Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 15 Heaven Has Eyes, Old Acquaintances

Chapter 15 Heaven Has Eyes, Old Acquaintances

After all, Jiang Wei is a woman who has gone through ups and downs. She is alone and has supported the entire company for so many years. Most people can't scare her.

Raising her eyes, Jiang Wei took a look.

She recognized it. This person was Xiao He's friend Lin Kun, whom she met once.


From Lin Kun's direction, you can see Jiang Wei facing him, and Fang Yu with his back facing him.

Lin Kun walked over with a smile.

The staff of the restaurant felt that this wave of people was unusual and did not dare to step forward to stop them.

"Tsk tsk tsk... Let me see what kind of man the dignified president of Qingcheng International Group found after dumping Xiao He."

Hearing this, Jiang Wei's face turned cold.

"Lin Kun...don't meddle in my company's affairs. If Xiao He asked you to come, I advise you to stop as soon as possible!"

Lin Kun smiled.

Ignoring Jiang Wei's advice at all, she walked to the dining table and turned her head to look.

When Lin Kun's eyes fell on Fang Yu's body——

How come you look familiar?

Seems like I've seen it before.

Gradually, he remembered...

Lin Kun recognized it, and immediately laughed.

The sky has eyes, this is an old acquaintance, an old acquaintance he has always hated!
"So it's you...Mr. Jiang, your new boyfriend?"

Jiang Wei's beautiful eyes frowned.

She disliked people like Lin Kun, and the dismissal of Xiao He would naturally provoke Lin Kun.She knew that Lin Kun was a gangster, so she felt a little helpless in this situation.

Lin Kun was like a villain, and said with great interest: "My old classmate, I haven't seen him for many years, why is he acting like a jerk?"

Jiang Wei was taken aback, did they know each other?

Hearing the voice, Fang Yu also raised his head——

Seeing Lin Kun's wanton smile, he also remembered.

Lin Kun, who used to go to Jiangxia No. [-] Middle School, was often ridiculed and bullied because of his cowardice, and gave him a very domineering nickname - Lin Ribi.At that time, Fang Yu was young and frivolous, and he also bullied Lin Kun. Since then, Lin Kun has held a grudge against Fang Yu.

However, there was an extra scar on his face.

"I thought who it was, it turned out to be you." Fang Yu smiled and said hello.

Seeing Fang Yu dressed in rags and cloth shoes, Lin Kun felt refreshed for a while, and his eyes became brighter.

"Mr. Jiang, you don't know him well enough, do you? Let me introduce..."

Lin Kun seemed a little excited, "This is Fang Yu, the gangster from Jiangzhou Middle School back then. Fighting, brawling, and bullying female classmates, he has a lot of bad deeds. Later, the school could no longer tolerate him, so he was expelled... ...As an old classmate, I really want to know, where did you go after you were expelled from school? Did you go to study medicine?"

"After you were expelled, I looked for you for a while, but unfortunately I couldn't find you... I heard that you got mixed up with some hooligans in the society?"

Fang Yu remained silent and continued to squint at him.

Lin Kun talked more and more vigorously.

"At that time, Fang Yu was so beautiful that the male classmates were afraid that he would admire him, but the beautiful female classmates admired him and liked him. How ironic!"

Lin Kun once imagined that he could meet Fang Yu once, and use his brilliant achievements and wealth to return the humiliation brought to him back then!

Now God finally has eyes!
Seeing Fang Yu, who was raging and bullying his classmates back then, degraded to this point, made me feel extremely happy.Really 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi!
"Boss Jiang, what exactly do you like about him?"

Jiang Wei remained silent.

She has received higher education, has excellent quality and education, and can distinguish right from wrong.


Fang Yu picked up the glass, smiled lightly, and asked, "Drink?"

Lin Kun shook his head disdainfully, took out the exquisite cigarette case from his pocket, and took out a cigar.

"Lin Kun, didn't you just hit you in middle school, and now you're aggressive and want revenge?" Fang Yu said with a smile.

And when he hit him, it was a long time ago, I didn't expect this guy to hold a grudge like this.

"I'm not as stingy as you think." Lin Kun said indifferently.

"Then what are you talking about here?"


Lin Kun smiled instead of anger, "Then please tell me, which point I said wronged you?"

"No, what you said is the truth." Fang Yu smiled and was very frank.

Hearing this, the corner of Lin Kun's mouth twitched.He ignored Fang Yu, looked at Jiang Wei, and said softly, "Mr. Jiang, have you seen it? He admitted his madness and ignorance back then. Now he is wearing a street stall and a pair of cloth shoes. This is what happened at that time." Retribution for ignorance. In other words, some people are losers for a reason."

From Jiang Wei's point of view, there is indeed nothing outstanding about Fang Yu now, but she is tired of intrigue, and she hates people like Lin Kun and Xiao He deeply in her heart.From this aspect, Fang Yu is much better than them, at least, he is very real and frank.

"I know what kind of person he is, so I don't need you to remind me."

Lin Kun shook his head disapprovingly, and said: "It seems that you still don't understand. In order to let you recognize the losers more clearly, I think I should sit down and tell you slowly, is that okay?"


Jiang Wei's tone was firm and her voice was indifferent, "Please go away and don't disturb us."


Can Lin Kun leave?
Seeing the person who stepped him into the dirt in the past, it is even more impossible to leave!Furthermore, the purpose of his coming today is to make Jiang Wei and Fang Yu look good... God is so discerning, this Fang Yu is actually the person who bullied him back then.

Therefore, even if the building collapses today, he can't leave!

Therefore, Lin Kun's heart swayed, and he used his thick-skinned traits, sat down shamelessly, and said indifferently: "Mr. Jiang, Fang Yu and I have been old classmates for many years. Is it inappropriate to drive me away like this?"

His expression was indifferent, his attitude was gentlemanly, and his tone was moderate.If it wasn't for his eyes that betrayed him, no one would know that he is full of provocation and anger at this moment.

Lin Kun, who must retaliate, has almost brought out the narrow-minded and stingy man to the fullest.

"What do you think, Fang Yu?"

Seeing Fang Yu's silence, Lin Kun became even more arrogant. He picked up the cup, poured himself a drink, and said, "Fang Yu, how beautiful you were in the third year of junior high school. I remember that you easily won the school belle of our school." , what happened afterwards?"

Fang Yu, whose expression was like a pool of still water, said lightly:

"You are wrong. At that time, I was not as shameless as you thought."

"This is the funniest joke I've heard today." Lin Kun chuckled, his eyes continued to look at Fang Yu, and the topic began to change, "Look at your outfit, where have you been recently?"

Fang Yu smiled and said, "I can't talk about being tall, the director of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Huada Hospital is me—"

"It can't be sweeping the floor?" Lin Kun didn't hesitate to expose Fang Yu's lie.

"It's boring to talk to you."

Seeing Fang Yu's sophomore grade, Lin Kun suddenly felt extremely refreshed.

"Being a doctor can make you so happy."

"Occupation has no distinction." Fang Yu said lightly.

For this sake, Fang Yu was still very calm.He really wanted to see what kind of tricks Lin Kun could play.In his opinion, the decline of Lin Kun and the Xiao family is a matter of time.


If Lin Kun knew his nickname of "Shaking the Jianghu" eight years ago, maybe it would be a different performance.

(End of this chapter)

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