Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 102 Miracle Doctor Sacred Hand

Chapter 102 Miracle Doctor Sacred Hand
The doctor who got out of the car couldn't help but wondered: "How can you see clearly at such a distance?"

Why don't other doctors think so,
At this time, Sun Qingsun, the oldest doctor in the crowd, looked in that direction with a serious face and said, "Ignorance!"

When he speaks, the weight is still very good.

"Traditional Chinese medicine talks about looking, hearing, asking, and knowing... Look is the most important thing! You juniors, you have been practicing Western medicine since elementary school, and you have forgotten everything about your ancestors!"

Under the reprimand of Dr. Sun, no one dared to speak.

Western medicine is indeed like this. In the past, when seeing a doctor, the doctor helped to confirm the condition, but now he asks the patient what disease he has, and then directly takes Western medicine... Compared with the old Chinese medicine in the past, the gap is not usually large.

"I'll say it again! This... is the young man standing in front of you... is my master! If even he can't treat the disease well! I can't see it well!"

Hearing this, the doctors were shocked.

Xu Zhaopei, who was standing aside, looked at Fang Yu with complicated eyes.

This kid, is he really that powerful?

Wu Cunzhong was completely overjoyed... I was thinking, old man Fang, old man Fang, your medical skills were similar to mine back then, I didn't expect that your apprentice was so good!
The smart Xu Zhaopei just felt that Fang Yu's identity was getting more and more mysterious.

From the change of grandfather's attitude to Miracle Doctor Sun calling him master, these all show that Fang Yu is not simple.

Wu Cunzhong quickly smoothed things over and said: "Okay, time is precious, those present, anyone who understands [Taixuan Fingering], please stand up."

How could Western medicine do this acupuncture?
Not to mention the unique skill of Taixuan fingering, even the golden needle crossing acupoints is not something ordinary people can master!

Fang Yu raised his hand, not bothering to talk nonsense with this group of people, and said: "It's not too late, you guys will help Sun Qing more. Pepe, you will be my assistant."

"Ah?" Xu Zhaopei came out from distraction.

"Why, don't you want to?"

"No, I am willing!" How could Xu Zhaopei give up such a good opportunity, I just want to see what kind of stitches you know!
After explaining, the group walked towards the emergency bed.

It was the patient that Fang Yu said just now that he couldn't do it.

It was getting closer, and after careful observation, Fang Yu nodded, and said, "It's really like this. Don't be dazed, and sterilize the golden needle."

"Oh." Xu Zhaopei hurried to get started.

The other doctors also started to get busy, looking at Fang Yu from time to time.

"Sun Qing, wait a minute."

"Yes, Master."

Sun Qing came to Fang Yu's side respectfully, and as a result, other doctors followed.

Fang Yu said lightly: "Taixuan fingering method, I only use it once... No one present here understands Taiyi acupuncture... This acupuncture method is sublimated on the basis of Taiyi acupuncture method!"

Hearing this, Sun Qing showed excitement and said, "Thank you, master!"

Everyone was also surprised, but all medical masters are very secretive about their unique skills, Fang Yu is lucky to teach others in public.

This kind of mind alone is incomparable to them.

Thinking of this, all the doctors couldn't help but blush, and they admired Fang Yu even more in their hearts.

"Pepe, help me hold the patient."


Then Fang Yu seriously said: "The three acupoints Renzhong, Tiantu, and Tanzhong need to be needled quickly, and the interval should not be too short. It is best to do it at the same time... Remember, the action must be: fast, ruthless, and accurate!"

The voice fell.

Under the surprised eyes of everyone, Fang Yu suddenly squeezed three gold needles from Xu Zhaopei's hand.

Under the shining of the light, the golden needle refracts a different kind of brilliance!


Hands up and down.

Three needles are almost completed in one breath, really fast, ruthless and accurate!

Everyone was stunned.

at the same time--

After the golden needle pierced, it made a buzzing sound.

Everyone exclaimed again, dumbfounded.

"My God, the golden needle can keep vibrating at such a high frequency!"

"Is this the Taixuan fingering technique?"


"Yeah, I've never seen such a magical stitch!"

Western medicine experts one after another couldn't stop admiring.

Dean Wu is very proud, what the hell, a bunch of turkeys, where were you when I tried to resist all opinions.It's all amazing now!

For some reason, Wu Cunzhong felt that standing beside Fang Yu made him straighten his back unconsciously.

After a while, Fang Yu put away the golden needle: "Disinfection, next."

Xu Zhaopei asked suspiciously, "Is this cured?"

Before Fang Yu could answer, the genius doctor Sun Qingsun standing beside him said with admiration, "Well, it's all right..."

Among this group of people, Sun Qing is the one who knows the Taixuan fingering best. When he was in the Lu family, it was because he didn't learn this skill, which has become something he regrets to this day.

How could he not be excited now that he saw Fang Yu perform it with his own eyes.

Taixuan fingering, mysterious and mysterious, the door of all wonders!

Kill it to die, save it to live!

It's wonderful!
"Pepe, hurry up." Fang Yu frowned slightly.


Xu Zhaopei suddenly became cautious, which made her seem to have returned to the time when she was just an intern.Fang Yu's aura gave her this feeling.

Sun Qing is worthy of being a miracle doctor, the proponent of Taiyi Acupuncture, just read it once, and then he got the trick. He called two doctors from left and right to be his assistants, and then he gave acupuncture from the other side to save people.

Being able to see Taixuan's fingering, those doctors forced themselves to be Sun Qing's assistants.

However, they were all dismissed by Wu Cunzhong.Just kidding, this is a major matter of saving people, there can be no carelessness!

All the doctors started to get busy.

But Fang Yu and Sun Qing were the only ones who really took care of them.

Fang Yu's shots were fast and accurate, and as the number of people being treated continued to increase, his speed did not decrease at all.

On the contrary, Sun Qing did not have the blessing of Shenlongjue, and his speed was not as fast as Fang Yu.

Xu Zhaopei was completely shocked by Fang Yu's dazzling stitches.

Raising the hand room is that one person has finished the treatment.

Half an hour later, Fang Yu had cured more than 30 people.

At this point, Fang Yu's speed slowed down a little.

Xu Zhaopei, who noticed this subtle change, said worriedly: "Take a break."


Fang Yu knew that Taixuan fingering must be performed with hot hands, and he could not be idle, and he would get raw when he was idle... At the same time, he was also grateful in his heart, fortunately, he had been promoted to the fourth level of Shenlongjue, and his inner energy was sufficient.If it's the third level, I'm afraid it's time to be vain at this moment.

After Sun Qing treated the three of them, he stopped to rest.

Turning his head to look at the young master, he couldn't help being surprised, the Taixuan fingering technique is worthy of being a unique skill of the Lu clan, it's a pity that the young master has this talent and ability, why did the master of Lu sect expel the young master from the house?well--

(End of this chapter)

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