Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 207 No matter who it is, it must die

Chapter 207 No matter who it is, it must die

Seventh heaven!
Before Jin Shiji came here, he didn't expect that this Fang Yu was actually the seventh heaven of martial arts.

Angry and irritable for a while, he raised his hand and slapped Zhao Youdao's face!

"Zhao Youdao! You bastard harmed me?"

Zhao Youdao was stunned by the fan, covering his hot cheeks, and looked at Jin Shiji blankly.

At this time, Jin Shiji's emotions forcibly eased down, with a smile on his face, facing Fang Yu and Chen Daotian:
"You two... have any conflicts, why can't you sit down and discuss them? Why use force?"

Fang Yu chuckled, finally waiting for Jin Shiji.

"Negotiate? How to negotiate?"

Jin Shiji took a few steps forward.

Immediately, someone on both sides lifted a luxurious chair and placed it behind him.

Slowly sat down, squinted his eyes and said: "There is nothing in this world that cannot be resolved by interests... The hatred between the Fang family and my Jin family has been too long. Since you are here, the old man will ask you, what conditions do you have? Feel free to ask." ..."


"That's right. As long as I, Jin Shiji, can do it, I will agree to it. My condition is very simple. From now on, all the grievances between your Fang family and my Jin family will be cancelled."

Jin Shiji also came up with this idea on the spur of the moment. The seventh level of martial arts is already at the same level as Lu Tianyuan. If this kind of master meets head-on, he will definitely suffer heavy losses. Therefore, he decided to use profit to lure him.

"Brother Yu, don't be fooled, this old fox is trying to lie to you." Chen Daotian whispered.

Fang Yu squinted his eyes and said with a smile:

"Conditions, yes... I just want you to promise me three conditions."

Hearing this, Chen Daotian looked at Fang Yu incredulously, "Brother Yu, you are crazy!"

But Fang Yu ignored Chen Daotian, still smiling.

Jin Shiji laughed, a person who knows current affairs is a gentleman, and he likes to chat with such smart people.

"Very good! Don't say three conditions, even ten are fine."

Fang Yu cleared his throat and said:

"Don't worry, just listen to my conditions before agreeing."

"Go ahead."

Watching the two chatting, the audience was silent, and no one dared to make a sound.

Instead, they are tense, even a little scared.The appearance of Jin Shiji undoubtedly brought a turning point in all this.

In fact, they wished that Jin Shiji would kill Fang Yu himself, and then the Tianyuan sword manual would be theirs.It's a pity... who would have thought that Fang Yu's strength was so terrifying.

At the same time, Fang Yu's voice sounded——

"First condition: I want Hei Mulian."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone frowned.

The lion opened his mouth wide, and asked Hei Mulian directly!
Lu Haoran bid more than one billion for this thing!
Priceless stuff!Just open your mouth!
Everyone's first reaction was that Jin Shiji would not give it!

After frowning and thinking briefly, Jin Shiji said decisively: "Okay! I promise you! Give him Hei Mulian!"

Zhao Youdao, who was standing behind, was dumbfounded at the order.

"Mr. Jin, you can't give this to him!" Zhao Youdao roared.

"Go away! Zhao Youdao, when is it your turn to intervene in my Jin family's affairs?" Jin Shiji stared suddenly.

Jin Shiji waved his hand, and the person next to him walked towards the top of the stage, took off the brocade box, and returned with it in his hands.

Slowly coming to Fang Yu, he handed the brocade box to Fang Yu with some reluctance.

Fang Yu smiled slightly, opened the brocade box, and smelled it.

The scent was tangy, and the inner energy all over his body was like a restless sea wave, rolling around, and soon returned to calm.

This is real!

"The second condition is that 50% of the Jin family's property should be handed over to the Ye family."


Everyone's eyes widened.

This time, it was more than the first condition!

The muscles on Jin Shiji's face began to tremble.

Eyelids are beating uncontrollably.

This is anger burning.

After pondering for a moment, Jin Shiji replied: "I need to discuss this matter with the tribe, and I will give you an answer within a day. 50% of the property cannot be decided by me alone. What do you think?"

