Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 16 The Grumpy Lin Ribi

Chapter 16 The Grumpy Lin Ribi
Lin Kun said disapprovingly, "You've watched too many news broadcasts... Then I'll calculate with you. With your current position, how much salary can you get a month? Three thousand? Or ten thousand? As for me, I don't need to do anything , the annual fixed income is not less than ten million. Ten years later, you may not even be able to afford a toilet in Jiangzhou, and I was born with these. Is this what you told me that there is no occupation?"

Lin Kun's pressing step by step and extremely mocking words made Jiang Wei feel more and more annoying.

Immediately stopped Lin Kun from continuing to insult, and said: "Have you said enough? You have said enough, please go away."

Let me go?
Seeing Jiang Wei's angry appearance, Lin Kun actually felt excited.This shows that the words just now had an effect.

If he can't get back his dignity from them today, then he will regret it for the rest of his life!
Is that Jiang Wei?Qingcheng International will be your grave.

Fang Yu, right?After today, you will always remember Lin Kun!What you gave me back then, today I will return it to you ten times a hundred times a thousand times!



"In this restaurant, unless I, Lin Kun, walk out with my feet, no one would dare to shove me away." Lin Kun said contemptuously.

"Lin Kun, what on earth do you want to do?" Jiang Wei's expression turned ugly.

"You reacted so strongly? Did you feel sorry for your little boyfriend? You underestimated our Fang Yu. Brother Yu was as thick-skinned as a city wall back then, and he wouldn't care what others said." Lin Kun's eyes drifted to his face. Fang Yu said in a relaxed manner, "Isn't it just asking about the salary? If Brother Yu has no money to spend, as an old classmate, how could he sit idly by?"

Lin Kun put down the glass in his hand with a look of contempt, rolled up his sleeves, pointed at the watch arrogantly and said, "Fang Yu, do you know him? It doesn't matter if you don't know me, I'll introduce it to you, have you seen its LOGO?" ? This is called [Patek Philippe] platinum watch, limited worldwide, the case is made of 950 platinum, and the watch mirror is made of sapphire crystal glass. Do you really want to know how much it is worth?"

"1800 million!"

There is no pause in the speed of speech and staggering prices.

Standing behind him were friends from the aristocratic circle who were also stunned by the astonishing price.


Fang Yu simply smiled and said nothing, as if everything Lin Kun said had nothing to do with him.

Lin Kun, who did not meet his expectations, felt more and more aggrieved, and continued to taunt: "Your monthly salary is 1800 yuan. That is to say, you need to work for 150 months, or [-] years, and do not eat or drink. To buy this watch...

"Did you see that car outside the restaurant? It's [Lamborghini LP 750] series, worth 888 million! According to your salary, you need to eat or drink for 888 months to afford this car. For me , It’s just a toy for driving. I still have five cars like this. If you are interested, I can invite you to visit my house and take a look at the luxury villa I just bought, but I won’t live in it. , but to my women."

It doesn't matter if you are selfish, stupid or stupid, as long as you can prove that - I am stronger than you, Fang Yu, ten thousand times stronger!
Lin Kun enjoyed the excitement of trampling his former enemy under his feet!
Fang Yu, with a relaxed face, did not get angry because of the brazen show off. On the contrary, he asked with a smile: "Oh. [Patek Philippe], right? When did you buy it?"

Lin Kun's face froze, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

Is this the point of what I'm talking about?
"Last year!" Lin Kun responded contemptuously.

"Oh. It's a pity." Fang Yu said slowly, "As far as I know, almost all [Patek Philippe] mechanical watches basically don't have any brand logo or model on the back cover. At most, the watch is engraved with words. The luxurious [Patek Philippe] is famous all over the world for its exquisite and beautiful low-key, and only three new models released this year can see the brand LOGO on the front. So..."

"Is it fake?" Jiang Wei answered.

Fang Yu snapped his fingers and said with a smile, "That's right."

"There are many ways to identify [Patek Philippe]. If Mr. Jiang is interested, let's talk in detail later."

"Okay, I also really want to know why men like watches so much!" Jiang Wei nodded in response.


Lin Kun exploded completely.

Fang Yu said his watch was fake!
Lin Kun doesn't believe it!But his face became extremely ugly!


Just then-

There was an argument at a nearby table, the sound extremely harsh.

"Damn it, can you drink it..." A big man picked up the wine bottle and slammed it into his mouth.

The big bald man across the street had already been drunk.

"Well, I can still...can continue to drink!"

Pick up a bottle of wine and blow it directly.

There were six or seven people at a table, all of whom were blushing from drinking.

It's really strange that such low-class people come to eat and drink in this high-end restaurant.

The high-spirited elders bragged while drinking.The vulgar behavior and vulgar language made Lin Kun feel extremely disgusted with this group of people.


Lin Kun shouted loudly, resounding around.

With this shout, the whole hall fell silent.

No one spoke, and the diners were silent, their eyes following.

