Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 208 Blood-stained Demeanor

Chapter 208 Blood-stained Demeanor
what is that?
All eyes were on the long and narrow sword in Fang Yu's hand.

The rapier was star-studded, shining with a cold light.




As always, tilt at 45 degrees and press down.

His eyes are deep and cold.

"What a powerful inner strength!"

"When the internal strength reaches a certain level, the weapon will tremble sharply..."

"Could it be...Eight Heavens?"

The world is big, full of wonders.

The world only knows that Lu Tianyuan eight years ago had the highest known martial arts strength.Eight years have passed, and it may have broken through to Yae.However, no one has seen Kunou.

So far, no one has broken this law.

Some people also say that when they reach Jiuzhong, it is another realm. In order to seek a breakthrough, these people no longer participate in the ordinary world of mortal world.They have long since broken the limit of human lifespan, as well as various human rules.


So far, no one has seen what Jiuchongtian looks like.

There are different opinions, and what you see is always a minority, but the minority obeys the majority.So everyone thinks that there is no so-called Nine Heavens in this world!

Fang Yu and the sword in his hand created this illusion!

Eight Heavens?Nine Heavens?
Jin Shiji's eyes widened, and his whole body couldn't stop shaking!He regrets it!I regret that I promised Zhao Youdao to set up a trap, and I regret coming here!I regret everything I did today!
It's hard to get off!

"Fang Yu! I promise you! Sell 50% of the property!"

"I promise you, deal with those four Jin family members! I promise you all!"

He was getting scared.

Unable to restrain himself, he took a step back.


Fang Yu's face was expressionless, and his tone was indifferent:
"Sorry, it's late."



The shaking of the sword body accelerated.

"Don't...don't stand still, go! Either he will die, or you will die!"

Zhao Youdao has completely given up, only jade and stone will be destroyed!His eyes are already bloodshot!
He even didn't expect that Fang Yu had reached this level!
The eighth level of martial arts!

Like an emperor!

Members of the dark organization hesitated.

Those dead servants of the Jin family, who are not afraid of death, also showed a look of horror!
If you don't do it now, when will it be!

"Come on!" one said in a low voice.

Swish swish!
In an instant, five dead waiters came with swords!

Fang Yu's eyes turned cold, his wrist turned 180 degrees upward, and he moved——

"Zhan Yu, the first sword, the snow is falling!"

Walking on the ground, his figure is like a shadow.

The sword light scattered like snowflakes.


Chi Chi, Chi Chi!
The sword light disappeared.

Fang Yu's figure stopped behind the five of them.

puff, puff...

Five people were truncated by lazy waist!

In the seats, the low-level fighters who saw this bloody scene couldn't accept the huge visual impact, and roared——

"No, don't...I don't want to stay here...I want to get out! I want to get out! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh—"

Driven crazy!
A lunatic, with no intelligence at all, running around in the venue with nowhere to escape.

Seeing five deadpools fall down instantly.

Jin Shiji knew that he couldn't be given another chance——

"Listen everyone! He has the eighth level of martial arts!"

"If you want to die, just stay there!"

"Those who don't want to die, let the old man move!"


"Either you die or I die!"

All the warriors of the dark organization rushed towards them.

The remaining 25 Deadpools stabbed Fang Yu as well.

Of the other warriors sitting on the seats, only a small part rushed forward, while the remaining half turned around and ran away.

Joke, who will die?Running up to self-destruct is also death!Why not try to break the door!

boom!Those warriors rushed out.

Fang Yu paid no attention to the warriors who escaped, and swept everyone indifferently.

"Zhan Yu, the seventh sword, Jinghong!"

Toes lightly.

The figure is like electricity, rushing into the air, reaching the ceiling.

Chi Chi Chi Chi-

Wherever he went, the sword light flickered!

Wherever the sword light crosses, a blood mist will appear!
The warriors in the air were cut off one by one!
That sword light, like a glimpse in the distance, left and right, up and down!


