Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 1711 The Protoss Comes

Chapter 1711 The Protoss Comes
Time flies.

An unknown amount of time has passed on Earth.

Since the party at Wanxian University ended.

The students went to class as usual, and all human life on the planet resumed its normal track.

The news and rumors about the doomsday crisis gradually became less and less popular.

But there are also a small group of people who keep paying attention to this matter.

Especially the upper layers of the earth.

They are all paying attention to the development of this matter, and they are also paying close attention to when the high-level practitioners on the earth will be able to return.

According to their connection with Wanxian University.

The reply from Wanxian University is within one year.

Half a year has passed in the blink of an eye.

But the humans on Earth still seem very calm.

Yet this morning.

Dark clouds rolled in the sky.

The entire outer space seemed to be covered by dark clouds, and 8 planets brighter than the sun appeared in the sky.

Because the sun's rays are refracted to the earth under the condition of irradiation.

It's like seeing 8 moons from the earth.

Occasionally very dazzling.

This is because there are countless magic circles on the 8 planets.

These formations are the driving force to advance the 8 planets.

When these 8 planets are suspended in the outer space of the earth.

The effect is gone.

The 8 planets also gradually stopped.

Then it was blocked by the atmosphere, just suspended in the sky.

8 planets have descended.

Surveillance equipment from outer space saw this scene.

The message was conveyed to Earth.

After receiving the news, the high-level practitioners on Earth were shocked.

Pass this news to the Earth Alliance in its entirety.

The cultivators of the Alliance learned about this and organized the tallest and most powerful practitioners to fly towards outer space.

The first batch of practitioners organized by the alliance only had 1 people.

These 100 people formed a circle and flew towards outer space.

when they are in the air.

See those 8 planets suspended outside the earth.

I was overwhelmed.

"What the hell is this?"

"According to the information sent back by Mr. Fang, there are about 10 planets of the Protoss, and two of them disappeared because of the battle. That means the eight planets in front of us are very likely to be the Protoss."

"Protoss? Didn't they say that they have a year to reach Earth?"

The practitioners of the people on earth looked at each other in blank dismay.when.

A faint white light lit up.

In front of these 100 practitioners.

A young man appeared.

Shawl with long hair.

The ears are slender.

Well-developed limbs.

The eyes are deep.

"You earthlings?"

"you are?"

"Nice to meet you, I know your old friend, Fang Yu. Allow me to introduce myself. I am the Pavilion Master of the Protoss, the current supreme authority. You can call me Pavilion Master Ning."

Hearing this, everyone looked horrified.

This is really the arrival of the Protoss.

It's just that none of them thought that time would come so quickly.Obviously it took a year, but they actually arrived on Earth in half a year.

So who will resist the Protoss?

All the senior practitioners on Earth were taken away by Mr. Fang.They are still looking for a breakthrough.And it will take them a year to break through to the realm of great gods.

And the Protoss has arrived.

When disaster strikes, how should they face it?

"You said you were the Pavilion Master of the Protoss? What proof do you have?"

This reminded everyone.

After all, the pavilion master is the tallest, and it is impossible for Lu Lu, who is in power, to show his face so casually.

Arrived here in half a year.Obviously, there is something wrong here.

Don't be fooled easily by them.

Earthlings are also intelligent.And wisdom is not low.

"You are very smart. It's a pity that your cleverness is misunderstood by your cleverness. I am the ruler of the gods, and I am naturally here to take over the earth. From now on, I will be the ruler of the earth. And you will become the appendages of the gods. I Meet you with the highest etiquette, and you should also welcome me with the highest standard."

"Don't scare people, it will take a year for the Protoss to descend. There must be something wrong with you suddenly appearing here. It should be made with some needles or something. Are you still trying to lie to me?"

"Ignorance and fearlessness."

The pavilion master suddenly moved his arm.

A huge energy flew from the sky.

It smashed towards these hundreds of practitioners.


These more than 100 practitioners were simply vulnerable, and they were not directly knocked down by opponents at all.In different directions, it was blown away like a goddess scattering flowers.These people have no self-protection ability at all, and they are not opponents in the face of such a strong person.

It was pretty good if he wasn't beaten to ashes all at once.

They will get lost in the cosmic starry sky.

The pavilion master shook his head.

I will look at the earthlings with some regret.

The corpses of some people on earth lay quietly in the air, slowly being decomposed.

But he wasn't sympathetic at all.

At this time, another protoss came to the front.

Stepping on the void, facing the dark cosmic starry sky.

"Master, what should we do now? Invade the earth directly like this? We should be able to take them all down in a very short time."

"Stupid. What we have arrived at now is just a mirror image. The army of the Protoss will take about three months to reach the earth. The mirror image will give them a certain amount of pressure."

"Pavilion Master, although we are mirror images, the strength of the earthlings seems to be very weak. Just now, you defeated more than 100 practitioners in a flash. I believe that we can defeat the earthlings simply by relying on the ability of the mirror image."

"Underestimate the enemy. It is the most taboo thing in marching and fighting. Do you think that there are no more advanced practitioners on earth? Don't forget, that Fang Yu hasn't appeared yet."

mentioned here.

The protoss was speechless.

Because what they came here was not the real body, but the image refracted through a powerful formation.The ability of the image is only half of the body.

Not even half of it.

There is no problem with this half of the ability to defeat these little guys.

But to defeat a strong man like Fang Yu, one must have a supreme god like the pavilion master.

They are very clear.

Fang Yu's strength has reached a very terrifying level.

In this case.

If other people want to forcibly invade the earth.The image will inevitably be shattered.

The damage received by the image will also be reflected back into the body.In this case, the gain outweighs the loss.

"The pavilion master taught me that."

"Tell people to take out the ladder and use it. Although the energy is small, it shouldn't be a problem to use a part of the Protoss to reach the earth first. At least they won't think that we are coming from the image. Let these people be the vanguard."

"Follow the order. The subordinates will definitely handle things well."

(End of this chapter)

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