Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 20 Medical Miracles

Chapter 20 Medical Miracles
Everyone was shocked.

He can afford it?

But... what does he rely on?

This looks more like a statement of determination.

The young man was also infected by Fang Yu's confidence, he treated a dead horse as a living horse doctor, at least there was hope, it was better than no hope!

Thinking of this, the young man said sincerely: "Doctor, please save me... No matter what happens, I will thank you!"

The family members have said so, so what qualifications do others have to stop it?

The dean also said: "Then let you try."

Director Du still attacked: "Take responsibility? If something happens, you can afford it? Will the hospital's reputation not be damaged?"

"I bear the responsibility alone." Fang Yu's tone became calm, "I knew from the time I studied medicine that the road to medicine is not smooth, but I persisted in learning it. Since I stepped into this hospital, I We know that to be a qualified doctor, both medical skills and moral character are indispensable... Faced with such an injured person, shouldn't our first thought be to do our best to save people, instead of making excuses to shirk, or even afraid of taking responsibility for the upper body? ?”

These words reached Wu Cunzhong's heart.

Why didn't his original intention of running this hospital be like this... Although this little bastard has a bad stomach, he still has a good heart.

Xu Zhaopei couldn't help looking at Fang Yu's face.

"Hmph, a nurse is also worthy of being called a doctor. If you want to save people, you must at least have a qualification certificate! You have nothing, what kind of medical skills and morals are you talking about?"

Wu Cunzhong took a step forward and became serious and upright: "If anything happens, I will take care of it!"

Everyone was startled again.

Immediately afterwards, Dean Wu Cunzhong patted Fang Yu on the shoulder, and said lightly: "Go, don't let me down."

Fang Yu smiled and said, "Don't worry, I still want to be the director."

On the side, Xu Zhaopei wanted to stop him, but she let it go. She knew the situation of the injured person very well... Fang Yu's actions were tantamount to asking for trouble.But... what she said just now, is there any reason for her to stop it?No.

After this matter, Fang Yu walked into the operating room, and the door was closed.



in the operating room.

Fang Yu looked at the woman covered in blood, but with a calm face, he took out the purple cloth bag and put it on the table beside him.

everything's ready--

Hold the gold needle with one hand.

Inner yuan suddenly appeared!

Golden light lingers on the golden needle.

Puff puff--

The hand raised the needle, and afterimages flashed across the eyes... Ten consecutive golden needles pierced the woman's heart.

Immediately afterwards, he took out a longer golden needle, as thin as a spider's silk.Fang Yu's face also became serious and serious...

"When I started my career as a doctor, I didn't expect that my internal energy would be so flexible when applying acupuncture."

Fang Yu's first thought was to protect her heart veins with acupuncture.

Then relying on the powerful inner element, it penetrates her inward bend and is slowly repairing.

The longest golden needle is also the key point, whether it can be protected or not depends on this needle.

Fingers fly.

Fang Yu never dropped the needle.

He simulated the speed in the air, the method of falling, the skill... over and over again, until there was absolutely no mistake, his eyes fell on the woman.

Hold your breath and concentrate, your eyes are like torches!

The golden light shines!

This golden light is more dazzling than ever before!
With five fingers spinning, the golden needle formed a perfect arc in the air——

The golden needle went straight into the woman's heart.

If this situation is seen by outsiders, they must be dumbfounded... This is not saving people, this is clearly killing!
The golden light on the golden needle followed the golden needle and entered the heart.


A smile flashed across the corner of Fang Yu's eyes!
But now is not the time to relax...

Fang Yu's eyes fell on the woman's damaged abdomen.

When he raised his hand, golden light emerged.

With the other hand, he quickly helped the woman up.Rest one palm on the back.A wave of internal energy entered her body.

At the same time, the previous hand did not stop, picked up the gold needle, and stuck it.

Conveying the inner element with one hand, and pricking the needle with the other hand!
Extremely exhausting!

In an instant, Fang Yu was sweating profusely.

Immediately afterwards, the palm attached to the woman's back suddenly stood up, and patted lightly——

The slender golden needle shot out suddenly!
Half of the golden needle went into the wall!


"You're done!"

Fang Yu heaved a sigh of relief!

Stop, stand still.With the other hand, he raised and lowered his chest, constantly calming down the internal energy in his body... Finally, it succeeded.This means that the woman has come back from the gate of hell!



outside the operating room.

Everyone is anxiously waiting.

The woman's son, that is, the young man, ran back and forth in a hurry, crawling through the crack of the door to watch from time to time.

Wu Cunzhong and Xu Zhaopei stared at the door with expressionless faces.

"How long has it been?" Dean Wu asked.

"Two hours." Xu Zhaopei replied.

"Why don't you come out?"

Director Du next to him sneered, and said, "It's a waste of's all over...according to the injury, the injured should have been an hour ago...hehe."

The dead words were not spoken, but the meaning was obvious.

at this time--

The upper light is off.

Everyone was shocked.

Sure enough, Fang Yu opened the door to the surgery.It's just... Fang Yu's face seemed a little ugly.

The crowd quickly gathered around.

Dean Wu was the first to ask, "How is it?"

"How about what?" Fang Yu forced a smile.

"Of course the people inside?"

"It's okay..." Fang Yu didn't want to say anything more. After saying these three words, he pushed aside the crowd and walked towards the duty room. Really, he just wanted to rest now.

The young man burst into tears when he heard the words "it's all right".

Kneeling behind Fang Yu.

Bang bang bang!
He kowtowed three times, and the last one, but he was unwilling to raise his head, tears streaming down his cheeks!


Director Du's face was full of disbelief, his eyes were staring at Fang Yu's back like dead fish eyes!
This is impossible!
How could he be saved!

Absolutely impossible!
At this moment, the doctor who had just gone in to clean up the mess ran out with surprise on his face——

"Miracle! It's a miracle!"

"This is an absolute medical miracle!"

Everyone couldn't help but look sideways at the doctor.

The doctor continued: "I've checked her, and she's fine, she's out of danger! It's unbelievable!"

Hearing this, the doctors standing behind Xu Zhaopei, including Xu Zhaopei himself, couldn't help applauding.

Seeing this, Director Du's face became even uglier.

"This kid, could it be that he has mastered some kind of sorcery?" Director Du slandered in his heart, but forced a smile on his face, and said, "Xiao was my fault just now, I didn't expect you to have such medical skills!"

(End of this chapter)

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