Seeing this scene, Jin Shiji's sunken eyeballs bulged out!
"how can that be?!"

Zhao Youdao, who was also deeply shocked, could no longer support his will that was about to collapse, so he sat down paralyzed with a plop.

He suddenly felt uncomfortable breathing, he couldn't breathe... When he raised his hand to touch it, blood flowed out of his ear.

Fear reaches the soul!

Jin Shiji originally had black hair, but at this moment, his head was full of silver and white hair!

The wrinkles on the face have aged a bit!

If you had to ask him to describe the scene in front of him——

It was a little game his great-grandson played on his tablet: Fruit Ninja.

Those warriors are like cut fruits.

Wherever the cold light reaches, everything is cut off!
Blood rained down.

The whole venue was filled with the smell of blood!

Puff, Outong...

Corpses fell to the ground one after another.

Fang Yu raised his hand to the sky.

Shocked with a sword, he fell from the sky.

The last sword pierced directly through the head of a dead waiter.

The sword light disappeared.

"Reaper" changed back into a mandala, echoing on Fang Yu's chest.

All returned to calm.

If you observe carefully, you can see that Fang Yu is always moving around him.

Where he stood, a circle with a diameter of about five meters had formed.


Inside the circle, there is no bloodstain!
Not a drop.

Cut the rain!

Can cut through a downpour.

Speed ​​is the most terrifying part of Zhan Yu.

Similarly, Fang Yu's body was spotless.

The blood stained the surroundings red, but couldn't move half an inch forward!

The style remains.

Fang Yu stood with his hands behind his back, his eyes indifferent.

Finally used Zhan Yu's seventh sword!
This is the first time he tried to use the seventh sword after breaking through the fifth heaven!

Before that, he had tried it many times, and every time he used it, it was not satisfactory.

This time, facing many warriors rushing like wolves like tigers, Fang Yu made an impromptu decision and used Zhan Yu's seventh sword "Jinghong".

The effect is surprisingly good.

same as before.

No matter how bloody the smell is, it can't shake Fang Yu's mind at all.

"I said that no matter who comes from the Jin family, they must die."

Jin Shiji's body kept shaking!

Zhao Youdao's face was ashen, and he was so desperate that his seven holes were bleeding!Breathing became more and more rapid.

The Zhao family is over, everything in the Zhao family is gone...

At that moment, Zhao Youdao seemed to see countless innocent souls rushing towards him.

"Don't...don't come here! Don't come here...I was wrong, I shouldn't kill you, I was wrong..."

"Fang Jintian, Fang Shirong, don't come here...Fang Chen...Fang Yuan...Fang Zhi, don't come here...and you! Don't come here, ah! Ahh——" Zhao Youdao's eyes were bleeding, and he kept waving left and right .

Finally, he broke down.

Grab the butcher knife next to it and pull it horizontally.

He tilted his head and lost his breath.

Fang Yu didn't care at all, and his eyes fell on Jin Shiji: "Zhao Youdao has gone to make atonement... Do you remember the names he just uttered?"

Jin Shiji couldn't help shaking his head.

Tears suddenly flowed from both eyes!

All struggles are nothing but floating clouds in front of absolute power.

Fang Yu's voice sounded: "There are 130 people in the Fang family... from the old man who is an octogenarian to the child who has just been born on the full moon. Do you really not remember?"

"Five people exchange 130 and two lives! Do you still think my three conditions are too much?"

The voice lowered and became gloomy: "Pass! Points!?!"

PS: I want to say something, it's not that the protagonist is too murderous.These people deserve what they deserve.In the cycle of karma, how many of them did the protagonist kill?

In addition, didn't Yi Mingyue, who was number one on the list, die in front of him?This guy went to get a box lunch, and asked me for my salary. I thought about it and recommended his new book "The Dream System of the Ultimate Genius Doctor" (a book that pretends to be a face-slapping book from beginning to end, if you are interested, you can read it).

(End of this chapter)

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