Fang Yu nodded, spread his hands together, and said, "That's true."

"Tell me your third condition."

"My third condition is much simpler than the second one. I believe you are willing and will find it a good deal..." Fang Yu's voice became louder and louder, "I want Jin Zeyan, Jin Ketian, Jin Shifeng , the heads of Jin Ruyue and the others! As for you, cut off your limbs and immerse them in a large vat."



This man is absolutely insane.

Only Chen Daotian suddenly realized that he never thought about negotiating with Jin Shiji about his feelings.And he suddenly felt that Jin Shiji was so stupid that Hei Mulian was lost in this change of hands.

At this point, Jin Shiji broke out completely.

His face was ugly and he was twitching constantly!
"Are you kidding me?" Jin Shiji's eyes burst into anger.

"Oh, I'm just kidding you, what's wrong?"

Fang Yu packed the brocade box and said calmly, "Anyone from the Jin family who comes here today must die!"


The air froze suddenly!

Jin Shiji twisted his heart, bared his teeth and said: "Okay... as an old man, you really have no way to hold the seventh-level heavenly warrior? Listen, all the warriors of the Jin family, kill this person at all costs. The dead and wounded, the generations of the Jin family Enshrine it, and the family members will enjoy the highest treatment for generations!"

The atmosphere is getting tense!
Swish swish!
People in white warrior costumes all surrounded him.

The miscellaneous warriors sitting on the seats backed away in fright.

Compared with the "regular army", they are too weak.

These families do not mean how strong they are alone, but because they are organized, have a common goal, and have a common leadership and will!

"Brother Yu, I'll come first!"

Chen Daotian gritted his teeth, "I can't hold back my fist for a long time!"

A volley jump, the elbow is pressed down, and the body is thrown sideways.

The targets were the five warriors closest to Fang Yu.

Zhao Youdao shouted immediately: "This man is at the sixth level of martial arts, so don't be careless!"

Hearing this, Jin Shiji directly ordered: "Explode yourself!"

This is the horror of will.

"Block it! Together... three, two, one—" The five fighters also knew that if they didn't try their best, they would surely die.

In this case, there is only self-destruct!
Chen Daotian pressed down, saw that they were about to explode, and shouted: "What the hell, it's the king bomb at the beginning!"

Chen Daotian flew out backwards.


A mouthful of blood spurted out.

Four of these five fighters are actually close to the fifth level realm, and one is the standard fifth level.The combined power of self-destruction is comparable to the sixth level of martial arts.

Plop, Chen Daotian fell to the ground with a disheveled face, wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said, "So cruel...Brother Yu, you really have no conscience, just watching me being bullied..."

Fang Yu rolled his eyes and said: "I told you earlier, the dead servants of the Jin family are not afraid of death, you can do it yourself. Dodge while hiding, and when it's over, I will heal your injuries."

"Fuck! Deadpool!"

Everyone's pupils shrank.

This is the Jin Family Deadpool! ?

The hidden dragon guards of the Ye family, the dark organization of the Zhao family, and the Jin family's training are actually Deadpool!
No wonder he blew himself up without even frowning!

At this moment, Lu Haoran in the corner slipped out from the only passage.

"Brother Yu, I leave this to you!" Chen Daotian stared at Lu Haoran the whole time.


Fang Yu winked at him, "Don't be brave!"

After finishing speaking, Chen Daotian quickly walked towards the back, jumped onto the window, smashed the glass with a bang, and jumped out.

Fang Yu glanced at him: "If you don't want to die, you'd better not move!"

This sentence made those warriors who wanted to escape face ashamed.

Immediately afterwards, Fang Yu looked at Jin Shiji and said with a smile:

"Jin Shiji, you're really willing... It's a lot of money to train a dead servant of the Jin family, right?"

Jin Shiji snorted coldly and said:

"It's good that you know! It's too late to regret it now. Today, I, Jin Shiji, will take your life at all costs." This is Jin Shiji's weight in the face of the seventh-level warriors!

Fang Yu sneered and said:

"Unfortunately... I'm not... Seventh Heaven!"

Datura flowers appear!

PS: There is one more chapter.We are coding!

(End of this chapter)

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