Chapter 1309
All eyes were on Fang Yu, waiting for his order.

Fang Yu glanced around indifferently...

He knew the purpose of this trip very well.


Very light very light two words.

It's like the voice of death.

"Brother Yu... With so many people, will there be too much movement? I'm afraid it will interfere with our plan!" Chen Daotian worried.

"Remember what I once said?"

Fang Yu stood with his hands behind his back, "Daotian, kindness to the enemy is cruelty to oneself. You and I both came out of the dead! You must be clear, some enemies cannot stand with you! "

Chen Daotian sighed and shook his head, and said: "Why don't I know... I just don't want to continue killing. However... If you want to live, the only way... all the women go out first, and leave the rest to me!"


"You have never had blood on your hands, I'm afraid you are not used to it." Chen Daotian said.

"who said it?!"

Xu Zhaopei suddenly raised her foot and stepped on it.

The so-called great cultivator of Xuanren and Immortal Realm, Zhuang Yan, the guardian of the Lu family, vomited blood and died in an instant!

A pair of eyeballs bulged out, powerless to fight back.

Under the oppression of ordinary blood, no matter how high one's cultivation is, it will not help.

The others shuddered.

He wanted to resist, but he was firmly suppressed by the invisible force radiating from Fang Yu's body.

It was difficult to even get up.

Although Fang Yu is a half-human immortal, the power he erupts is enough to be in the realm of a mysterious human. At the same time, his spiritual will is at the realm of peeping into the gods.

It might not be that easy to deal with Zhuang Yan, but dealing with the group of practitioners in front of him is no different from trampling ants to death.

Who says daughters are inferior to men?
Ye Wenjun was the first to pull out the Shuihan Sword...

The sword was unsheathed, murderous.

Above the restaurant, blood lingers.

Can't even hear the screams!

In an instant, several people died!

Fang Yu looked at the corpse on the ground indifferently, but felt a little guilty for Ye Wenjun and others.

Women are weak by nature, but strong to survive.


The seven people left gracefully through the back door of the restaurant.

long after.

There was a tearing cry from the second floor——

"It's not good! Zhuang Yan is dead!"

"It's not good! Zhuang Yan is dead!"

One stone caused a thousand waves!

The guardian of the Lu family, Zhuang Yan in the realm of Xuanren and Immortal, was killed in the restaurant just like that.

This made the Lu family lose face.


Nancheng, Lu family.

Mr. Lu didn't seem to care much about the death of the nurse Zhuang Yan, and kept waving the brush in his hand, writing calligraphy.

"Grandpa! Why are you not angry at all! These people killed my most powerful subordinate!" Lu Ming was furious.

"The more critical the time is, the less you can get angry... The contradictions in the five major cities are getting more and more acute. We need to win over more forces in a short period of time. We must not make enemies everywhere just because of one Zhuang Yan." Lu Youqiong said.

"It was obviously done by people from Dongcheng! Hong Zhaoyue was at the scene, and I suspect that she killed Zhuang Yan herself." Lu Ming gritted his teeth.

"You're still too young."

Mr. Lu hated that iron could not be made into steel, "So many people watched Hong Zhaoyue appear on the second floor of the restaurant...Since she dared to be so bold, she was obviously prepared. It would not be worthwhile to tear her face away with them at this time."

"Grandpa, what do you mean?"

"Lu Ming, which of the five major cities would you say will be on our side?" Lu Youqiong asked.

"Central City has always been neutral and can be ignored. The location they occupy has always been a place where spirit stones gather; there are many alien races in North City, but they are easier to buy. As long as we promise to give them more spirit stones, they should be on our side. As for the West City... You have also communicated in private, I am not sure. The remaining two forces are the East City and the Hall of Order. There is a high probability that the East City is unwilling to stand with us, and it is even less likely that the Hall of Order has that old man Ding Standing on our side, old man Ding has also been promoted to Yuan Renxian, and his status in the Hall of Order has also improved a lot!"

Mr. Lu nodded, smiled and said:

"The analysis is correct. In fact, the West City has agreed to stand with us! From the overall situation, only the East City and the Hall of Order are isolated, and the Central City is neutral! We hold the advantages of the North City, South City, and West City. The City of Ten Thousand Immortals will definitely belong to our Lu family!"

Lu Ming suddenly realized.

Mr. Lu smiled and said:
"Now do you know why Hong He, the lord of Dongcheng, dared to be angry and dare not speak up? Even if I scolded him on the spot, he didn't dare to do anything! But this time...he killed our people, and we, who were originally passive, became active. That's a good thing."


"In the past, we had no reason to attack Dongcheng. Isn't this... the best reason? Of course, I didn't want you to fight Dongcheng. I hope you can take advantage of this matter to benefit Hong and Xiao. If he really If you know the current affairs, you will agree to stand on our side! If you don’t agree, use this as an excuse to let the Hall of Order arrest them.”

Lu Ming looked overjoyed, cupped his hands and said, "I understand! Thank you, Grandpa!"

"Go... Remember, don't be impulsive and reckless, but use your brain more."

"Well, I will."


East City.

Outside the City Lord's Mansion.

Lu Ming led a group of his men, carrying the corpse, and waiting at the door.

There are many practitioners watching quietly nearby.


The gate of the City Lord's Mansion opened.

A butler from the Immortal Realm of Xuanren came out.

He shook his head and said, "Everyone, please come in..."

Lu Ming snorted coldly, and walked forward with his hands behind his back, and everyone followed him in.

As soon as you enter the big courtyard.

Lu Ming saw the city lord Hong He, the princess Hong Zhaoyue, and several great practitioners standing in front of the main hall.

Hong He said in a deep voice:
"Lu Ming, your grandfather doesn't dare to be so unlucky. You are a junior, and you brought so many people into my East City Lord's Mansion. What do you think I am?"

Lu Ming snorted coldly and waved his hand.

Two subordinates behind him moved the body to the crowd.

"Princess Zhaoyue, do you explain this?" Lu Ming asked.

"How do you explain it? You brought a dead body here indiscriminately. This is disrespectful to my Dongcheng, but now you are questioning me? I want to ask, Master Lu, do you really want to be an enemy of my Dongcheng?" Hong Zhaoyue Glaring Road.

Lu Ming smiled and said:
"Princess Zhaoyue, you killed my man, but now you are a thief calling for a thief? Do the princesses of the East City also like to open their eyes and talk nonsense?"

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Princess Zhaoyue said loudly.

"I'm talking nonsense? That's the truth! Zhuang Yan died in the restaurant, and the whole street witnessed you entering the restaurant, and want to deny it?"

This statement came out.

Both Hong He and Hong Zhaoyue were startled.

At this time, the butler ran in from the outside, came to Hong He's side, and whispered a few words.

Hong He frowned, and asked in surprise, "How could this be?"

(End of this chapter)

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