Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 13 The eve of the storm

Chapter 13 The eve of the storm

What Jiang Wei hates the most is this kind of man with a strong desire to control. From the beginning of tolerance, to the current outburst, this is a foreseeable fact.


How much contribution Xiao He has made to Allure International.In the past five years, I have worked hard and never neglected.

In order to build their business empire, they did not hesitate to use the power of the Xiao family.


You can let me go with a word!
How could Xiao He not be angry?

"Are you going to drive me away?" Xiao He roared, "Do you know that Qingcheng's success today is all due to my credit! Why do you drive me away? This is Qingcheng, and I—— is the vice president of Qingcheng Group !"

At this juncture, Xiao He actually wanted to refute.

Jiang Wei sneered.

"Unfortunately, I am the president of Qingcheng Group!"

Yes, there is no "vice".

"Your power is given to you by me. I also gave you your shares." Jiang Wei said word by word, "I'm sorry, but now I want to take it all back!"

"I'm saying this one last time, please get out of my office immediately, otherwise——I will sue you for embezzling company property!"

Treat others with their own way!
These are such familiar words.

Xiao He looked at Jiang Wei in disbelief.

When he was still trying to resist and struggle, he saw Jiang Wei took out a stack of documents from the drawer and put them on the table.

Then stared at him coldly!
"you are vicious!"

His eyes turned cold, Xiao He slammed the door and left without a trace of nostalgia.


Fang Yu sat on the chair with great interest and did not move.In fact, since Jiang Wei spoke, he has not spoken.

He didn't expect things to develop into this way, completely out of control. It seems that the conflict between Jiang Wei and Xiao He is much bigger than imagined.

This is what he wants too.


As soon as Xiao He left, the other standing employees hurried out.

In the office, only Jiang Wei and Fang Yu were left.

Fang Yu raised his head in embarrassment, looked at Jiang Wei with a cold face, and said, "Frankly speaking, I didn't do it on purpose."

Jiang Wei gave him a cold look.

She didn't speak, and sat down slowly.

The chair can be turned... Qingcheng Building is a hundred stories high, and the floor where the office is located is commanding.The warm sunlight outside poured in through the glass, shining on Jiang Wei's delicate face.

"What kind of person do you think Xiao He is?" Jiang Wei said calmly.

"Please, I only met once, so I don't know enough." Fang Yu spread his hands.

"Just based on your first impression?"

Fang Yu thought for a moment and said:
"Forbearance, selfishness, overbearing..."

For Xiao He's evaluation, Fang Yu only gave these simple six words.

Jiang Wei nodded approvingly, but quickly shook her head——

"I met you for the first time, and you all have such comments... What about the colleagues who have worked together for five years?" Jiang Wei asked back.

Fang Yu was taken aback.

Can't say no.

"It turns out that you have already thought about used me as a weapon." Fang Yu said with blank eyes.

"Things are not as simple as you think." Jiang Wei stood up from her chair, overlooking the entire Jiangzhou...

There are many high-rise buildings and flowers blooming like brocades, and every inch of land is worth every inch of gold.

"If you want to see far, you have to stand tall..."

Jiang Wei sat down again.

Turning the chair back, he looked at Fang Yu.

The eyes suddenly became suspicious, even a little distrustful.

This look made Fang Yu feel a little uncomfortable.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Fang Yu asked suspiciously.

"Fang Yu... tell me the truth... who are you?"

Jiang Wei stared at Fang Yu seriously with a pair of eyes... while waiting for his frank answer.

"Why do you ask that?" Fang Yu was speechless.

"I'm curious, why can't an ordinary person be found in the public security system?" Jiang Wei said word by word.

"You check me?"

Jiang Wei did not deny it.

By now, she didn't know who to trust.

Walking through the gate of hell, everyone looks like a bad person.

Fang Yu smiled.

"are you a pig?"

Being scolded like this, Jiang Wei's face was a little ugly.

This guy has no quality!

"In fact, I guessed that Xiao He was the mastermind behind the murder of you... You died, and the biggest beneficiary was Xiao He. But... I saved you."

"If I want to kill you, why should I save you? I don't understand such a simple logic. What are you if you are not a pig?"

Hearing this, Jiang Wei's pretty face flushed.

At that moment just now, she lost her rationality and lost her basic logical thinking about the matter.

Yes, from this aspect, how could Fang Yu belong to Xiao He?

Thinking of this, Jiang Wei showed guilt, lowered her head, and said two words lightly: "Sorry——"

"I saved you, but you just said thank you... I came to be your personal doctor, you doubt me, and now you want to dismiss me with two words... Mr. Jiang, do you take yourself too seriously? "

"What do you want?"

"At least you should show something, right?" Fang Yu said with a smile.

There was a silence in the office.

Jiang Wei thought for a while and said calmly: "Well, how about I treat you to a meal and express my apology to you?"

"Beauty meets, how can I refuse? It's better to hit the sun than to choose a date, just today."



in a dark room.

Xiao He stood in the center with his hands behind his back.

"Lin Kun, help me find out what the origin of that kid Fang Yu is?"

Behind him, Lin Kun with knife marks on his face sneered, "Small... this kid blocked our way of making money, I will teach him a lesson!"

"Look up his background first, if it's not can figure it out." Xiao He's tone became colder.

"I do things, don't bother you, no matter who he is, I will kill him!" Lin Kun's eyes were fierce, the name reminded him of the humiliation he suffered when he was in middle school, the person who bullied him , also called Fang Yu.

"One more thing." Xiao He said, "Jiang Wei can't keep it anymore."




The Oriental Pearl Restaurant is built by the sea, and the golden location of the seaside table is often expensive.The sea breeze blowing there, tasting good wine and enjoying the night view are almost the best standard for successful people.

The restaurant has a total of six floors. In addition to eating and drinking, it also provides other entertainment facilities, such as sea trips and music performances.Its particularity is destined to be much higher than the consumption in the city center.

Seven o'clock in the evening.

When the agreed time came, the sun gradually sank into the western mountains.

Fang Yu and Jiang Wei came outside the restaurant——

A black shawl and a white shirt tightly wrapped her plump figure.The rough outline still makes it easy to guess that there is a devil-like body inside.

"I found that there are so many beauties in the Oriental Pearl Restaurant." Fang Yu looked through the glass at the handsome men and women eating inside.

"Really?" Jiang Wei said coldly.

"Of course, compared to Boss Jiang, these are just rouge fans." Fang Yu shook his head.


Entered the interior of the Oriental Pearl Restaurant.The porch with luxurious lighting is expected to be ten meters long.Pass through the porch and enter the lobby of about [-] square meters.

The manager of the lobby is a stable middle-aged man who has worked in the restaurant for many years and is well-informed. He can roughly guess the identity of others with just one glance.

When he saw Jiang Wei, who had a dusty demeanor, he couldn't help being surprised, and he greeted her with a smile.

"Mr. Jiang is here! VIP guests please!"

At the same time, he also saw Fang Yu beside Jiang Wei, with a trace of doubt on his expression——

Who is this kid?
A pair of shabby clothes, like the clothes styled many years ago, retaining the taste of the cowboys of the last century... One word to describe: dirt.

Is it...

This is Mr. Jiang's little boy?

(End of this chapter)

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