Chapter 14
The two sat down in the VIP area, and a foreigner nearby was playing a violin and playing melodious music.

"What do you want to eat?" Jiang Wei asked without looking at the menu.


Fang Yu noticed the disdainful eyes from the lobby manager, smiled slightly, and snapped his fingers——

The lobby manager gave him a good look, and walked over respectfully.

"Have a bottle of '82 Lafite."

The lobby manager was slightly taken aback, this bumpkin also knows how to drink red wine?
But he still nodded and said, "Okay, sir."

Just when the lobby manager was about to turn around and make arrangements, Fang Yu said, "Wait a minute."

"Sir, what else do you want?"

Fang Yu's eyes flicked across the lobby manager's face, and he looked at it for a few seconds, knowing it in his mind.

"In the past three months, have you been unable to sleep in the middle of the night every day?"

Hearing this, the lobby manager was startled.

Fang Yu continued: "And accompanied by fatigue, dizziness, sweating and other symptoms, isn't it?"

The lobby manager was surprised: "How do you know?!"

In the past few months, he always felt that something was wrong, either insomnia or fatigue and dizziness, he thought it was caused by fatigue.Fang Yu's reminder is really a bit evil.

"This kind of disease can range from headaches, insomnia, memory severe cases..." Fang Yu paused, "Palpitations and chest tightness, if not handled properly, he will die!"

The last four words startled the lobby manager.

He looked at Fang Yu in disbelief, this unattractive boy.

Just when the lobby manager wanted to refute——

Fang Yu said lightly: "If you think I'm scaremongering... you can press the Baihui acupoint with your finger and see if it hurts."

Originally, he had a skeptical attitude. Hearing what he said, the lobby manager really pressed the Baihui acupuncture point with his finger.

After such a press, there was indeed a slight pain, and I couldn't help being surprised.

Jiang Wei, who was sitting opposite, said, "This is a miracle doctor from Huada Hospital, with superb medical skills."

Now, the lobby manager had no choice but to believe it. Even President Jiang of Qingcheng International said so, so it must not be false.

The lobby manager immediately said sincerely: "Doctor... I am blind... What is my disease? Can you cure it?"

Fang Yu glanced at him, but said nothing.

"Doctor, please!" The lobby manager also begged without losing face.

"Everything has conditions."

"I understand, I understand..." The lobby manager gritted his teeth and said, "I invited Lafite in 82, do you think so?"

Fang Yu smiled.

This fat man is quite sensible.

"Your disease is called [neurosis], and ordinary doctors really can't cure it! I see that your complexion is not very good, and your eyes are dull. You have been going to the hospital to hang water to see a doctor recently, right?"

The lobby manager was surprised and said: "It's really amazing! Doctor, what you said is absolutely right. I have indeed been to the hospital a lot recently, but it can't be cured! You can see my problem at a glance, it's amazing!"

Fang Yu nodded.

"Bring the pen and paper."

The lobby manager asked someone to bring a pen and paper, and put it respectfully in front of Fang Yu.

Fang Yu wrote down the prescription with a brush, and said calmly, "According to this prescription, take the medicine three times a day for a week."

Holding the written prescription, the lobby manager scratched his head.

"If the prescription doesn't work, come to Qingcheng Group to find me." Fang Yu said.

" believe in you, and even more in Mr. Jiang...Jiang is always a frequent customer of ours. He is in charge of Qingcheng Group in one hand, so he won't lie to an unknown person like me."

This guy held the prescription, like a baby, and quickly put it into his arms.

"If you have any orders, please tell me at any time."

After finishing speaking, the lobby manager ran away.



Red wine was on the table quickly.

By the way, I ordered some classic side dishes.

"You are injured, so you should not drink." Fang Yu took the wine glass away from Jiang Wei.

"With you here, are you still afraid of accidents?"

"Please, I can save you, but I can't save the person who wants to die." Fang Yu rolled his eyes.

A faint smile flashed across Jiang Wei's cold face.

She didn't touch the glass again.

"You seem to know wine very well," Jiang Wei said.

Fang Yu picked up the glass, took a sip, and said, "Know a thing or two."

"I'm curious, what kind of person were you before?" Jiang Wei's eyes were on Fang Yu.

"Why do you suddenly want to ask this?"

"To be honest, my first impression of you was not good. You are rustic and a bit of a rascal... However, these are just superficial appearances. I don't think a country bumpkin would know how to taste 82 Lafite, or even know how to eat a table Dining etiquette on the table." Jiang Wei explained what she had observed just now.

"Then let me tell the truth..." Fang Yu said with a smile, "Actually, I used to be very rich."

"and then?"

"Later, the family fell into poverty, so I had no choice but to come out and become a doctor."

"Do not believe."

"believe it or not."


While the two were eating and chatting.

Outside the Oriental Pearl Restaurant, a man with a scarred face sneaked around and kept looking inside.

This person is Lin Kun.

"Xiao He, Xiao He... You are so terrible, the two brothers can't even deal with a woman." As he said, his phone rang.

Line connected.


"Brother, I found out... This kid named Fang Yu came from the countryside, studied in Jiangzhou, learned some folk remedies, and accidentally became a doctor at Huada Hospital, no, he was a male nurse! "Reported on the phone.

Hearing this, Scar's eyes turned cold, and he said, "Is the news reliable?"

"It's sure to be reliable... I asked Brother Fan about this person."



in the restaurant.

Fang Yu had just finished a glass of wine when his phone rang.

He took out his phone and saw it was a text message.

Seeing the worn-out mobile phone, Jiang Wei said indifferently: "Is there anyone still using such an outdated mobile phone?"

"Are you behind?" Fang Yu didn't think so.

Jiang Wei didn't speak, but took out her Apple X and put it on the table.

It's not that Fang Yu has never seen a mobile phone. Since he returned to Jiangzhou, he found that many things have changed dramatically, and the mobile phone is one of them.

Now the streets are full of smart phones, and he still uses the old-fashioned buttons, which is indeed backward.

Seeing Jiang Wei's phone, Fang Yu felt that this phone was unusual.

"Mr. Jiang, why don't you advance this month's salary, and I'll buy one too?"

Jiang Wei didn't speak, and went to eat with her head down.


Fang Yu took the opportunity to turn on the phone and read the content of the text message——

From Fan Tong.

"Brother Yu, someone asked me about you, and I buried it for you, saying that you came from the countryside and studied in Jiangzhou... You should be careful in the near future."

In fact, Fang Yu had indeed studied in Jiangzhou before, and few of them could remember him after graduation.Later, after dropping out of school, he wandered around the rivers and lakes, and after he got out of Mingtang, he got a nickname again, and there were very few people who knew his real name and identity.

It seemed that someone was watching him.

It is impossible for Jiang Wei to find Fan Tong, so there is only the Xiao family!


Who is behind the Xiao family?
If the Xiao family only ate the Fang family's cake, they would definitely not be able to get to where they are now.Behind the Xiao family, there must be a force supporting them.

Just as I was thinking, an unharmonious voice came from behind——

"Hey, isn't this Mr. Jiang? The famous president of Qingcheng International Group!"

The man who spoke was a man in a suit and leather shoes, with shiny hair and a bow tie. He was full of arrogance and prejudice. At the same time, there was a scar on his face, which was not good at first glance.

Behind him, there were also a few noble-dressed young men of the same age, with contemptuous expressions and mocking smiles at the corners of their mouths.

(End of this chapter)

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