Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 203 Group fight?Not so good

Chapter 203 Group fight?Not so good

Zhao Youdao was horrified, he really didn't expect that the Lu family would also come to the auction.

A bad premonition arises spontaneously.

The participation of the Lu family made the situation set up by the Jin family and the Zhao family unexpected.

The situation seems to be going in an uncontrollable direction.

Lu Haoran walked towards the stage with his hands behind his back, step by step, with a proud expression on his face, an air of superiority that made people hate, but made people afraid to speak.

"You are the killer list, the number one Yi Mingyue in the sky list? Who is your guts to compete with this young master for Hei Mulian?" Lu Haoran came to the front, completely ignoring Zhao Youdao, and looked directly at Yi Mingyue.

However, after all, Yi Mingyue is a veteran who has been in the Jianghu for many years, even if the person standing in front of him is a member of the Lu family, he was only slightly surprised.

Yi Mingyue said calmly: "This old man has always been in the same family as the Lu family. I am determined to get this black magnolia. You Lu family has a deep foundation and want this black magnolia. Don't you think it's too much? "

Seeing them snipe and clam fighting for fish, Chen Daotian covered his mouth and laughed.

"Brother Yu, Brother Yu...they are fighting first, let's take it easy and don't worry."

"Well, you finally have some brains."

Who would not want to do something that the fisherman benefits from.

Hearing Yi Mingyue's words, Lu Haoran said gloomyly:

"What do you mean by this? Is it because I have money that I have to give way? Where did I come from?"

"You Lu family really want to rob me?"

"You, Yi Mingyue, really want to compete with Lu's?"

The two looked at each other, and the smell of gunpowder gradually became stronger.

Seeing that they were about to draw their sabers to face each other, Zhao Youdao at the side saw that the situation was not good, so he hurriedly said loudly:
"You two! Please listen to me!"

Yi Mingyue and Lu Haoran looked over at the same time.

Zhao Youdao lowered his posture and said: "Both of you are people of status and status. It is understandable that you want to fight for Hei Mulian... But I must remind you two that your biggest threat is not each other, but—him! "

His finger pointed to Fang Yu.

"Damn! This old fox!" Chen Daotian cursed.


Everyone's eyes fell on Fang Yu again——

Who is this person?

How can the person who can make Zhao Youdao say that he is the biggest threat be a simple person?

Yanjing is so big, there are many rich, powerful and powerful people, and it is normal not to know each other.

"You go first." Fang Yu shrugged.


Chen Daotian stretched his muscles, got up and said, "Zhao Youdao, you are so annoying! You only interrupted after halfway through the play!"

Hearing this, Yi Mingyue couldn't help frowning, and said in a deep voice:

"who are you?"

These are also the words in Lu Haoran's heart.

"I... am the Chen family of Zezhou, Chen Daotian!"

There was an uproar.

Chen Daotian and the others may not have any impression of it, nor have they heard of it.But the Chen family in Zezhou, they couldn't have heard of it.

Lu Haoran's eyes froze, and he shouted: "So it's the Chen family in Zezhou! Seeing this young master, why don't you kneel down and salute?"

In the world of martial arts, most families with commercial industries are basically in Yanjing, Huzhou, and Shenzhou.However, those families with a particularly deep heritage, on the contrary, do not think of this development, and often settle for the next best thing, choosing a city like Jincheng, Zezhou for development.

The site is big enough and quiet enough.

There are rumors that it is because the bustling city is not suitable for practice.I don't know if it's true or not.

Among these families, the Chen family is one of them.

at the same time--

The Chen family is also an affiliated family of the Lu family in Jincheng, Zezhou!

Therefore, when Lu Haoran heard Chen Daotian's introduction, he made him kneel down!
Chen Daotian said with a smile: "Master Lu, your Lu family has bullied our Chen family for too long... Every year our Chen family has to hand over tens of millions of wealth to you... What is the difference between you and a vampire?"

Hearing this, Lu Haoran said angrily: "You are so bold! How dare you speak to me like that! Your Chen family is often bullied by other families...Who protects you? Who gives you peace and prosperity?"

