Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 1308 I Don’t Need To Kill Someone

Chapter 1308 I Don’t Need To Kill Someone
The moment Fang Yu's body exploded with energy.

The boss's eyes widened, and he tremblingly said: " is it possible? Mysterious Immortal?!"


A dragon whistle shocked the entire restaurant.

Those cultivators around felt their wills stagnate for a moment, and a shadow flashed across their eyes.

Bang bang bang!
Bang bang bang!
All were controlled by Fang Yu's energy pattern!

Fell to the ground, unable to move!
The boss was left with horror in his eyes, looking at Fang Yu in disbelief...

He was only half a step into the realm of human immortality just now, why did he suddenly explode into a mysterious human immortal!How can this be? !
At this time.

He found himself unable to move.

My whole body was sore and I felt very weak.

He could only watch Fang Yu helplessly, walking towards him step by step...

"Stop struggling... All of your body meridians have been pierced by my energy pattern! Forced to run, I'm afraid I will cripple myself!"

As soon as Fang Yu said this, they didn't dare to force their vitality, so they had to give up resistance.

Come to me.

Fang Yu stepped on the chest of the local snake boss and said, "Tell me, who is behind you?"

"You, you... behind me is the entire Lu family, how dare you kill me!?" The middle-aged man bared his teeth.

"Very good! If you weren't from the Lu family, maybe I would let you go... Unfortunately, I killed your Lu family children!" Fang Yu said.


The man's eyes widened, not knowing what happened.

Even the members of the Lu family dared to move, so what is the identity of this person?
Fang Yu also learned of the notoriety of the young master of the Lu family from Ding Chunqiu.

Such a notorious figure was not punished.

Thinking of this...

Fang Yu pulled the stool away and sat down.

Chen Daotian on the side said, "Brother Yu...why do you have to wait, what if a strong opponent comes?"

Everyone is also worried.

Fang Yu smiled and said, "It's okay."

The boss who fell on the ground and couldn't move, said: "Boy, I advise you, let us all go, otherwise... you will not be able to survive or die! Although you can burst out the power of Xuanrenxian, but you know what? ?Our Young Master Lu is a rare cultivation genius in Ten Thousand Immortals City! He is already a great cultivator at the peak of Xuanrenxian at a young age, and he will become the youngest Yuanrenxian practitioner in Ten Thousand Immortals City in a short time! By then... ...The entire Ten Thousand Immortals City depends on the expression of Young Master Lu!"

"So powerful?" Fang Yu was a little surprised.

"It's normal for you to be afraid! The Lu family is not just Young Master Lu, but also Mr. Lu, who controls the business associations of the entire Ten Thousand Immortals Realm. All the spirit stones are monopolized in the hands of the Lu family! Mr. Lu's status and identity are beyond your control." I coveted it! As long as you let us go today, I will not care about you, if you behave well, I will consider...letting you be a little follower!" The boss said confidently.

"Are you so confident?"

"Confidence comes from strength!"

"well said!"

at this time.

There were exclamations outside.

All the practitioners and pedestrians on the street dispersed.

"It's the Lu family!"

"The Lu family, run away!"

"The guardian of the Lu family, the great cultivator at the peak of Xuanrenxian, Zhuang Yan!"

The person who came was Zhuang Yan, the guardian of the Lu family and the peak practitioner of Xuanrenxian.With a long sword behind him.

This middle-aged man is amazing. In this Nancheng generation, no one knows that he is the nursing home of the Lu family, and his cultivation is unfathomable. Under his training, Master Lu has also grown into a talent quickly.It can be said that Zhuang Yan is also half of Lu Ming's master.

The crowd dispersed.

Zhuang Yan looked up like a falcon, and looked up at the location of the restaurant.

Second floor, yes.

His face was calm and indifferent.

went up.


The second floor.

Business as usual.

Zhuang Yan went up to the second floor expressionlessly.

His eyes quickly flicked around.

The expression remained unchanged.Very indifferent.

In the end, Zhuang Yan's eyes fell on Fang Yu, that is, Fang Yu who stepped on the boss of the local snake!
Zhuang Yan also immediately judged the strength and realm of the practitioners around him.

A hint of disdain curled up at the corner of his mouth, and he said flatly: "Except for Princess Zhaoyue, the others have cut off their arms, and this matter will be cancelled."

Fang Yu looked at Zhuang Yan who came with a long sword on his back, and said with a smile:
"You are very confident."

"Confidence comes from strength, from status, and from identity... It's just a few small fish and shrimps who are in the sky, and they dare to act wild in Nancheng! Could it be... when you came to Nancheng, no one told you who is Nancheng Is it the king's law?" Zhuang Yan's voice contained a force that was not angry and self-imposing.

"You are Lu Ming?" Fang Yu asked.

Fang Yu really wanted to meet this young master named Lu Ming, a rare genius in Nancheng.

But the person in front of him looked a bit old-fashioned, with a murderous look on his brows.Not like that so-called genius.

"You are not qualified to see my young master... I am the nursing home of the Lu family, Zhuang Yan. I was ordered to take away Princess Zhaoyue today. If anyone dares to stop me, my sword will see blood!" Zhuang Yan said.


Fang Yu shook his head and said, "It's a pity that I didn't see this genius. I heard that your young master is doing all kinds of evil in Nancheng, isn't it?"


Zhuang Yan suddenly realized that something was wrong with the atmosphere, and frowned.

Fang Yu also got up at this time, with his arms folded, his eyes revealed a look of pity: "It is said that in the City of Ten Thousand Immortals, Lu Ming, the young talent in Nancheng, one of the five major cities, is a bully that everyone respects. It is a pity that I couldn't make it today. Eliminate evil. But it’s okay, besides you, he will come to me sooner or later. Let’s take you first.”

"What a big breath!"

Zhuang Yan suddenly yelled, "Get out of the sheath!"

The long sword behind him was unsheathed.

It rotated like a streamer, forming hundreds of sword lights.


Just when those sword lights were about to be sent out.

A person walked up.


Jian Guang disappeared.

The long sword fell to the ground!

"what happened?"

Zhuang Yan was stunned for a moment, and suddenly looked up, a woman in red was standing in front of her wearing a red cloak.

This woman is Xu Zhaopei.

Xu Zhaopei raised her powder fist with a smile, and punched it.

Zhuang Yan was hit in the abdomen immediately.The river is overwhelmed, and the blood is surging.

Xu Zhaopei is a ninth-level martial artist... This level is indeed not worth mentioning for practitioners, but for ordinary people, a ninth-level warrior is the god of death among the gods of death. Crushing you to death is no different from crushing an ant.

With this punch, Zhuang Yan spat out a mouthful of blood!Pale face!
"how can that be?!"

Xu Zhaopei stomped him down again, and said, "My old lady has disliked you for a long you also look good in front of my man?"

As soon as the words came out.

Fang Yu was a little embarrassed, sorry to see...

But Chen Daotian said hehe: "Brother Yu, what should we do with the remaining people?"

At this time.

The local snake boss, with a face full of horror, his eyes almost protruding, began to beg for mercy: "Forgive me! Forgive me...Master! Forgive me——"

(End of this chapter)

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