Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 217 Clearing the Portal

Chapter 217 Clearing the Portal
Elder Chen glanced at Fang Yu, didn't recognize him at all, turned around and left without saying anything.

A dozen or so other Chen family members immediately gathered around, as if they were afraid that Fang Yu and Chen Daotian would escape.

As for Chen Xia and the others, they were so beaten that they couldn't move, and they walked back with the help of others.

Not long after, they came to the center of the village, in a site with high-rise buildings.

It's like a football field with an extra podium, surrounded by lion statues, huge and majestic.

The surrounding area is already full of people.

On the fringes, all kinds of luxury cars are parked.

Handsome men and beautiful women.

Without exception, they are all surnamed Chen!
When Elder Chen brought Fang Yu and Chen Daotian to appear in the sight of everyone——

The Chen family couldn't help but part ways.

"Didn't Elder Chen go out to do some errands? Why did you come back so soon?"

"Who is that person behind? Looks familiar...Chen Daotian?"

"So fast! I just said that I would send someone out to find Chen Daotian, and now I found it? This..."

On both sides, there are voices of discussion one after another.

Behind Elder Chen, more than a dozen people surrounded Fang Yu and Chen Daotian all the time.

Chen Daotian walked up to Fang Yu, and said in a low voice, "This is the law enforcement field... Usually, when the Chen family discusses matters and decides on some major issues, it will be held here. For example, the election of a new village chief, and the punishment of those who have made serious mistakes... "

"What if it rains?" Fang Yu asked.

"Uh...Brother Yu, can we stop being arguing? I'm so nervous, this is a wolf's den, all of them are martial arts masters..." Chen Daotian said with blank eyes.

"You are still nervous when you go back to your own home, look at your prospects."


There were a lot of people around, and they all pointed and pointed at him. Even though Chen Daotian broke through the sixth level of martial arts, he still couldn't let it go.

Fang Yu could also see that the shadow cast by this place was too great.

In the blink of an eye, he came to the center of the law enforcement field.

The surrounding Chen family gathered around.

It was only now that Fang Yu and Chen Daotian saw that on the presiding stage, the white-haired Chen Qingze was sitting on the grand teacher's chair, with an ugly expression on his face.

"Village chief, what a coincidence today, I met Chen Daotian just as I left the village entrance!" Elder Chen bowed.

Chen Qingze's eyes widened suddenly, his tiger eyes were piercing, and he fell into the law enforcement field.

It took only one glance to recognize Chen Daotian.

At the same time, Fang Yu who was standing beside him was completely ignored.

"Chen Daotian! You dare to come back!?"

Before Chen Daotian could answer, Elder Chen said, "The five-yearly sacrifice ceremony is about to begin. This kid kept saying five years ago that he would visit his father's grave, but he dared to come back!"

Only then did Fang Yu understand why Chen Daotian was so eager to reach the top of the combat power list within a month... This is to get the Chen family's recognition!
The words Chen Daotian resounded throughout the law enforcement field.

"Is it Chen Daotian?"

"This kid disappeared five years ago, why did he suddenly appear?"

"Yesterday, someone from the Lu family came and said that they want us to hand over Chen Daotian."

"No wonder... I heard that the Jin family fell overnight, and it had a lot to do with Chen Daotian."

"No, he has this ability?"


Chen Daotian and Fang Yu turned a deaf ear to these discussions.

"Why didn't I dare?" Chen Daotian looked up at Chen Qingze, the head of the village, without any fear.

Chen Qingze snorted coldly.

After looking around, he said, "Where are the four elders of the Chen family?"

Swish swish.

From the side of the high platform, four people walked out.

Uniform black warrior robes.

They are all around 50 years old.

Chen Daotian tilted his head and said in a low voice: "Brother Yu, these are the four elders of the Chen family, all of whom are at the peak of the fifth level of martial arts."

"It's amazing." Fang Yu praised.


Chen Qingze on the stage stood up slowly, looking like a fairy.Walking to the edge of the high platform, condescending, asked:
"Chen Daotian, let me ask you, did you do what happened to the Jin family?"

Chen Daotian said confidently:

"I did it, what's wrong?"

Hearing this, Chen Qingze was so angry that he blew his beard and stared, and shouted: "Be courageous! Tell me, who is behind you? With your strength alone, how could you possibly touch the Jin family?"

Before Chen Daotian could reply, Fang Yu said loudly:
"Behind him is me."



Everyone stared at Fang Yu intently.

Who is this person?

There was a lot of discussion for a while.

Chen Qingze asked with sharp eyes: "Who are you?"

Fang Yu took a step forward and said, "I'm Chen Daotian's brother... that's fine, stop rambling. Let's get straight to the point." As he spoke, he gave Chen Daotian a wink.

Chen Daotian nodded, and said loudly:
"Chen Qingze... You promised me that as long as I enter the top five in the combat power list, you will let me enter the Chen family cemetery. Is it time to fulfill this promise today?"


An elder Chen who stood at the front scolded, "You also called the village chief by his name?"

Chen Daotian frowned slightly and said:

"It's so funny, you don't regard me as the Chen family, but use the standards of the Chen family to ask me...Are you stupid or stupid?"


The elder stared angrily, and didn't bother to reason with Chen Daotian, turned around and cupped his hands and said, "Village chief, the Lu clan wants him, and it's useless to keep this kind of scum, so leave it to the Lu clan, so as not to get angry."

"I agree with the elder's opinion!"

"I also agree, this son can't stay!"

The four elders all bowed and agreed.

At the same time, the people around began to point fingers at Chen Daotian.

"Scum! After so many years, I still don't want to make progress! What's so great about relying on others to win the top five in the combat power list!"

"Let's hand him over to Mrs. Lu as soon as possible. This scum has implicated us. It's really abominable!"

"Yes! Village chief, we strongly demand that he be tied up and handed over to the Lu family!"

"I support!"

If a small group of people instigate it, then more people will follow.

All of a sudden, the entire Chen family in the law enforcement field raised their fists and waved them.

At the same time shouted:

"Take him!"

"Take him!"

"Take him!"

The sound shook the sky, and one wave overwhelmed the other.

Looking at the faces of "my family" in the past, Chen Daotian couldn't help laughing at himself, and said, "Brother Yu, I'm letting you see a joke."

"It's nothing funny. Since you're back, you're mentally prepared to face any situation." Fang Yu said lightly.

Chen Daotian nodded, and the trace of concern in his heart disappeared in an instant, and his eyes became clear——

Since it doesn't make sense.

Then let's solve it by force!

Looking around, he finally set his eyes on Chen Qingze and said:

"You want to take me down! It depends on whether you have the ability!"

The Great Elder couldn't bear it long ago, and shouted: "Little bastard, relying on the joint efforts of others, rushed to the top five in the combat power list, and thought I would be afraid of you? Today, in this law enforcement field, clean up the door!"

"Clear the portal!"

"Clear the portal!"

"Clear the portal!"

The surrounding shouts one after another!

PS: There is another chapter, in the codeword.

(End of this chapter)

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