Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 1710 The Power of the Great Divine Lord

Chapter 1710 The Power of the Great Divine Lord

Everyone present didn't want to see what happened to the real Great God Lord Realm?

Fang Yu also saw that everyone's enthusiasm was very high.

So he said with a smile.

"Okay. Then let you see what is the real realm of the Great God Lord."

Then he waved his hand casually.

The entire venue seemed to have changed, and the surrounding scenes were all replaced by a white world, and everything, as well as buildings, disappeared.

They didn't notice the changes around them at all, as if they didn't feel any changes.Then they were taken into a special room.

This space is like being in a world of ice and snow.

They can clearly feel a special gas flowing around them.

Then they couldn't feel where the university was located, so it could be seen that they had left Wanxian University.

Everyone was shocked.

Even Ding Chunqiu felt incredible.

Anyway, he is also a strong man at the peak of the Lord of Heaven.

For the wind and grass around him, every plant and tree is very clear, and he can feel any fluctuations in vitality.

But I didn't expect that Fang Yu didn't feel anything when he shot, and everyone was taken away at once.

this means.

One person's cultivation is equal to the sum of the actions of all the people present.

What a terrible realm.

At this level, it is definitely not a problem that can be solved simply by quantity.

They are very clear after reaching this realm.

Quantity simply cannot make up for quality.

The realm of the Great God Lord is so terrifying.

"I didn't expect that the realm of the Great God Lord could actually achieve this step. If this is the case, the remaining 50 people will really go to other dimensions. It is simply a fantasy to reach the realm of the Great God Lord in such a short period of time in the future. .”

"I agree with Mr. Fang's decision 10 points."

"That's true. Before this, I thought that the realm of the Great God Lord was several times stronger than the realm of the Lord of Heaven. Now it seems that it is not a realm that can be compared in terms of strength."

"No one can surpass the sum of everyone's cultivation in such a short period of time."

Everyone nodded, thinking that what they said was very reasonable.

Fang Yu smiled lightly.

"Come here first today. All practitioners will re-enter a space according to what I separated just now. Start now."

At this time, Fang Yu raised a ray of light in his hand.

That is the light of Dongtian Shuo.

Fang Yu decided to send all the first batch of practitioners who hoped to break through to the cracks in time and space.

Because only in this way can one break through to the realm of a great god within a year.

As for the rest of the practitioners, all were placed in the nine-storied pagoda.

Because of the experience of helping Jiang Lao break through.

Fang Yu is very familiar with the way of clearing cars, how to do it.

When everyone's eyes flashed.

More than 50 practitioners just disappeared.

The remaining more than 50 practitioners had the same formula, and all of them were summoned into the nine-storied pagoda.

This time, Panyu almost used up more than half of his energy.

Dongtian Shuo is in a state of exhaustion.This time, it was directly replenished with the energy of Shenlong.

Use one year to improve their cultivation.

Fang Yu had enough time to reply.

So don't worry about it.

Then everyone disappeared from the white space.

In the crack of time and space.

50 practitioners are suspended in the air.

Looking at the vast universe, my heart is dangling.

It is the first time for many people to reach the universe starry sky, and they have no experience in this area at all, so they seem a little flustered and even a little nervous when they see the dark sky.

I have to say that they are all geniuses in terms of practitioners, but they really lack a lot of practical experience and are not as good as those old predecessors in terms of life experience.

When encountering some things, it seems very unintentional.

Chen Daotian and others were among them.

They are all good brothers and friends of Fang Yu, so they are not worried at all when the time comes, and they also know Fang Yu's true strength very well.

Now that you're here, there's no need to worry.

at this time.

Fang Yu's figure appeared in front of everyone.

"I will use the powerful energy French to reorganize the seven seas inside your body. At that time, your overall interior will get a huge leap and qualitative change."

"Before that, I need to knock you all out first."

Countless waves of energy appeared in the sky.

Many people were drilled into their minds by the energy French before they had time to react.

Then they all fell asleep.

It's the same as treating Jiang Lao.

Fang Yu began to repeat the steps one by one.

Because of the change of time in the space-time rift, Fang Yu is also very clear that the time here is very long, and he has enough time to reshape the internal structure of their bodies.

At the same time help them break through the realm.

More than 50 people need to do this.

It seems a little boring.

As for the other 50 people.

Entered the nine-storied pagoda.

Started to practice the rules.

Even if their cultivation has reached the initial stage of the Lord of Heaven realm.but.Among such powerful gods of freedom.Also looked a little tired.

Get messed up by these rules.

Practice began to continue.

Time is also running fast.

at the same time.

In the vast universe starry sky.

There are 8 planets that are moving collectively.

Wherever it went, it was all rubble in the universe, and other planets gave way one after another.

There is a powerful energy outside the 8 planets that will clear all the tracks that block their way.

This is the Chixian Starfield.

In the main ball.

The pavilion master sat cross-legged in the room to rest.

Close your eyes.

It seems that he is still practicing.

This is the sound of knocking on the door from outside.

"Pavilion Master, we have already traveled 1/3 of the distance, and we will reach the earth in a while."

"Very good. How's the photo over there on the ladder?"

"The ladder has entered the final stage."

"Good job. Inform all the other god race practitioners. The earth people must not have thought that we will arrive in such a short time, so the god race must preemptively strike by surprise. Also, don't underestimate the earth people's practice, The earthlings have already obtained the information of the Protoss, so they should know us very well, and when facing the enemy, they should give priority to controlling the earthlings. Control the earth."

"As ordered."

8 planets.Collective movement in the cosmic starry sky.

This is almost a rare astronomical phenomenon.

But no one expected such an advance.Even Fang Yu didn't think of it.The protoss did not fly in the universe.Instead, they wandered with the planet as a whole.Fly towards the direction of the earth.

Extremely fast.

It is many times faster than flying alone before.

The pavilion master slightly opened his eyes.

A satisfied smile appeared.

(End of this chapter)

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