Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 204 trespassers, die!

Chapter 204 trespassers, die!
For a moment, everyone looked at Fang Yu.

Who is this person? !

Everyone is full of anticipation for Fang Yu's identity!

How can anyone who dares to challenge him in this situation be a weak one!

"This guy is dead! He dared to speak like that to someone from the Lu family!"

"It's not just him, there's also a God of Killing who is number one on the killer list!"

"I really admire this kid's courage!"

"What's the use? Let's play by ear and kill him. Maybe the Lu family can do us some good."

"Yes, there are so many treasures in the Lu family, so you can send us any one."

"It's fine if you can give me some elixir! A family as powerful as the Lu family is not only born with excellent genes, but it is also said to be a strong medical doctor in alchemy."

"Well, you're right, no matter who he is, if he provokes Lu's family, he will die."


Fang Yu turned a deaf ear to these people's comments.

With a calm expression and watery eyes, he fell on Yi Mingyue who was in the field.

Standing up slowly, arms folded, along the downhill steps, step by step.

More arrogant than Lu Haoran, more defiant than Lu Haoran!
Every movement, look, and step of his exudes arrogance!
This is the arrogance that goes deep into the bone marrow!
Yi Mingyue stared suddenly, and said, "Who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am... What matters is that what I say next will become a turning point in your life."

Fang Yu's speech was very calm, without any emotional fluctuations, "Everyone listen——

"I don't want anyone to meddle in the conflict between Chen Daotian and Lu Haoran, whoever moves will die!"

As soon as this word comes out-

The audience was silent for a moment.

Then laughter broke out.


"This kid is so funny."

"My brain is flooded."

"Crazy, seriously ill."

"Let him pretend, just kill him in a while!"

"That guy named Chen Daotian is very powerful. He can force Lu Haoran back and vomit blood. This kid must have two skills."

"Nonsense, there must be a brush, otherwise would you be so arrogant?"

"Don't be nervous, there are so many of us, are you still afraid of them?"


"Shut up!"

This time it was not Fang Yu who said to shut up, but Yi Mingyue.As the number one killer on the Tianbang list, he hated this noisy environment.

On the contrary, he felt that this Fang Yu was not simple.

So, he didn't move and didn't refute.

If Yi Mingyue doesn't move, the others will follow suit.

Play by ear, watch the wind and move!

Chen Daotian thought that Fang Yu's words had an effect. The people at the table were in a commotion and couldn't hear what they were saying, but he didn't bother to care, so he looked directly at Lu Haoran——

"Lu Haoran, don't be afraid! Let my brother treat you well."

Rubbing his hands together, he moved his finger joints.

quack, quack...

Lu Haoran gritted his teeth, raised his hand to touch his chest, and said in a deep voice: "Could it be that you really want to be enemies with the Lu family? Today, if anyone doesn't save me, I, the Lu family, will definitely not let it go!"

It was tempting with benefits just now.

Now it's a threat.

Chen Daotian snorted coldly, and said, "You are the one I beat up!"

Chen Daotian leaped forward and rushed towards Lu Haoran like a wolf or a tiger.

In the air, he stretched out his huge fist.

Seeing this scene, four men in black robes standing next to the guest seat rushed forward!

Chen Daotian frowned slightly, and couldn't help but asked in surprise: "A member of the dark organization at the peak of the fourth level of martial arts?"

At the same time, there were four people trying to block Chen Daotian, which made his heart beat.It's not that I'm afraid that I can't beat them, but that these people choose to blow themselves up if they don't agree with each other.

at this time--

A cold snort sounded.


Fang Yu moved.

The figure is like the arrow of Li Xuan, and the body is as light as a swallow, leaping in the air.

Everyone looked over.

"It's so fast!"

"What kind of body method is this?"

"Strong inner energy!"

call out!
The whole person came to the side of the four members of the dark organization with lightning speed.Fist waved up.

That punch was not gorgeous at all, not even a little skillful.

Just such an unpretentious punch.

It hit the robed man on the far right.


Hitting one person, with great force, he rammed towards the other three companions.

Plop, plop, plop...

fall to the ground.

At the same time, Chen Daotian's fist also hit Lu Haoran, but he was not affected at all.

Lu Haoran raised his arms to block.

The fist hit Lu Haoran's arms, and immediately flew backwards, with a click——


Arms broken!

Fang Yu stood with his hands behind his back like a leaf falling to the ground.

"Brother Yu, thank you."

Fang Yu smiled without saying a word.

However, the audience fell silent.

Needle drop is audible.

Everyone was stunned.

After a while, someone started talking:
"What a ruthless means!"

"It seems to have the sixth level of martial arts!"

"Who is this person? How can no one know at the sixth level of martial arts?"


Lu Haoran spat out a mouthful of blood, lying on the ground with a look of despair!Both arms are broken!

Let him tear his heart apart!

"You, you dare to hit me..."

"You, you dare to hit me... woo woo woo, woo woo... Mom... Hit me, Dad, someone hit me..."

At the beginning, I was still gnashing my teeth, and then I started to cry.

Cry without image!

What a real mommy!
Usually relying on the identity of Lu's family, he is used to bullying people, and he is not really capable of bullying people. When he met Chen Daotian, he was beaten and cried right away.This is the flower in the greenhouse!A child who does not grow up in the mother's womb.

This scene caused an uproar.

That's it for the young people of the Lu family!


What's even worse is that the four masters of the dark organization all fell to the ground, their ribs were broken, their breathing was weak, they couldn't move at all, and they were seriously injured. I believe that these four people will die soon.

The means of the two of them shocked the whole audience.

Fang Yu was expressionless, and said in a gloomy voice:

"As I said, the tamperer dies."

"Are all my words taken as deaf ears?"

Those who heard this tone trembled all over!
Yi Mingyue couldn't help staring at the two of them!His fists were clenched, his knuckles turned white.He was thinking about whether to go to... Considering the pros and cons.

Zhao Youdao was terrified, trembling all over, looking at the four members of the Zhao family's dark organization... It's over, it's over!It's all over!

Chen Daotian glanced lightly at Lu Haoran who was on the ground, and stepped forward.



The sound of footsteps was crisp.

"Lu Haoran, have you cried enough?"

"Little kid, do you think I'll let you go if you cry like this?"

"Prepare to die."

Hearing these fatal words, Lu Haoran aroused his survival instinct, and he started to crawl backwards, using the strength of his legs to kick the ground desperately.While weeping, he said:

"Mom save me... woo... Mom save me. Whoever saves me, whoever saves me, I, I will give him the Tianyuan Sword Manual..."

Crash!Lu Haoran lowered his head and bit out a cheat book on his chest!
Fall to the ground!

A brown book came into view, with four words written on it——

Tianyuan Sword Manual!

The atmosphere of the whole venue suddenly became tense!
PS: Ask for a ticket.With a sword coming to the west, immortals fly away from the sky.Is it the Tianyuan Sword Manual that is more powerful, or Zhanyu?

(End of this chapter)

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