too powerful!"

The old men also nodded silently, full of admiration.


Looking at the proud Fang Yu, Wu Cunzhong recovered from the shock...

I found a treasure in love!
No matter what, this kid has to stay in Huada Hospital, and then make a living sign, specializing in the treatment of difficult and miscellaneous diseases!Tsk tsk, money is rolling in!

Wu Cunzhong came to Fang Yu with a smile, and said, "I didn't expect you to have this ability."

"There's more that you didn't expect."

"Okay, it's my dog's eyes that see people as inferior... Miracle doctor Fang, now you can talk about how to treat this epidemic?"

Everyone's eyes followed, waiting for Fang Yu to speak.


Fang Yu smiled lightly: "Since my apprentice is here, it will be much easier... To treat bird flu, you need to use a fingering technique in acupuncture. It's called [Taixuan Fingering]."

"Taixuan fingering?"

Sun Qing was shocked, and faltered, "But master, I... I can only scratch the surface!"

Hearing this, everyone was shocked, even an old genius doctor like Sun Qing only grasped the superficial, how awesome is this fingering?
Fang Yu smiled and said:

"Isn't this me? As my apprentice, I have the right to learn!"

Hearing this, Sun Qing showed an excited expression.

Others are envious!
"Well, that's great! Do you need any other help?" Dean Wu said.

"Yes, I still need a deputy."

As soon as the words fell, the experts and doctors present raised their hands one after another, and even crowded forward.

"I'll come! I'm an expert physician from Jiangzhou First Hospital with rich experience."

"Let me do it, I have the most senior qualifications!"

"Go away! Miracle doctor Fang masters traditional Chinese medicine. A group of western doctors are mixing things up. I am a Chinese medicine practitioner. Let me do it!"

Seeing everyone's positive attitude, Fang Yu said:

"It's a pity that you are both men."


"As the saying goes, if a man and a woman match, work will not be tiring." Fang Yu said, "If you want to choose me, you have to choose my future wife!"

Xu Zhaopei was taken aback.

Everyone also looked at her.

All of a sudden there was no fight.

Everything you do these days is all about relationships. Xu Zhaopei is the wife of Miracle Doctor Fang, so there is nothing to argue about if others still grab her.

"Then it's Xu Zhaopei!"

Dean Wu coughed, "The captain of the rescue team this time is Fang Yu. What other opinions do you have?"

Everyone shook their heads at the same time.

"Very well, time waits for no one, let's go now!"


The specially prepared car has been waiting for a long time.

A group of people got into the car one after another.

Although it was said that Fang Yu didn't need to bring so much waste, but after thinking about it carefully, there were so many patients that needed to be carried around by hand. Fortunately, he brought them all.

After about two hours.

The car came to the quarantine area.

There are some people wearing masks guarding the entrance.

"so serious?"

As soon as he got off the car, Fang Yu saw someone carrying a unit price into the tent in the isolation area.

"what happened?"

"The patient just now had difficulty breathing, and he is probably going to die soon." Fang Yu said.

(End of this chapter)

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