Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 21: Dragon Art, 4th Heaven

Chapter 21: The Fourth Heaven of the Shenlong Jue

Fang Yu, who was walking in the front, suddenly turned around and said with a smile on his face:
"Director Du, are there times when you are wrong?"

Hearing this, Director Du was not very happy and said: "I apologize to you for what you mean, don't be so weird!"

"If an apology is useful, what's the use of calling the police?" Fang Yu said with narrowed eyes.

"Fang Yu, I'm also the director anyway, show me some respect!" Director Du said coldly.

Fang Yu said with contempt on his face, "In terms of medical skills, I am superior to you; in terms of moral character, I am better than you; in terms of appearance, I am more handsome than you... in terms of position... sorry, I am also the director... why do you let me be the director?" I respect you?"

The words are so loud that there is no way to refute them.

The people present heard it, and it seemed that it was true.

If Fang Yu hadn't insisted on saving people just now, there would have been one more dead person in the hospital!
Based on this alone, Fang Yu is much higher than Director Du.

Everyone looked at Fang Yu approvingly.

"If I were you, I would have found a hole in the ground to sneak in, and I would never be a doctor again..." Fang Yu raised his voice a little, imitating Zhuge Liang's tone in the TV series, "I have never seen such a brazen person! "


Director Du was so angry that his face turned red and he couldn't speak.


At the same time, after Xu Zhaopei went through this incident, Fang Yu's opinion completely changed.

Excellent medical skills and noble medical ethics... This Fang Yu, who looks a little bohemian on the surface, can always surprise people.Maybe, the guy wasn't bad at all.


Fang Yu said with a tired face: "Dean, I want to ask for leave today to rest."

Wu Cunzhong is also an expert with great medical skills. When Fang Yu walked out, he knew that Fang Yu must be exhausted.So he hurriedly said: "Go, let's go."

As soon as Fang Yu turned around, his body shook a little.

It is true that a lot of energy was wasted when using the golden needle just now.

Seeing this, Xu Zhaopei hurried over, supported Fang Yu, and asked softly, "What's wrong with you?"

"It's okay, just take a rest."

"Let me help you up."


Xu Zhaopei also underwent several hours of surgery. After the operation, her body seemed to be hollowed out and she was exhausted.So she could understand Fang Yu's situation very well.

With the help of the beautiful woman, the two went upstairs.

Getting too close, the fragrance of Xu Zhaopei's body hits, making people feel dizzy.

Fang Yu couldn't help tilting his head to look... Oh boy, that thing is really big, and it sticks softly to his arm, it really makes people feel distracted!
When he came to the duty room, Xu Zhaopei helped Fang Yu to sit down and rest, and even poured a glass of water with concern.

"Can you tell me how you did it?" Xu Zhaopei wanted to know.

"You mean the wounded?"

"Hmm. I've also checked her condition... the inside is completely damaged. From a medical point of view, there is basically no possibility of resuscitating her." Xu Zhaopei said lightly.


"I don't believe it." Xu Zhaopei knew he would say that.

"Ask if you don't believe me." Fang Yu said with blank eyes.

"It's not that I don't believe it...but I think too unbelievable..." Xu Zhaopei turned around and picked up the water bottle, and said in surprise, "Hey, how did you do it, talk...huh?"

Xu Zhaopei turned back again, her gaze fell on Fang Yu.

But found that he had fallen asleep...

Keep your eyes closed and breathe evenly.

"Pretend...continue pretending." Xu Zhaopei reached out and pinched him.


Fang Yu was still asleep.

Sleep like a dead man.

Xu Zhaopei was taken aback, she lifted his eyelids to look at him, and checked his breathing and heartbeat.Fortunately, it's okay. It seems that he is really tired, so he can fall asleep.

Immediately, he showed guilt. In this situation, pinching others is really too much.

Is it...

Was he really saved by acupuncture?
Xu Zhaopei's mind came up with a sentence that Fang Yu said before: "Chinese medicine is the most mysterious medicine at present. It is not as simple as you think..."


I don't know how long it took.

In a daze, Fang Yu felt the heat all over his body, as if he had entered a boiler, and it was like ants eating away at his bones!
Suddenly opened his eyes.

"what happened?"

I looked around.

It was pitch black, but it didn't prevent him from seeing things around him.

Isn't this a hospital dormitory?
Fang Yu raised his hand to touch it, and his whole body was drenched in sweat.

Is it...

Without saying a word, he sat down cross-legged, closed his eyes and exhaled.

After a while, white hairs began to appear on the top of the head, and a weak golden light circled back and forth on the chest.Immediately afterwards, the body appeared to be suspended.

Hanging like last time.

The only difference is... This time the golden light began to surround.

And Jin Guang has made great progress compared to last time, getting faster and faster.

About an hour later.

Fang Yu landed slowly.

The moment he opened his eyes, a huge surprise and shock appeared on his face!
"It's been two full years! I've stayed at the third level for two years! I didn't expect to break through after exhausting my internal energy!"

Fortune and misfortune depend on each other!
From this moment on, he officially stepped into the realm of the fourth heaven of Shenlongjue!

This is a whole new realm.

Nine-turn Shenlong Jue, the first three levels can be regarded as laying the foundation.Cultivate the inside, cultivate the outside, and then cultivate the inner yuan, the triple realm.Now the fourth level brings huge benefits, not only the meridians of the whole body are widened, but also the internal energy is several times stronger than before.

If he was asked to treat the injured woman again, Fang Yu was confident that he would heal her easily.

The benefits brought by the Nine-Turn Dragon Art made Fang Yu look forward to the fifth level even more.

At the same time... for the martial arts masters who will face Yanjing in the future, they will have an extra layer of weight and confidence.


Fang Yu smelled it, and sure enough, his body was full of stench.

Same as before, the stink with each breakout.This is because of one of the characteristics brought by each level of Shenlongjue - changing physique.In the process of changing the constitution, the impurities in the body will be expelled.


Fang Yu went to take a shower and went back to sleep.


Early the next morning, before Fang Yu could open his eyes, the door was pushed open.

He opened his eyes and saw that it was Xu Zhaopei.

She came to the bed with hot water and breakfast.

Seeing Fang Yu's normal and ruddy complexion, he couldn't help being surprised, and said, "Why did he look so much better overnight?"

Fang Yu smiled slightly, and said, "I had a sweet dream yesterday, spending the night with a beautiful woman..."

" are the only one who can still dream of beautiful women." Xu Zhaopei said without any shyness.

"Huh? That beauty looks exactly like you!" Fang Yu feigned surprise.

"Fuck you! Smelly rascal."

Xu Zhaopei cursed with a smile, and brought the breakfast in front of Fang Yu, "You rascal, don't you like me?"

Fang Yu grinned and said, "Who doesn't like big beauties... But, I have a wife, if you don't mind—"


Xu Zhaopei threw away the things in her hand, turned her head and left.

"Don't go, do you think about it?"



the other side.

Director Du Changgong accidentally heard everyone talking bad about him, and was so angry that he slapped the table.

He attributed all these mistakes to Fang Yu.

"A nurse, I don't believe he can go against the sky!"

"If you don't teach you a lesson, you won't know how good I am!"


(End of this chapter)

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