Only the low-quality men who were almost drunk at that table patted the table.

"Which turtle grandson is yelling nonsense!?"

"You guys are too noisy!" Lin Kun said boldly, "I'll give you a chance to get out of the Oriental Restaurant. Don't force me to get mad."

Lin Kun's tone was extremely indifferent, with a serious expression.

"Hey...brothers, someone told us to go?" The big man grinned and laughed.

"He also said he was going to lose his temper." A brother laughed in agreement.

"Wow, how do you go crazy?" Another person smiled.

The last man, with a thin but sharp face, dark skin, protruding veins on his arms, and strong muscles, looked at his brother and said, "Huzi, you can't do this, you will have to punish yourself for three cups later. "

The man called Hu Zi rolled his eyes and said: "It's not kind, everyone sees me as a joke... I'll drink it later, I want to reason with this brother."

Facing the wine-smelling lower Liba people, Lin Kun's gaze became even colder, and he said seriously, "Can't you understand people's language?"

This sentence completely enraged Hu Zi, his expression darkened immediately, and he shouted: "You're courting death!"

Fist -

A punch directly hit Lin Kun's face.

At the critical moment, a person following Lin Kun suddenly grabbed Lin Kun, retreated again and again, and swung the blow away with one hand.

Lin Kun said in a deep voice, "Call someone!"

While talking, a dozen thugs appeared in the lobby.All uniforms, tall and straight, well-trained.

"There are quite a lot of people!" Huzi's eyes flashed with excitement.

The group of people rushed forward like wolves and tigers, like Lianjiazi one by one.Those people also shot extremely sharply, their eyes were like cheetahs staring at the prey-like tiger, and they surrounded him in their hearts!
Before the group of people could go up first, Huzi spit water on the ground and rushed out vigorously.Similarly, Biaozi's shot was much more vicious than the one he hit Lin Kun before, directly locking his throat.

One fell down!

Huzi squinted and sneered, and rushed into the crowd again!
Bang bang bang!
Three punches and two kicks, like an adult beating a child, directly hitting the chest.The leading thug staggered back, bleeding from the corner of his mouth.

"Together, don't give him every chance to defeat him!"

The remaining seven or eight people swarmed up.

Even though Hu Zi was powerful, he was not superhuman, and suddenly he was hugged by the waist by one of them.Not to be outdone, the others attacked crazily!
Puff puff--

Huzi was punched three times in a row.

But he didn't seem to feel any pain at all, these heavy punches seemed to wake him up from his drunkenness, bloodshot eyes flashed in his eyes, and he sneered and became furious.

"Ah - the pleasure of Mrs. Thieves!"

The arms that were like iron hoops broke free immediately, and one person grabbed it vigorously, tearing Huzi's shirt to pieces!
Muscular, burly body.

"It's my turn!" Huzi was like an eagle catching chickens, he grabbed one and punched it hard, hitting the ground.

A group of thugs suddenly lost their momentum.

The gap is too big!

In a short time, a dozen or so thugs were all howling to the end.

Lin Kun was completely dumbfounded, and his facial expressions were brilliant.The fear that hit him in an instant was slapping his face fiercely.In just a few seconds, his whole body was covered in cold sweat, and his legs trembled uncontrollably.

How can this guy be so good at fighting?

At this time, the thin man behind Huzi said calmly, "Young man, do you know who you told to get out?"

"The one in the back is the chairman of the special forces of the military region."

"The one on the left is the instructor of the No.30 Eighth Army Regiment of the Yanjing Military Region!"

"As for the one who beat you... I don't need to tell you his identity, I just need to tell you his name is: Yan Hu!"


Yan Hu? !
Lin Kun's eyes widened, sweat was pouring down like rain, and his lips were trembling.

The man's tone was very gentle, and his voice was relaxed during the introduction, and he didn't deliberately use his identity to coerce anyone.But when I heard this series of identities, my mind went blank, and I even felt that my breathing was stagnant.

Yan Hu, isn't that the number one general of the Jiangzhou Dragon and Tiger Club? !Why is he here!Why is he with the people in the military region!
In front, Yan Hu looked at Lin Kun coldly, and spat on the ground.

"Does your father have two bad money? Do you think you are so good at bullying others?"

In an instant, Yan Hu slammed Lin Kun's abdomen with a sharp fist, and he vomited a lot of filth.

Tears burst out of my eyes instantly.The piercing pain made Lin Kun sweat profusely.

A stagger, he knelt down.

"I'm sorry... I was wrong..."

"Now I know I was wrong? Young man, you are not kind. How can you bully the weak and fear the strong? I heard all the bullshit you said at other wine tables just now."

Yan Hu looked at him condescendingly, and continued: "Come with me, and apologize to those you bullied!"

Like dragging a dog, he dragged Lin Kun up and dragged him to the dining table where Fang Yu was.

When Yan Hu saw Fang Yu at the table clearly, he couldn't help but widen his eyes——

"Iron Fist, Brother Yu?!"

(End of this chapter)

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