"Damn it, is it unreasonable to collect protection fees?" Chen Daotian said.

"court death!"

Lu Haoran's face was gloomy, and he turned to look at Zhao Youdao and Yi Mingyue, "I will settle accounts with you later!"

After finishing speaking, he jumped up and rushed towards Chen Daotian.

"Hehe, just because I belong to the Lu family, I dare not beat you?"

Chen Daotian was gearing up and greeted him with a punch.

Two fists collide!

Lu Hao then took a few steps back, while Chen Daotian only took one step back.

"The art of body training?" Chen Daotian looked excitedly, "It's actually the same art of body training as mine!"

"Nonsense!" Lu Haoran was also surprised in his heart, he was actually defeated by the punch just now.

"Eat my punch!"

Chen Daotian jumped up, his whole body was like a jackal.

"If you dare to attack me, after you go back today, your Chen family will be wiped out!"

"Really annoying!"

Chen Daotian ignored Lu Haoran's threat at all, and punched Lu Haoran.

Lu Haoran retreated again and again, poof——

A mouthful of blood spurted out.

Chen Daotian smiled and said, "Would the fifth level of martial arts have the nerve to show off?"

With the few moves just now, he has tested Lu Haoran's strength, which is the appearance of the middle stage of the fifth level of martial arts.It wasn't him that everyone was afraid of, but Lu Tianxun who was behind him, who was in the same family as the Lu family.

"Chen Daotian, how dare you!" Lu Haoran bared his teeth.

"Why don't I dare, I'm going to kill you today! Take it out for my Chen family!" Chen Daotian squinted his eyes.

Lu Haoran panicked.

He didn't expect that someone would hate the Lu family so much.

He originally thought that relying on his Lu family status, he could be condescending!
However, he was wrong!

"Yi Mingyue! Zhao Youdao! Jin Shiji... whoever helps me kill this kid, I, the Lu family, will definitely repay you!"

That's all for now.

Hearing this, Yi Mingyue and Zhao Youdao were radiant at the same time.

Not only them, but also the martial arts masters who participated in the auction also had this idea, and stood up one after another.

Seeing this, Lu Haoran relaxed, and added: "The people present, no matter who they are, just help me kill him! I belong to the Lu family, and I will return the same!"

All the warriors stood up.

The current Chen Daotian is like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, and the warriors in the circle are all hunters!

Yi Mingyue was scheming, and said in a deep voice: "Young master of the Lu family, I only have one request... If I kill this kid, why don't your Lu clan compete with me for Hei Mulian?"

Lu Haoran was startled, pondered for a moment, and said loudly:

"it is good!"

Yi Mingyue's eyes froze, and she responded in the same way: "Okay! Today's temporary task, I, Yi Mingyue, will take it!"

All the warriors in the audience were stunned at the same time.

"Of course, any martial artist present can rob me! As long as you have the guts...I, Yi Mingyue, don't care about adding another dead soul."

His voice echoed throughout the venue, "In the past 30 years, my butcher's knife has cut off a total of 910 heads! All of them are above the third level of martial arts! If you are not afraid of death, come and grab it !"


Everyone took a deep breath.

More than 3 people!

A man should kill, and kill without mercy.

Killing one is a crime, and killing one is a hero.

This is talent!

Looking at the world for 5000 years, where can heroes not kill people?
All warriors stopped at the same time.

For a moment, the hall fell into endless silence.

The air became extremely oppressive, making it hard to breathe!
Even Chen Daotian couldn't help showing a bitter face, asking Fang Yu for help, his expression seemed to say, Brother Yu, don't pretend to be so special, save me quickly——

So, Fang Yu's voice sounded at this moment:
"Group fights? Not so good!"

The sound is not loud, but it is enough to spread to every corner.

PS: I'm sorry, it's a little late today~~~ At the same time, I need to say that Yi Mingyue is my friend, and I'm giving him a trick, so he has to pretend.Otherwise it is not interesting enough.

(End of this chapter)

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