Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 22 Who Beats Who?

Chapter 22 Who Beats Who?

Because of his improved cultivation, Fang Yu was in a good mood. After breakfast, he planned to go out and buy a change of clothes. After all, the clothes on his body were old and smelly.

Not long after I went out for a walk, I saw a group of gangsters coming from the opposite side, doing nothing but whistling intermittently.

There are a total of ten people in this group.

Everyone has a baseball bat in their hand.

The head is a big guy with a cropped head, wearing a thick gold necklace, like a dog chain, and a watch.Arms full of tattoos.

These people are not good people at first glance.

"Are you Fang Yu?" The inch-headed man narrowed his eyes and asked.

After all, it is a busy area, Fang Yu didn't want to cause trouble, so he asked, "What do you want me for?"

"Brothers, this is Fang Yu... Do you want me to tell you what to do next?" the inch-cut man said.


A group of people swung their sticks and rushed up like mad dogs.

Fang Yu was really speechless, he didn't even give him a chance to speak.

At the moment when they were about to hit someone, Fang Yu raised his hands and made a pause gesture and said, "Wait!"

Those people really stopped for a while.

"You ask for mercy?"

"Brothers, I know you are going to beat me...but at least you have to tell me why you are beating me?" Fang Yu asked.

The inch-cut man sneered and said: "You have offended someone who shouldn't be offended... If you have a wronged person and a debtor, that person's money will be used to get rid of the disaster. Kid, be more careful in the future, and don't offend anyone!"

Hearing this, Fang Yu thought to himself.

Director Du Changgong Du?

This was his first reaction.

It may also be the Xiao family, but the Xiao family must know that he is the Iron Fist King by now. If he is smarter, it is impossible to send some young people to trouble him in the street.

"Ha ha."

Fang Yu chuckled.

"Damn, court death!"

The inch-cut man snatched the stick from his brother and was the first to rush over.

Picking up the stick in his hand, he struck Fang Yu's head. As long as the stick hits, this guy's head will surely explode.Even if you don't die, you have to be disabled.

Fang Yu's eyes turned cold.

This is killing me!

While the stick was still in the air—

Fang Yu did not retreat but advanced.

Take a step forward, sideways and open more.

"Hey, there are two tricks, it turns out to be a Lianjiazi!" The inch-headed man thought he had finished him with a stick, but when he saw this posture, he became interested and grinned, "Brothers, what are you waiting for?"


A group of people attacked at the same time.

Fang Yu narrowed his eyes, and a sneer flickered across the corner of his mouth.

It's a pity that the opponent's strength is too weak, not worthy of his fourth inner element.

at this time--

Fang Yu's figure moved.

Like a martial arts master.

"Give me a hand."

He rested his left hand on his back, turning his right hand into a palm gesture.

With a stick.Fang Yu dodged sideways again, and at the same time went up the pole, hitting him with a palm.

The man staggered back and looked at Fang Yu in disbelief.

Fang Yu squinted his eyes and said, "Don't use your strength yet, don't be afraid."

Seeing this, the inch-cropped man twitched his lower lip and said, "It's interesting... Brothers, don't keep your hands."

A group of people rushed up again.

At this moment, Fang Yu moved again.

With a figure like the wind and a speed like a shadow, he shuttled through the crowd.

Bang! Punch one!
Immediately, the gangsters who were charging ahead fell into disarray, stumbling to both sides, and didn't even have time to hit the sticks in their hands.

It's not over yet.

Just when the inch-headed man was dumbfounded, Fang Yu had already come to him.

Hit with one palm.

follow closely--

The inch-cut man suddenly felt a pain in his chest, looked down, and saw that his palm was right against him.Just when he thought it was all right - Fang Yu's palm suddenly turned into a fist!

The inch-cut man flew out backwards.

The corner of the mouth is bleeding!

The inch-cut man and his brothers were shocked, and then showed fear.

"This... what kind of kung fu?" The inch-headed man didn't believe it at all when he thought of the move where his palm turned into a fist. Isn't that kung fu only seen on TV?

Fang Yu narrowed his eyes and said, "Wing Chun—Ip Man."


They were all dumbfounded. They never expected that the person they were going to deal with would have such powerful skills.What Wing Chun Ip Man, ghosts believe.What is certain is that Fang Yu can fight very well!

Fang Yu put away his posture, stretched out a finger, swayed it left and right, and said, "Too you still want to fight?"

The punks took a step back in fright.

No one dared to speak.

Fang Yu walked forward until he came up to the inch-cut man, and said, "Take people's money to eliminate disasters, right?"

The inch-cut man trembled with fright, and said, "Brother... I was wrong! I was really wrong!"

"Where is wrong?"

"I shouldn't have hit you, and I shouldn't have taken other people's money!" The inch-cut man was sweating profusely.

"It's more or less..." Fang Yu straightened his body, and said calmly, "What kind of society is it, and you still confuse this, now—recite the core socialist values ​​for me, if you can't recite them, don't want to go!"


Fang Yu's expression darkened, and he shouted, "Hurry up!"

"Rich... rich and strong!"

"People... people, democracy."




There are 24 characters, everyone knows a little bit, but it is so difficult to recite them all... I usually memorize these, and I can't even recognize all the Chinese characters.

For a while, all of them were grimacing.

"Can't recite it!" Fang Yu grinned.

"Brother... Please let us go, we really know we were wrong!" The inch-cut man hurriedly knelt down and begged for mercy.


Fang Yu narrowed his eyes, thought for a while, and said, "Oh, who told me to be a good person... let's go."

"Thank... thank you, brother!"

The inch-cut man got up and was about to run.

"Wait a moment."

", what else do you want to do?" The inch-headed man felt bitter!How much bad water did this ancestor have? Could it be reciting Tang poetry and Song Ci this time?
"My brother is short of money recently, so I borrow some money to spend, and I will pay you back later." Fang Yu said lightly.

The inch-cut man was taken aback, this... Nima, isn't this his usual routine of extortion?
So, I immediately understood what Fang Yu meant.

Quickly took out the money on his body and put it in front of Fang Yu.

"Just like that?"

The inch-cut man was so frightened that he took off his gold watch again.

"Brother, enough—"

Fang Yu pouted towards his neck.


The inch-cut man reluctantly took off the gold necklace, but before putting it down, Fang Yu said again: "You should keep this kind of fake for yourself."

Fang Yu picked up the money and the gold watch, and swaggered forward.

The short-haired man was left holding a fake gold necklace with a dull expression on his face.

The brothers got up one after another, their faces full of pain.

Not long after Fang Yu had just walked out, he suddenly turned around and startled them——

"Tell Du Changgong not to mess with me, if he messes with me, he won't be so light!"


Fang Yu used the "borrowed" money to buy a decent set of clothes.On the way back, I remembered that today was the day to check Jiang Wei's injuries, so I sent a message to Dean Wu.

Wu Cunzhong wanted Fang Yu and Jiang Wei to stick together, so he immediately approved.

On the road.

Fang Yu called Fan Tong.

"Fan Tong, have you found Ye Wenjun's whereabouts?"

"Brother Yu, in Jiangzhou, I'm sure there is no such person. I also checked the people I know in Yanjing, and there is no one for now."

Hearing this, Fang Yu frowned.

"Continue to check."



(End of this chapter)

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